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Everything posted by Stock

  1. FFS, the French distribution of the EP is late and I couldn't find a copy of it yet. French WATMMers, did any of you buy a copy from a local record store ? Wanna know if it's a global lack of distribution or just me being unlucky !
  2. I read somewhere (can't find you the source atm sorry) that Nintendo said if wasn't the end of the Splatoon servers, and they even have patches in the works. Really gutted that it's the last Splatfest tho. Ironically, I won't be able to play that one because I'll be...in Japan
  3. Just gift myself the Metroid Prime trilogy thanks to the nintendo eshop (did not buy this edition when it came out and never managed to grab one ever since...) Never played any of the Prime games and I already know I'm in for a treat :D !
  4. I was a little afraid the Cheetah thing was fake but now I'm just overly hyped EDIT : OH GOD JULY !!!!
  5. Reminds me of the Donkey Rhubarb visuals for some reason - probably the vivid color + unusual Aphex Twin lettering combo !
  6. Stock

    elseq 1-5

    its a good article actually, except of the typical music journalist sentence calling a new record their"most ambitious release to date". Welp it could be justified this time by Elseq being indeed their most ambitious release to date
  7. Stock

    elseq 1-5

    Same here ! Doing it the same way I'd watch a tv show, one episode a week !!! the AE_Live were just too much to handle and I never managed to wrap my head around it so...
  8. Stock

    elseq 1-5

    The guy behind Pizzeria Autechre outdid himself ! "These pizzas come without physical box"
  9. Stock

    elseq 1-5

    Elseq is on Warp's frontpage, looks like it's gonna have more promo than the AE_Live release. It's not listed in their "Release" page tho :(
  10. Stock

    elseq 1-5

    I second this. I had strong difficulties to get myself into Exai/L-Event/AE_Live but upon first listen elseq feels like an easy thing to fall in love with. Will give the first part a few listens over the week-end before getting pt. 2
  11. Stock

    elseq 1-5

    Have you basically just said that you haven't really listened to the music because you use it as a background noise for your gaming sessions? My brain can actually process and properly enjoy both yeah. But describing Autechre as "background noise" just isn't right and you know it as much as me :) (and, well, Doom is one of those games where you actually don't really have to focus that much lol)
  12. Stock

    elseq 1-5

    pendulu hv moda and curvcaten got me head nodding like very few Ae track did. Finally tracks with the new sound palette I'm really digging. I'm lovin' the first elseq volume. Perfect soundtrack for my old school Doom session ha ! Did not made the mistake of buying everything at once to really leave time for each volume to sink in but god I'm very looking forward hearing the remaining tracks !!
  13. Stock

    elseq 1-5

    In before the "Which elseq EP do you prefer ?" poll thread
  14. reddit get out Worse, this is from imgurians. Yes, some people seriously use imgur as some sort of community website because they think reddit is too complex and confusing. proof: http://imgur.com/gallery/TjUI2en Don't know where it first came from but yeah I found it on the dankmemes subreddit. Sorry for breaking the dank flow :(
  15. Went to see Battles live yesterday in Reims (700km flight) in a really small venue, the concert was great and after the show I had the chance to shake hands and talk a little to them. Bought a copy of the EP C/B EP reissue in the club and got it signed by all 3 members They look kind of chill to say the least !
  16. ? almost sounds like a remix of Shine On You Crazy Diamond - the single guitar note coming around 2:40 is really reminiscent of that track imo (especially the way it sounds) and the 4 notes guitar phrase coming right after totally sounds like the one in Shine One, only slowed down. I'm probably wrong tho but I thought it was an amusing fact. Anyway, track is really good !
  17. Started playing Hatoful Boyfriend yesterday, unlocked two endings already. It's fun overall and from what I've read some endings really are amazingly written. Anyway the whole dating sim thing is quite ...unusual to say the least !
  18. AFX Bleepstore ftw. Maybe it's taking a while to license the tons of unreleased material he has in stock (especially if he negociates with Warp, maybe the Bleep Store contracts are different from the usual Warp contracts, dunno) which would explain 1°/ Why the tracks aren't on Soundcloud anymore 2°/ Why we don't have news from Aphex camp 3°/ Why the "Warp representative" on 4chan said tracks would be back
  19. Totally forgot how awesome that track was :
  20. The power strip I have in my room suddenly stopped working, I could not get my turntable on and listen to some music while working :(
  21. After a year and a half without playing it I've been playing some DotA 2 from time to time and I have to say it's a really awesome game. I felt right at home when I came back after all that time (even tho I still suck at it) and the new UI is gorgeous !
  22. OPN - Suite From Magnetic Rose...First time hearing this on vinyl with headphones, at night, it's really really haunting - that track never really clicked until...now. Beautiful piece of music !
  23. Fun fact : I traded my Metroid Fusion cartridge against a friend's Advance Wars 2...My two best gaming experiences on GBA. Never really had any similar experiences on handheld devices after that !
  24. Metroid Fusion is my favorite GBA game ever and the only Metroid game I ever played ! Beat it tons of time, love to revisit that world...but yeah even if you have to revisit some parts of the station multiple times it's quite linear. Will try Super Metroid this week :)
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