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Everything posted by Stock

  1. Watched my brother while he was playing BOTW on the Wii U and it looks so amazing ! He did not want to spoil anything story-related to me so kept himself to a restricted numbers of area - it was more than enough to feel the potential this game has tho ! Makes me want to buy a Switch (don't have/want TV in my flat so the handheld side of the Switch is the best thing to me !). Also been playing FTL again those days, had to stop playing it few years ago because I always felt crushed by the final boss and guess what ? I did not win this time either lol
  2. Don't know if those has been posted already, I might be a bit late to the dank party but
  3. That's a violent letter... The thing I've been the most disappointed with Daft Punk recently is probably their marketing of overpriced branded products. I know it's probably not coming from their will, and that it's good for them to make a little money but coming from two guys who put so much energy hiding from the star-system in their younger years this kind of thing is utterly disappointing : The "I feel it coming" track is also disappointing. Same vocoder/overall production as RAM, which I liked, but come on it was 4 YEARS AGO !
  4. Yeah, this, exactly this. I was really happy about Nintendo not following this shitty marketing path with their biggest games but a Zelda having DLCs is somehow heartbreaking. Like, you just want to buy a game the old fashioned way, as you did when you first played a Zelda game but no, fuck you and your inner child and put some money on the table. Very sad. [/rant]
  5. Well I just came back from La La Land as well and I was pleasantly surprised - wasn't expecting this at all, the end of the movie gives it an all different tone imo. Cried like a baby and now the soundtrack's giving me goosebumps. I'll be probably like a ton of other boys the newt few weeks, trying to learn how to play the opening track on the piano to get chicks
  6. Beautiful ! Sad Horizons sounds like a lot of "classic" vaporwave that I like, and your track has a wonderful vibe going on - it does sound like the end of the world in fact !! Congrats
  7. Respect for working in a hospital. I'd be scared shitless for multiple reasons. Well usually people are nice but it can be hell on earth when patients are showing all night long in the waiting room. Tonight will probably be a "browse-WATMM-and-go-to-bed-early" night :D
  8. Was utterly anxious about tonight's shift I'm doing at the hospital (where it's just me, a nurse and a doctor who's not always there). Well, turned out the ER was empty and I haven't seen a single patient yet - that's kind of a success trust me!
  9. That's really interesting! The lol is strong with this one
  10. My theory : Rey will turn bad, possibly get used by the Siths to kill Luke whereas Kylo will turn good and thus become the real last Jedi because "There's good in him". Would be the most interesting way to put it imo but I'm really looking forward seeing the movie !
  11. I really don't understand all the hate Nintendo is getting in this thread. I'd rather buy an "overpriced" Switch with very few good games than a PS4 which would basically be (to me) the same experience I could get from playing expansive AAA games with a controller on a computer. Anyway, don't feed the trolls etc
  12. Twilight Princess was also a dual gamecube/wii release, and most of the Gamecube heads were buying Wiis nonetheless...You could say that it was more of a leap forward from Gamecube to Wii compared to Wii U/Switch but I disagree with that point - I really feel it will be a great system and a major improvement. Wii U feels a bit like Windows Vista between XP and Seven tho
  13. Totally hyped over the Switch, especially because of Splatoon 2 (hopefully the game feel with the joycons will be amazeballs), Afterbirth + and Sonic Mania are also nice announcements !!
  14. Is this your own material imported into the game or a default OST you can play with ?
  15. Is it just me or is Afterbirth+ insanely hard to play ? I thought I was getting used to Afterbirth, tried playing with The Lost quite a few times...But since the expansion came out I did not make it past the second area. Not to mention the greedier mod - nor the challenges ! I know a balance update is supposed to come out very soon but it seems like Isaac definitely turned into a rage machine (which is a good thing btw).
  16. I've been really reasonable during those Steam sales, caved in yesterday and bought Axiom Verge, not found of the art direction from the screenshots/videos I've seen but maybe it will "click" when I will play. Also nearing the 300 hours mark on BoI Afterbirth...Really hyped for the new DLC to come out, trying hard to unlock the Lost and Keeper achievements but god damn is it hard.
  17. 2017 sounds good (here's hoping I won't be proven wrong), happy new year everyone
  18. Those were my thoughts as well ! It just doesn't sound like a fresh found DAT from 199x...
  19. Anybody playing FF Brave Exvius on their phones here ? Just discovered the game, first time I'm enjoying a mobile game that much. Don't seem to be such a cash grab and is also nice to play even tho I'm not a FF fan ! If you want to add me as a friend just ask :) !
  20. Oh no :( Did you figure out who it was? Did they get a stern 'talking to' afterward? Just yell the following at your band mates, verbatim: Heh excellent. Rich must've inspired this character: Wow. I'm the one who's upset now
  21. Daniel Lopatin just released a remastered version of Eccojams on his official merch store. A bit pricey but will probably get it on payday !!! http://pointnever.bigcartel.com/product/chuck-person-s-eccojams-vol-1
  22. Stock

    elseq 1-5

    What I was trying to point out was that maybe they could do both, Elseq being released at a "sporadic" pace + conventional LP/EPs. That's a lot to ask for of course considering they already give us so much the past year but that would really be the most awesome thing ever. Also the fact that they still attach some kind of importance to the visual aspect of their material (with TDR making nice prints etc.) makes me think/hope that more physical releases are still to come !
  23. Stock

    elseq 1-5

    I was just thinking about something : given the facts that : - they plan on releasing new AE_LIVE stuff anytime soon - we're almost 100% sure elseq means edited live sequences - elseq has not been released as a single entity, nor has it been officially announced as Ae 12th album (might be wrong there tho) - the "onesix" bootlegs seem to share a common sound palette with the five first elseq installments... I'm actually thinking we could get elseq 6 - 10 one of these days. I mean that's totally something they could do beside regular album releases ! Pure speculation here but if elseq was this kind of "side project" my mind would be more than blown !
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