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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Finished a music project I'd been working on since "lockdown", and woke up feeling glum for the first time since starting it. I suppose it's imperative I start another thing... but then I'll get caught up in that and never release this one (as is the pattern).
  2. All things aren't what they don't seem to not be, and some things aren't luckily. :)
  3. I've known 4 (prob 5) people so far who have either had it, or something with near identical symptoms. One needed a CPAP machine for a week for breathing assistance, and another still has lingering respiratory problems. All between ages 30-40. So to me it doesn't seem like some rare 1 in a million thing... although, statistically that's about how likely one is to get it where I am presently (pretending even half the cases are reported, which they obviously aren't). All but one of the people I know who have (probably) had it live elsewhere in the world.
  4. Could a mod please edit the first post in this thread so that it contains the actual RDJ soundcloud dump?
  5. *scrolls through page 336 of dank memes*
  6. 87's nothing to scoff at though. We all got our money's worth (in this case, almost all rock music for free... he was kind of like Napster before it was a thing).
  7. I use a Moka Pot for making coffee - two metal components which screw together, with the coffee grind segment wedged between them. Makes a great cup of coffee every time, but without fail any time I pour the coffee, a few drops spilled out the middle where the components intersect. Today, I poured my coffee and there was zero spillage! It's a miracle! (It was like dropping a ball and having it fly upwards instead of falling to the floor - that one time gravity fucked up and did something delightful.)
  8. Damn, there are some sexy looking burgers in this thread but... do you guys routinely dislocate your jaws to eat them? I'm trying to work out logistics here.
  9. Oh mercy, thanks for reminding me. One of the all time bests.
  10. They all look related to the same sister and brother parents... with the exception of handsome toothpaste ad guy in upper right. How'd he get in there?
  11. I quoted "vroom vroom motherfucker" at my friend while we driving around running errands the other day. She didn't know the reference, but it was okay.
  12. Those incidents are always over the shittiest food imaginable. Why are their never any violent fine dining shoot-ups? At least in that case the stakes would be so much higher. But getting murderously upset about not being able to hang out inside a McDonald's? So hard to wrap my brain around. *was the shooter 6 years old? In that case, bit more understandable.
  13. Where the fuck is A&W??? Dairy Queen - hello!! This is bullshit. And Baskin Robbins sneaking in there at the end? wtf - makes no sense!
  14. Thawkins pretty much nailed it. And yes, the Sriracha is a crucial part of the process.
  15. Ahh, well interesting timing then. I was just whining about it in the SFWP thread. Now suddenly I can post all the things I couldn't before (pizza and studio pics in this case).
  16. I like how her interpretation of "yep" goes on for a couple paragraphs.
  17. Thanks, man. I love that chair. Sits real nice.
  18. Problem magically resolved (suddenly I'm able to upload more attachments... thanks, mods?)
  19. All the pizzas. Also... did our allotted space for attachments just get increased significantly since I whined about it in the SFWP thread? Because I wasn't able to upload a single photo a week ago.
  20. The ableton filter adds saturation to high frequencies for some reason. I always have to find tricks to fool it into not distorting any sound I want it on (either mute it any time it's not in use, or something sneakier). It's a weird feature of the plug-in that is not useful at all, unless you just want distortion on your sound for some reason... but then why wouldn't you use a plug-in intended for that purpose? So weird.
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