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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. For the life of me I can never remember how to view the stats on how many posts per user there are within a thread. It's something really obvious too. New FWP: I have that awful "for the life of me" song in my head now.
  2. Disposal? More like disposlol --my sinks will never be that technologically advanced. But it's okay because I discovered the source of stench was actually a hidden can of rotting tuna in my fridge... and some other horrible unmentionables growing in there. Whoops.
  3. Draino is not good for your pipes. May I suggest a natural solution? Is it yogurt?
  4. lol. That's like every time I buy coke. FWP: there's a mysterious disgusting smell that appears and disappears at random in my kitchen. It's like my sink gets gas or something. I'm going to pour draino down its filthy hole and see if that helps any.
  5. http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/undeniable-proof-that-the-walking-dead-and-toy-story-have-th
  6. Yeah, but think about all that keyboard oil! Oily keyboards are hard to come by these days. Also, that last sentence is my current FWP. But my real FWP is that I only just started my Squarepusher remix and the deadline's fast approaching.
  7. Just posting here so i get notified when this thread gets updated. I likes me some interviews.
  8. Has your typing accuracy improved accordingly? I was carrying my cat around on my shoulders yesterday, as i do, and he stuck a claw into a spot just above the right side of my lip, as he does. Later on yesterday a weird blister appeared on the lip itself, a little bit below the claw mark. I feel like he's responsible. Either that or it's a shitty coincidence. Luckily I have a good deal of mustache that's covering up my recent disfigurements, sort of. Actually i don't care about that aspect of it, but the sensation of pressure on my lip from the blister is annoying.
  9. The Indian food I had tonight wasn't that good but very expensive. And the goddamn milkshake was warm. Maybe that's just how it's done in India, but it still came as an unpleasant surprise.
  10. The Tool cover band I saw last night really needs a new vocalist and possibly a click track. Guitarist did a good job though.
  11. Cheers! It was possibly the most fun I've had performing anything. Well hopefully one of these days I'll play at a noise fest somewhere near you. I'd love to pack up all my gear in a backpack and travel through the states playing shows. It's almost impossible to do with a band, but I can probably get away with it as a one man act that can be discreet about his gear at the border.
  12. It was at a house party in Cook St. village, and the act that played before me was pretty much just what you described --two guys with an array of FX pedals, a drummer, and a bassist. They were awesome. I'll let you know when there's another one of these shindigs. There's a guy who has them at his house every few months, and he's going to get me to play at his next one (different house).
  13. Nicely done, man. You feel like running down the gear you used? Thanks! The source sound that starts the set is playing through my Zoom recorder (it's a sample of a paul stretched chainsaw, at first), which is running through a series of effects pedals as well as a ham radio that I have functioning as a PA at the beginning (it's going through a stereo chorus pedal so I have control of how wide the sound is, among other things). Later on I use the ham radio for its other features. The effects that the Zoom and later the mic are using are: 3 distortions (Thrash Master, Zvex, and some weird coffin shaped one that I borrowed off a friend last minute), a Boss phaser, the Holy Stain which I'm using as a pitch modulator (it also functions for reverb and tremello, but not this time) and a Line 6 D4 multi delay. The ham radio's going through a Line6 Space Chorus (just found out that was line 6 now after looking it up!) and a Boss tremello. Other than that, I've got a cheap mic with an on/off switch, a peanut butter jar filled with rocks (that shatters later in the set), and... I think that's it. I brought a monotron mini synthesizer that I neglected to take out of my backpack, so it never made its way into the performance. Oh yeah, and beer. I was playing the beers earlier.
  14. Last month I performed my own noise music live for the first time, and here is the resulting footage: watmm's very own Goiter Sanchez provided half the audio on his Zoom recorder, which I mixed in with the smart phone audio. It sounds pretty good. Unfortunately I couldn't get the video quality to match up with the original after the new audio was added, but I'm through trying to figure that out. The file's twice the size and half the quality. Go figure.
  15. That would be a hard album to top. The tags I added to my latest (and only) youtube upload don't appear to have any bearing on search results. I'm pretty sure it just goes by a video's title, and the tags are meaningless. Anyone else noticed this?
  16. I'm having a hell of a time pirating the new Justin Timberlake album.
  17. Gah! I mentioned applying for a part time job at the bottle depot to a girl who worked there, who was drinking at the same house I was, and I swear she told me to put her name down as a reference no less than 20 times. (I mean she told me that ~20 times, not to put her name down 20 times as reference... that would be bizzaaarrre.) And each one of those times she brought it up she also went on about how understanding the managers were about giving you time off so long as you give them two weeks notice + how much they adored her + "don't fuck up if you do work there or I'll tell my boyfriend". I swear some kind of switch went off in her brain and she was stuck in a sort of verbal loop, which I in turn had to endure form a couple hours. I don't think I'm going to apply there any more.
  18. FWP #1: I ate a big mac. FWP #2: I'm posting here because I'm drunk and alone and it's 4:44AM. I feel like my avatar looks.
  19. You could dip the coffee beans in chocolate and put them in the fridge for an hour or so. Also, you definitely CAN eat coffee beans. I've done that before. Chocolate covered coffee beans are AWESOME! agreed. super delicious. Coffee beans, yes. But just crunching up coffee grinds probably isn't going to be a pleasant experience regardless of how good they smell. This is mostly intuition on my part though, maybe it would be totally awesome. I imagine it being somewhat like chewing sawdust.
  20. My cat's got piss chrystals, and I owe $150 for my share of the vet bill. He seems content as usual though, no obvious distress. The gf not so much.
  21. The grinds of this flavoured coffee I bought half an hour ago smell so delicious that I want to eat them by the handful. But I won't, because I thought the same thing about brightly coloured play dough when I was four and the reality was no where near as delightful as the fantasy. Tasted like rancid salt.
  22. Google took over my smart phone when I needed to fix it in order to make my computer re-recognize it. I fixed it at the cost of its soul apparently. (now it's recognized as a "google device". Fucked up.)
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