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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. lol get over it mate, i nearly got something released on OR once too, but in the end it was too shit lol. and it really was... erik is a top fella in my book.
  2. deece, like the vibe. could be a wicked track if you developed it.
  3. what you doing in the Aphex subforum then eh?
  4. BCM

    Brexit :(

    unfortunately runaway global warming due to melting of the permafrost and release of massive amounts of methane is extremely likely to happen. it will be catastrophic and humanity will be lucky to survive in even a basic way. this is why i'm not having kids. truly... we're fucked. totally fucked. and not in a thousand years or some shit, in less than 100, probably less than 50. we all know it. deep down we all know it.
  5. BCM


    cheers! that's a behringer model d [emoji106]
  6. BCM


    thanks guys, will try and do a proper longer version, recorded this late last night whilst quite drunk.
  7. BCM


    pissed up in brown town
  8. i want to post that picture of that American redneck guy who'd been huffing gold paint. but i can't really be arsed so I'll type it out innit.
  9. yeah it was ok, better than lots i've had at airports and train stations etc. was from mahon airport.
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