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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. The hardest part of making a perfect cup of coffee has always been getting the blend of cream to banana pepper ratio just right.
  2. Good to know nothing's changed. Healthcare guy would maybe have a hand missing, but other than that it's pretty apt.
  3. I forgot just how long Daft Punk's debut album was. It's great, but I thought I must be nearing the end only to find I'm a little over halfway through. I recall there were a lot of really long albums being released mid-late 90's... like twice the length that most artists aim for now, Autechre notwithstanding.
  4. trying to post a video clip on instagram, but for some reason the sound isn't appearing, despite it playing back fine on my phone and everywhere else otherwise. Anytime I try to participate on this site there's some BS like this to troubleshoot for a couple hours. SMH (so much hate).
  5. i wish every vid program would just have a "equal quality to source material" option. Who wants their final video to look way shittier than the version they saw while editing it? Why are there so many garbage quality options? Or how about a feature that optimizes image quality for a max file size that the user sets. Huh? How about that. Fuk u.
  6. I've been in the habit of waking up after 4 hours, lying awake for a couple before crashing and waking up mid afternoon. It's a pretty depressing cycle tbh, especially with the gloomy weather of late. Anybody here get good sleeps? Seems a rare thing among most people.
  7. We matched just last night, so that door's still open. She posts wicked art on the instagrams, which definitely has my interest piqued... I'm happy to just meet more cool, creative people, dating aspects aside. But it's damn near impossible to get anyone to engage past a few opening messages. It was so much easier a year ago for whatever reason, and I swear I'm not doing anything differently. Glad to hear you're taking better physical care of yourself.
  8. I just matched with a 26 yo, but she probably swiped me by accident. I look much younger than my age, so I think some women give me the "okay" before reading the fine print, and then recoil in horror/ghost when they actually see it.
  9. I re-entered the dating app scene and it's more alienating than it was the first time around. If I had to guess a reason, I'd go with the age attached to my name. Pretty sure I was right on the threshold of how old most people on there are willing to go, and now I'm past that by a couple (since I joined a month before my birthday the first time around... so while it's barely more than a year later, that's 2 years in app years).
  10. Sarcgasm: 1. when one cums ironically. 2. the climax of a sarcastic outburst. 3. a load which bears no offspring.
  11. Extremely entertaining album. *Hahaha I posted that right before the surprise funk bass groove ending. Even entertaininger.
  12. Rural Canada, as toaoaoad said. There's just good old fashioned chest beating here without the shooting. I don't have many fun delivery stories, sad to say. It's mostly uneventful. I can only recall one woman who was an outright bitch out of all those deliveries. I used to get free food on occasion if a customer wasn't around to meet me, but contactless delivery put an end to that, save one blizzard when I was given the wrong address.
  13. Well I mean, guns exist here, but people don't carry them around. The gun culture's pretty quiet, so there's no concern in the back of my mind that the aggro pickup truck dude's going to have one on hand if I roll down my window to talk. I'd probably feel differently if I were in some rural area of the US.
  14. There should be a sex act that incorporates shoulder.
  15. Holy shit - no one's posted in the SFWP thread since Tues! SFWP: on my last delivery, I drove up one of these annoyingly steep/curved/narrow driveways, saw who I presumed to be the one who ordered, then saw him get into a pickup truck rather than come greet me. He clearly needed to get out of his annoyingly steep/curved/narrow driveway, so I awkwardly back out. Extra awkwardly since he's driving down with me. I back out at the end of the drive, leaving room where I expect him to turn (towards town, as opposed to the dead end), and then he makes a weird power move in the opposite direction, where there's barely any room for him to get past. So I back into another driveway leaving room for another car, and for him to get by (since now he's turned around). But instead of driving past he just sits there. I'm getting a bit wigged out at this point, consider just driving away, but instead I drive past him and pull over. He backs up to where I am, I roll down my window, and then he's all like "who the hell are you?" So I explain to him that someone from his address ordered delivery and I'm trying to get it to them... which is all he needed to hear, thankfully. In 2780 deliveries, that's the first time that particular scenario's played out, which is kind of surprising considering I live in an area full of rednecks. I'm glad guns aren't a thing here.
  16. No, it needs tripe, fatty flank, and cod liver oil or it's not proper coffee.
  17. This is what I consider to be the prototype of what this thread is referring to, which I lump in with Arca/Sophie, but seems incongruous with a lot of the other references mentioned such as 100 Gecs. In which case... what is the genre people most commonly use to describe this:
  18. I only made it as far as the first diagram. Scary shit though. It's like he's pushing for a civil war. What a psychopath.
  19. Would you rather suffer 100 cums a day or 1 cum every 100 days? (PS this is my suggested new thread title.)
  20. YOU'RE a social construct. As am I, and everyone.
  21. I don't recall hearing anything that sounded much like the new Arca or Sophie in the pop world 10 years ago. But many of the other clips I've checked in this thread do sound like parody of what I've been hearing for a long time... and not like what I associate with either of those artists, so I'm not sure I'm totally clear on what the genre is. *granted the music tends to come first, with genre tags coming later, so of course it will barely make sense.
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