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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I tried to order pizza last night, but the online order form would not accept it. I suspect the restaurant closed an hour early. No pizza for the lose.
  2. Shin piss. So... searching that phrase on google lead me to the below video. It's not porn... but possibly worse?
  3. But think of all the coin pouches you could buy with that same money.
  4. Looking at my right hand now, after these nail posts, and it looks as though I ignored my index and thumb the last time I trimmed my nails. Huh.
  5. How effective are Freddy masks?
  6. I bought a coin pouch recently - best $10 I ever spent. Sure, my pockets can hold change, but why not spoil myself a little? I'm sure it's held far more than $10 in change by now. Imagine holding $1000 in a coin pouch that only cost you 10? Yowza!
  7. Every time I read or hear a phrase that begins with "dark" my brain automatically flips it into "dork." Not sure when this started exactly, but it's been this way for a long time. Ex: Dork lord Dork angel Hello dorkness my old friend... Prince of dorkness
  8. An album I pirated was ripped from someone's record player, which was clearly in need of some maintainence. Constant hum/crackles... ugh. Why would you rip from that? Gross. Is this supposed to teach me a valuable lesson? *newly pirated download has finished. The question is... do I go back and relisten to the first two tracks? *AH FUCK it's one of those trick downloads where you need to follow their text document for the pass, which is guarded by online surveys into oblivion. Well, I guess this is what I get for being a bad person.
  9. It's the link where the documentary was located? I don't know man, I just pressed play and watched a doc, then shared it in the thread where people who might be interested could also watch it. As far as I know urls can't carry coronavirus, so it should be safe despite its Italian origins.
  10. I like this confident senility vs. unsure senility angle. It's a good summation of the candidates American society has deemed most worthy leading it. It's the inevitable conclusion I guess.
  11. Best use of orch5. I'm 100% behind that soundtrack.
  12. Its been staring at me in my downloads folder for a few weeks now. Maybe tonight's the night. Will report back if so.
  13. I thought that happened a couple weeks ago. Or was that a different pastor? There's just so many down there, all insane beyond comprehension.
  14. What Time Did You Last Wake Up thread. omg can you imagine how ridiculous that thread would be. What if it made it to 500 pages, every reply just a time of day. 5:45AM 11:37AM 2:15PM So many times one could wake up! The possibilities are endless as time itself.
  15. I found it useful. Never know when you might need ant traps. We probably all need to buy them now.
  16. lol someone marked it as spam within seconds of me posting that, putting my inbox back to 6000. But I unmarked it as spam, because it wasn't (guy released some music of mine years ago). Also... been singing that song all day, haven't eaten, and have a headache that I believe is likely connected to those last two things.
  17. Wow, Half Life has really upped its ante.
  18. I noticed my email inbox was at a perfect 6000, which pleased me, but then a split second later a new email arrived, ruining everything.
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