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Everything posted by splesh

  1. They accidentally focused on the grass in this picture. I think that's intentional. It makes it easier to do a fake picture like that one.
  2. That naked dude fucking the pig's head is gonna give me nightmares. So please, spoiler tag it!
  3. Hey, guys.. you think we can beat the length of this thread for the next megathread required, in less time?
  4. Monkey Dust is such a great show. And Trademark Ribbons of Gold is also very awesome.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZpEe7H8qhg
  6. Shackleton - (No More) Negative Thoughts
  7. your current forum avatar reminds me of the lulzy fact that all aliens on Star Trek are humanoid.

  8. your signature makes me think you are a Discordian. Am I correct in this assumption?

  9. Yeah after listening, I realize I don't really dig Adebisi Shank.
  10. Reminds me that I forgot to mention Rumah Sakit.
  11. I haven't heard much from Hella that sounds as mathy as Hold Your Horse Is.
  12. Don Caballero (up to American Don), Slint, Piglet, (early) Tera Melos, Giraffes? Giraffes!, Faraquet, The Redneck Manifesto, Adebisi Shank, LITE, Battles, Oxes, Drive Like Jehu, etc. Anyone else dig this genre here? I'm always looking for recommendations for more of this stuff. I have to say I prefer instrumental math rock, but Slint and Drive Like Jehu both rock.
  13. Crossed Out - Fraud. Lately I've been really digging powerviolence.
  14. Today is to be a day of Gescom and Deerhunter.

  15. That carrot face is the most awesomely creepy thing I've seen here since bubbhasdance's old Humpty Dumpty-facepaint man.

  16. I'd have to agree on both counts, good sir.

  17. Charles Gayle, William Parker & Rashied Ali - Part D from the very awesome album Touchin' on Trane. Very highly recommended to the few of you WATMMers who listen to free jazz. You know who you are.
  18. The Orb - Montagne d'Or (Der gute Berg)
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