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Everything posted by Stock

  1. Stock

    elseq 1-5

    I finally bought elseq 5 and thus completed my collection...Not quite sure what to think about elseq 5 in its entirety but it definitely has beautiful moments. Elseq as a whole is a masterpiece but I still have to listen to it, feel I have so much to discover... So yeah I burnt it on a CD-R I found on my shelf and I'm blasting it on my stereo. Feels good to rediscover the album without headphones, elseq 1 is such a beast Cheers to my neighbors !
  2. The Tri Rep inner sleeves are lovely...But I still don't know which one to get !!! (or maximum 2, but buying all of them at the same time might be a bit too much for my wallet...) I have to listen to Amber and Incunabula again to see which one is my favorite but I really love them both :(
  3. I started playing Chroma Squad (bought this week's Humble Bundle just for it), never been a fan of Power Rangers like show but the general vibe and the gameplay mechanics are great fun. I doubt it's the best tactical RPG ever made but it's the first one I play so...Reminds me a lot of the movie Be Kind, Rewind for some reason ! Also bought Mad Games Tycoon. I played Game Dev Tycoon a lot when it came out and Mad Games Tycoon just seemed to have everything I wanted to make it perfect - the Theme Hospital like management of buildings and rooms, the possibility to focus on hardware or game engines development. Only made shitty games so far and my studio will probably be shut down fairly soon but from what I've seen of the game it can be really fun.
  4. Hey Stocko, Wow cool, I didn't know Corporate Clegg was you :) I'm liking this, it makes me think of a drugged out INXS or something, very cool and unique vibe. That's impressive that your sampling your own work, would love to hear more of that in album or ep form. Keep up the great work! Thank you very much for the kind words Lane, they mean a lot to me :) !!! Well yeah I stumbled upon dozens of half-backed tracks I did from 2010 to 2013 - mostly loops and demos made in Buzz or tracks made with Garage Band (which are a very appropriate material to sample for Vaporwave imo). I rediscovered those things during a harsh period where I nearly lost all of my self-confidence so my idea was to make sounds based on this material for nostalgic and motivational purposes. I'm thinking about releasing a whole LP presented as one of those "well being" books or methods - the name I've been thinking of for the album is "Self Motivational Sound Objects". It's quite challenging because I usually never put personal elements in my music but those tracks, in their structure and the samples they use only revolve around it. So yeah, thanks again !!! I'll post more when it'll be a bit more fleshed out :)
  5. OK guys, I'm sharing with you my first proper vaporwave track (well, the first I'm being proud of). It's part of a project I'm working on and the main idea is to sample tunes I did years ago and add some production to turn it into something else. I would love to have some feedback from you guys who have been actively listening and taking part to the genre because I'm really happy with what I did here but don't know if I should. Thank you for your attention/listening, if it pleases you I'll try to post other tracks taken from that project
  6. So the PS4 is stepping into the "video game fitness" market while we're teased with Skyrim on a Nintendo device ? WHAT IS THIS WORLD ?
  7. That would be quite awesome ! Vaporwave in general is in my opinion something that could be greatly completed with vocals, can't wait to hear your work :)
  8. I'm a fan of the mallsoft sound and your release is very good Mr Hikaru Favorite tracks are Macys Run and Mint Chocolate Chip but the overall atmosphere is great, congrats on that one :) !
  9. I'm really hyped for the Switch !!!! Also regarding the need of internet connection, after watching a second time the official Nintendo trailer I noticed they film someone playing games in a plane...Which, I guess, is a way of saying that you can play offline ? Would be killer either way but the possibility to play anywhere without having to share internet from your phone/a 4G emitter/whatever would be awesome !!!
  10. Hell yeah I'm really enjoying it, I loved what you did with CatCorp already, those stock-sounds and that corporate feeling really hit the spot ! It's like "Powerpoint-Wave", but in a good way ! Also, been recently exploring the Blank Banshee 0 album a bit further (thanks to the Simpsonwave videos) and it's an amazing piece of work. I've also been falling in love with the latest Death Dynamic Shroud.wmv release "Classroom Sexxtape" which is marvelous
  11. Yeah GoD is aging very well. I usually never listen to Lift and No Good tho because they really sound out of place to me. The closing tracks on r+7 were my favorite, the build-up from Problem Areas to Chrome Country is rad and Still Life always give me goosebumps. I guess I'm kind of disappointed that GoD closer tracks lack that energy, especially with the I Bite Through It / Freaky Eyes combo just before them.
  12. I usually listen a lot to my tracks right after I made them but it's probably because I don't spend that much time working on them I guess Not that long ago tho I stumbled across dozens of unfinished tracks, some being just one bar looping over itself, most I forgot and it almost brought me to tears because I really wasn't expecting this. So now I just put my Soundcloud playlist on when I do the dishes, it goes from very recent stuff to what could potentially be my first finished tracks and it's a nice trip down memory lane :) (the good thing being that I never made huge amounts of tracks so I can go through years of work really quick !)
  13. Well, if you scratch Silverside until it gets sweeped off the vinyl's surface it's all good
  14. I have no words for this
  15. It's not that much personal space (well, it's a little apartment) but yeah, freedom. I can finally blast some Autechre while taking my breakfast without annoying everybody and it feels great !
  16. The Sabrina vs Tri Rep thing is beyond amazing spi !
  17. After years and years spent asking my parents for it, I finally moved in my own flat and I'm going to spend my first night here. I'm very excited and happy and still can't believe it's finally happening - I know it's no big deal but I feel it'll help me taking a huge step forward in my life !
  18. How did Warp proceed the BoC repress ? Was it the albums and THEN the EPs or everything at once ? Because yeah I would love a repress of Ae EPs - they could follow the same pattern and do a bundle with Anti, Garbage and Anvil Vapre !
  19. Really don't know which one to get (yeah I'm kinda broke atm so both isn't a reasonable option). The brain says Amber, the balls say Tri rep but the heart says Incunabula !
  20. I loved Talos. some really memorable, well-designed puzzles in that game. Everyone should check out Gunpoint if you haven't yet, it's a fantastic indie game, really inventive gameplay all based around rewiring electronics, one of my favs of recent years. Totally seconding this regarding Gunpoint. I'm not a puzzle lover but this game is just something else, the gameplay is great and the fake film noir atmosphere is very fun as well !!! There's a level editor on it iirc, someone on watmm should do a "break up in RDJ's bank to steal tracks" level !
  21. But then nobody would get interested in other people's music right ?
  22. Nobody here playing Reigns ? Best fun I had on my phone for a while, very challenging and well written ! They're really playing on the "Tinderification" of our society and it works so good. You can get it either on phone or Steam for roughly 3€ and it's definitely worth it !
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