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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. The Au14 chord progression is strangely poppy. I don't think I'd ever honed in on that aspect during previous listens. It put the track in a new light. That's one thing I appreciate about Ae's newer material - the nature of the music changes depending on where you focus. Same thing can apply to their older material too, but more so from Oversteps onward (for me, at least). Not that Oversteps is new, by any means (though it really could have been released any time between then and now and not sound dated/like anything else).
  2. Just... why would he ever think it was a good idea to post that? How did he think that was going to go well for him? And... just such a banal thought to share with the world. His mind must have really cracked.
  3. Oh yeah, I never actually thought it was Covid. But I was hanging with someone who'd been hanging with someone who tested positive, so well within the realm of possibility. I too had a weird recurring throat thing for parts or 20/21. Very odd. This one seemed different.
  4. It's like you're being punished for not having symptoms. I guess I do see the logic though. Lame.
  5. https://themunicipality.bandcamp.com/track/retrovertigo
  6. "if anyone had walked into his office... did excrement in his uhh... uhhh... uhhh... known as uhh waste paper baskets.... or had written lewd words on his uhhh pictures of his family... WE... as members of his college... ... ... I don't know what the hell to do."
  7. i feel like the raging alcoholic + real asshole aspect is part of what that trucker may have admired about him. Me, I just admire the pee pee poo poo aspect of today's society. Finally a world I can thrive in.
  8. the hell, this is totally backwards! What's the reasoning here? I just tested negative a second time. My symptoms were: mild congestion day one, sore throat day 2, sore throat plus very brief and mild cough day 3, and now back to sore throat which has subsided for the time being. While this is all very mild, it is the most persistent cold I've had since masking up became a thing.
  9. that bumper sticker has become an important part of my identity.
  10. Amazing footage. I just hate how so many of these archival sites stamp a huge logo on top of it + a bit black title with the archive name on the top, rendering it unusable for anything. So much music vid potential, lost... like tears in the rain.
  11. Sorry guys, I felt his feels on Wait for Me. I get it. It's just so clean, with a total absence of anything weird/uncomfortable. You wouldn't get it.
  12. It turns out microwaved fries are terrible even when they are derived from the best poutine I've ever had. I thought this would be different somehow.
  13. Had the best poutine of my life yesterday, although purists would cringe. Some of you may remember me raving about the shawarma wrap from the Bold Butchery. This is basically that but in poutine form. Holy shitdicks it's good. Got leftovers in my fridge I'm about to nuke.
  14. The album Wait for Me, 2009. Observation I had while listening and chatting with her: "I like the way Moby tends to put one central sound mostly left, and another central sound mostly right, then builds the rest of the mix with that sort of method too. It's oddly unique to him, even though it seems like a pretty obvious thing." He does this on every single track, and it's really effective. (Still got 5 to go)
  15. Finally listening to a Moby album because a woman I'm dating is really into it and... I really like it. Does this mean I've lost my IDM cred?
  16. I'm working, but often getting home at 2:30am, and then unwinding after that. I can work p much any time I feel like working. Set my own schedule... but never in advance.
  17. Hmmm, I tested negative too but have had a sore throat past two days, and was told the tests often get false negatives for 3-7 days after transmission... which is actually pretty useless hahaha. I was half hoping I'd get a positive so that I'd have a conclusive answer.
  18. I'm really noticing the lack of a shocked emoji on here. All my shock here gets replaced by a like, which doesn't exactly convey shock. Also, missed a karaoke party thing last night and a friend's memorial today because I have a sore throat, which I can not conclusively rule out as not-covid. The self-test kits (only ones available now, apparently) frequently get false negatives, and are most effective 3-7 days after transmission (!!!). So... yeah, would be completely irresponsible to sit in a room full of people for an extended period, expelling my cold spores into the breathing air. Still working though, since contact is pretty minimal/brief, there's no cough... and I can't afford to just not work for a week every time I get a mild cold.
  19. Reason I got it was because I was hanging out with someone who was cutting the hair of a woman who tested positive the following day. It was a total fluke the woman got tested, because she was asymptomatic, with no reason to believe she'd caught it. But she also happened to be a nurse, and knew she was going to be boarding a plane in a few days. I imagine it was quite the shock for her. Are false positives a thing?
  20. My covid rapid test was negative. The result I mean. The experience was positive. Well, positive may be overselling it. Fuk u.
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