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Everything posted by Stock

  1. Stock

    elseq 1-5

    elyc6 0nset reminds me a lot of Untilted. I still have 2 elseq to discover, but the production sounds so crisp compared to Exai it's a real pleasure !
  2. Found a few days ago Amen Andrews vol. 2 while taking a look in the everything-at-3€ crate in my local store. Was more than amazed, hope it will play well !
  3. Never had the chance to properly get a Bogdan release so this is more than welcome. Would you guys have any suggestion on where to start for a Bogdan newbie per chance ?
  4. Welp, I knew a new Quake was in the works but I was hoping for a franchise reboot as they did with Doom, not a Q3Arena mk. 2 :( Still looks fun !
  5. Hahaha We need an "Influx of bad label names" thread !!!
  6. @Juiceciuj, just found after posting my message that it was built by a chinese company with authorization of Sega, and yeah I remember seeing something like that already...but thank you for the information ! (I thought that the fact I didn't knew a lot of the games packed with the console was due to my lack of knowledge of the Megadrive catalogue ). Might give the pi a go, we've been wanting for a long time to build some DIY arcade cabinet with a friend, just need to find the time (and money) to do it !
  7. Sega to launch "Mini Mega Drive" to counter Nintendo NES reboot : http://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/sega-updates-mini-mega-drive-8495188 Sounds amazing, 80 games included (of course not everything is great on the list...), possibility to play your roms via SD card or even genuine MegaDrive cartridges (!!!). Over hyped.
  8. People are gonna be so surprised when they realise that Sonic was never any good. I strongly disagree. Sonic 3 is a masterpiece (even tho I know I'm probably biased by the fact I played it as a kid etc etc), I still play it from time to time and it never lost its magic. Sonic 2 is great as well - maybe the first episode was a bit overrated, I find it way too slow and not really enjoyable.
  9. Anybody excited for this ? The trailer made me hope for the real return of Sonic. Hopefully they won't just release it on "PC/PS4/XBONE" tho !
  10. I'm still on my Bowie binge and recently discovered Station to Station. Getting totally obsessed with the title track, an amazing masterpiece, its 10 minutes go on so fast...Each and every time I listen to a Bowie album it becomes a new favorite ! Also, the closing track "Wild Is The Wind" is one of the most haunting Bowie song !
  11. Is this the game where you play a bartender ? How is it called ? I heard of it when it was on early access (I guess ?) and it looked pretty good !
  12. On PC or PS4? Sadly the PS4 version has been left behind the PC one in terms of patches... PC ! Yet I would love playing that game with a controller in hand - the PC version really lacks gamepad support (well, except if you have the Xbox controller). Sadly, it seems as if every game developped with GameMaker doesn't support other controller than those ones. Speaking of controllers, what would you recommand me ? I heard the Steam Controller was pretty shitty yet it makes me extremely curious ! Anybody has one here ? I'm not a member of the PC Master Race™, so I'll let someone provide you the 511-page instructions for adding a controller to your spreadsheet-processing-machine-moonlighting-as-a-game-console... Ha ! I don't feel like belonging to the PC master race as well (mostly because I only have a macbook pro which isn't that great for gaming purposes), but the thing is, I invested on a Wii U rather than a PS4...Yeah, yeah, I know !
  13. On PC or PS4? Sadly the PS4 version has been left behind the PC one in terms of patches... PC ! Yet I would love playing that game with a controller in hand - the PC version really lacks gamepad support (well, except if you have the Xbox controller). Sadly, it seems as if every game developped with GameMaker doesn't support other controller than those ones. Speaking of controllers, what would you recommand me ? I heard the Steam Controller was pretty shitty yet it makes me extremely curious ! Anybody has one here ?
  14. Been playing an awful lot of Nuclear Throne lately, this game is really amazing is you're into rogue-likes/shooters. Took me 22 hours to achieve a run but it was totally worth it !
  15. Stock

    Cheetah EP

    FFS, the French distribution of the EP is late and I couldn't find a copy of it yet. French WATMMers, did any of you buy a copy from a local record store ? Wanna know if it's a global lack of distribution or just me being unlucky !
  16. I read somewhere (can't find you the source atm sorry) that Nintendo said if wasn't the end of the Splatoon servers, and they even have patches in the works. Really gutted that it's the last Splatfest tho. Ironically, I won't be able to play that one because I'll be...in Japan
  17. Just gift myself the Metroid Prime trilogy thanks to the nintendo eshop (did not buy this edition when it came out and never managed to grab one ever since...) Never played any of the Prime games and I already know I'm in for a treat :D !
  18. Stock

    Cheetah EP

    I was a little afraid the Cheetah thing was fake but now I'm just overly hyped EDIT : OH GOD JULY !!!!
  19. Stock

    Cheetah EP

    Reminds me of the Donkey Rhubarb visuals for some reason - probably the vivid color + unusual Aphex Twin lettering combo !
  20. Stock

    elseq 1-5

    its a good article actually, except of the typical music journalist sentence calling a new record their"most ambitious release to date". Welp it could be justified this time by Elseq being indeed their most ambitious release to date
  21. Stock

    elseq 1-5

    Same here ! Doing it the same way I'd watch a tv show, one episode a week !!! the AE_Live were just too much to handle and I never managed to wrap my head around it so...
  22. Stock

    elseq 1-5

    The guy behind Pizzeria Autechre outdid himself ! "These pizzas come without physical box"
  23. Stock

    elseq 1-5

    Elseq is on Warp's frontpage, looks like it's gonna have more promo than the AE_Live release. It's not listed in their "Release" page tho :(
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