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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. There has been a recurring problem with some live shows I've done that I am unable to replicate myself. I have this Resident Audio soundcard that I've been running sequenced tracks as well as automated effects through, and a couple soundguys have mentioned that the Left and Right channels are severely unbalanced. To fix this they've just boosted whichever side was quieter, obviously. But any time I plug it in to my own soundboard, or use headphones, the stereo signal is perfectly balanced. There are only two soundguys who have mentioned it specifically, and the shows were back to back. I've since mentioned the problem to other soundguys at subsequent shows, under the assumption that it would continue to be a problem, but in retrospect I don't think any of them confirmed that they were had the same issue. It was perhaps more of an "okay, whatever you say weirdo performer, I have no idea what you're on about"/ignore situation. Does anyone here have any idea what might lead to such a problem arising? (the unbalanced stereo thing that I'm unable to replicate myself.) The file I'm using to troubleshoot it is the same one I use when performing live. Is there something about multiple other PAs elsewhere that would likely cause that problem? Only thing I can think of is that one DI box had "pad" on and the other didn't each time, but the two soundguys that mentioned the problem didn't strike me as idiots.... and I'm pretty sure I checked that too.
  2. Went looking for a free download of an album I just heard about, which lead me to the 4chan/mu archives, which lead me to actually reading a few of the threads there, which lead to what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-people!! It's like an entire forum of only the worst youtube comments. Jesus. Hope this piracy was worth it.
  3. I don't look like a serial killer in my new passport photo!
  4. Is it when it loops? Sometimes when you throw in an mp3 it will add it a space at the beginning and end so it won't loop at a zero crossing. It's all wav files. I've tried adding small fades, consolidating various cross faded versions. Nothing helps. Fortunately if I export a wav of the whole song it doesn't include the ticks (which I discovered after my initial post). But it makes the mixing process maddening as hell. Every time i hear that tick sound I go into a blind rage. It's quite counterproductive.
  5. Random inexplicable ticks appearing on different tracks in the Ableton file I'm mixing. Why??? So irritating. This shit makes me want to murder. I am screaming on the inside.
  6. I wanted to be the first post on page 666 but cwm beat me to it.
  7. Well, okay I'm not going to argue that Slayer never went stale. I did really enjoy Christ Illusion and World Painted Blood though. But like SY they revolutionized a certain style of music and stuck with it for a few decades without ever straying from that path. Neither band has ever surprised me, nor have they disappointed.
  8. I just went through their entire discography, with a few extra listens to various albums. There's no one Sonic Youth album that is great the whole way through, but there's something worthwhile on all of them. It's a shame Lee Ranaldo didn't sing on more songs. His are always highlights. Thurston and Kim's voices grate on me after a while, especially Kim's more tuneless moments.... of which there are many. I love Sonic Youth mainly for their unique approach to the guitar, though I think my favorite album of theirs is Rather Ripped --it's the only Sonic Youth album where if you stripped away everything else you'd still have a collection of good songs. But I do think their older material would be a lot more interesting in a live context. Too bad they never had engineers/producers that could really capture that at the time. It's remarkable that they continued to release music for so long without ever sounding stale. There was never a moment in their career that really paled in comparison to what they had done earlier. It was all pretty consistent. They were sort of like the Slayer of indie music.
  9. Nooooooooooooooo! ....was it a suicide?
  10. My cracked program stopped acknowledging that it had been successfully cracked. (...and I'm too poor to afford legitimate copies of the softwares I use.) Everything is sketchy and today is rotting away into bullshit.
  11. Oh yeah? I'm curious to read that interview. Perhaps it was his guitar that got the shitty engineering treatment. The other guitar and other instruments are unaffected as far as I noticed. But since they're such a guitar driven band, it's hard for me to ignore. I really want to enjoy this album as much as everyone else does. But it's like I've got a slice of pizza from my favorite joint, and it's covered in sand. I can't eat that.
  12. First I listened to it after ripping it from CD to 320 kbps mp3s, on my phone. Thought perhaps there was either a translation problem in the conversion somewhere (never been a problem before), or there was something fucked up happening with the settings on my player. But then I played the CD on my computer and the crackling was still present all over the place. It's on almost every track, but usually just on one of the guitars. It's not a clipping distortion thing -that wouldn't bug me- but an actual crackle, completely unmusical. It's the sort of thing that often occurs on albums that are mastered way too loud, like Metallica - Death Magnetic, but Daydream Nation is not a loud album. I think whoever was engineering the guitar session just fucked up and either no one noticed or cared... though for a $40,000 production you'd think someone might care. It's weird that the crackle issue doesn't tend to come up in discussions of the album, because it's definitely present all over the version I have. One guy did mention the crackle on the intro track being present on every version he had heard. I swear this isn't some subtle thing though.
  13. Posted this in the Stupid FWP thread, but it should really go here. Help me: People hail Daydream Nation as Sonic Youth's masterpiece, but there's this terrible crackle all over the guitar tracks and intro song that ruin the whole thing for me. Like I can't even appreciate the music because my ear is constantly drawn to these crackling sounds that shouldn't be there. The album sounds like one big mistake to me. Are there any versions out there that don't have the horrible crackle, or was it just that badly recorded? I'm hoping it was a mastering issue on this particular pressing, and that there is a clean version out there... though since the crackle is present at notably quiet points in the album, I'm thinking this is not the case. No other Sonic Youth albums have this problem (going through the discography now).
  14. People hail Daydream Nation as Sonic Youth's masterpiece, but there's this terrible crackle all over the guitar tracks and intro song that ruin the whole thing for me. Like I can't even appreciate the music because my ear is constantly drawn to these crackling sounds that shouldn't be there. The album sounds like one big mistake to me. Are there any versions out there that don't have the horrible crackle, or was it just that badly recorded? I'm hoping it was a mastering issue on this particular pressing, and that there is a clean version out there... though since the crackle is present at notably quiet points in the album, I'm thinking this is not the case. No other Sonic Youth albums have this problem (going through the discography now). Guess I should post this in one of the Sonic Youth threads if I want answers. I'd be upset about this in a second or third world country too.
  15. Shit Squee... hope things start looking up soon. 25 minutes ago I turned on the oven to enjoy delicious burritos. 5 minutes ago I opened the oven to enjoy delicious burritos. OVEN IS EMPTY. Burritos are still on the counter. WHY GOD WHY??
  16. FWP: got randomly shoved by a stranger after Canada Day fireworks. It's my first experience with unexpected physical violence on my person. The dude was in the middle of the street picking fights with cars. Someone on my side of the sidewalk said something directed at him. He decided that someone was me, wandered over and gave me a hard shove, acting like he wanted a fight. I just continued walking and several other people intervened, including a guy twice his size. I think he actually looking to be beaten up. It was a self-destructive thing. Apparently he was shouting taunts at the big guy for a while, saying he'd like to fuck his GF and things of that nature (my friends filled me in). Oddly I didn't feel shaken up at all afterwards... though it seemed like everyone expected I would be. I just accept that angry violent dudes are gonna be angry violent dudes, and if I weren't walking there someone else would have taken the hit. There was nothing personal there. It was a shove, not a punch, so not a huge deal for me. If I were walking somewhere by myself and a random stranger attacked me it would be another story. Moral of the story: always wait an hour before leaving your friends' apartment to head home after the fireworks.
  17. I was told I should use whatever instruments I wanted to so the last demo I made was made on my piano and then I added some cello and a pretty deep bassline that plays along the cello. It turned out pretty good but I'm not sure anyone would say that it's in the same style as the track in the video. Eh, you probably know better than they do what they want. As long as the instrumentation's kind of similar they'll be happy, most likely.
  18. lol shit! I'm going to need more to go off of here. Can you post the sample song?
  19. I'd be surprised if in all my years of songwriting/track making I didn't once inadvertently rewrite something I had heard previously. It just seems like something that's inevitable if you do something enough.
  20. alcohol That seems to be the most popular solution.
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