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Everything posted by MisterE

  1. this track is the badness and is it just me or is it saying things about taking jenkem across a border or something
  2. ive always been kind of amazed, maybe a bit doubting (i believe him now) that stuff like all of saw1 or sosw was from cassette tapes. not that it's impossible, but there are limitations to the medium which just dont always seem very apparent on those recordings. wondering why he didnt just get a nice reel deck
  3. the vixen's biggest victory is to steer a manly man into a path of cuckoldry

    1. triachus


      She has worked a great victory in the right direction.... from the thickness

  4. there are a lot of people who's careers are based on being shocking, edgy, controversial, and offensive, including comedians, musicians, artists, etc. the 'satanists' who don't actually believe in satan and are quick to give pseudo-intellectual reasoning for why they call themselves that, we all know the main reason is to offend certain types, to be shocking, etc. prob a lot of the people condemning this draw muhammad thing, think highly of others who make a living from or a point to offend other particular groups. you say it's wrong to emphasize freedom to offend over the lack of sensitivity etc, but it seems to me you are emphasizing that stuff over the fact that the people getting offended by cartoon drawings think that it justifies murder. and that, by far, is the bigger problem.
  5. adieu i'd think you'd be a bit more sensitive to the idea of someone deviating from the typical hivemind of this place, and wouldn't so lamely try to compare them to fox news for doing so, when you yourself have ideas that don't quite match up with what seems to be a majority here. your gun ideas being one, which i'm sure most fox viewers can relate with.
  6. limpy i just want to say that this is another case where i completely agree with you, so far
  7. but that soundcloud notice is talking about people having trouble uploading and deleting tracks. it doesn't say anything about entire accounts vanishing.
  8. agreed its a bit disappointing seeing it go, especially since he seemed to be getting comfortable interacting with fans. seemed like SC comments was the perfect venue for him to do that since it's a bit more low key than something like a forum, etc. anyway, it's still great that we have a ton of tracks. never wouldve expected him to do that in the first place so i cant really ask for anything more.
  9. Twenty years ago I solved the mathematics of the Giza Pyramids

  10. saw john wick about a week ago... it was ok i dont get why people were acting like its amazing its dumb as hell but for what it is it was ok a few of the plot points, i thought were pretty illogical and detrimental, and there was one particularly cringeworthy keanuism line in there that reminded me of, point break or something, kinda made me laugh. hard enough to take him seriously as a badass hitman as it is, but that line was kind of a joke. i was torn on whether it was the line itself or his delivery, but i think it was both. it's like as long as he's not talking, its ok, but sometimes he just has to go and say things 6.75/10 edit- basically i think if keanu is supposed to be playing a serious character, the rule should be to never let him say 'yeah' or 'woah', prob a few other words could go on the list
  11. "nothing wrong with reading books, but theres only one book that counts julian, its the bible. and it says to help your friends." "does it say anything about you rippin off insurance companies, pretending you're in a wheelchair and then gettin caught drunk, dancin with hos, making porn flicks, huh? anything in your book about that ray?"

    1. triachus


      Goddamnit there goes my book idea

    2. Salem1976


      Love me some Lahey!

  12. MisterE

    Perlence Tracks

    i dont really care much for 6-36 but i have played it through prob at least 4 or 5 times. i've thought about loading it into an editor or something to try to see what changes actually are happening but never did. the other ones are great though
  13. but godel, aren't the criticisms people have with the deal, which include things such as 'can iran be trusted to follow this deal' kind of entirely validated by ayatollah khamenei saying that obama is lying and has devilish intentions? basically the gist i'm getting from you is that even if the deal is never made it's still 100% ace all the way (esp since it sticks out its tongue and says 'nyanya' to bibi). i mean it's not like how good of a negotiator you are has anything to do with whether you can actually get the other side to go along with your deal, it's all just about what your demands are and whether they annoy bibi? "Also, point of view from an outsider on some vaguely tangential issue, the idea that american state representatives need to have a say ( read: actual executive powers) on international issues is pretty ridiculous. And either shows a complete lack of respect for the executive branch, or a complete lack of self-awareness about how little people at the state level understand about international politics. Prolly both." i would say that paragraph really just shows how little you understand about american politics, since you're clearly talking about the senators, who aren't at a state level but a federal one (just like the executive branch you mentioned), and who are commonly involved in international affairs. for one thing, senate must ratify any treaties and are even supposed to be involved in deals that aren't quite treaties, which alone pretty well makes them involved in and means they must be knowledgeable of international affairs. there are state versions of both branches but, the senators you were talking about are at a federal level. it's also kinda funny (to me anyway) that obama himself on the 10th of last month said that what those senators were doing is not a "role that our Founding Fathers envisioned for Congress to play when it comes to foreign policy." but then just 20 days later he said: "What if we carried ourselves more like Ted Kennedy? What if we worked to follow his example a little bit harder?". he also called him "the greatest United States Senator of our time" at his funeral. maybe he's just not aware of this?
  14. that was a pretty bomb ass tweet, but how does the ayatollah feel about it?
  15. i'd *maybe* vote for rand if he gets the rep nomination, and i'd prob agree that they're attacking him because they are afraid. i've liked some things he's said. i have questions about how sincere he might have been when he said them but i don't know. like when he did the filibuster i saw him talking about drones as if he totally disagreed with them, then i saw when he said this: "If someone comes out of a liquor store with a weapon and $50 in cash, I don't care if a drone kills him or a policeman kills him," there's more to that than just the idea that someone who robbed a liquor store (let's assume it was at gun point and could've easily resulted in innocents being killed) is killed, there's the fact that for the drone to be the thing that carried out the execution, implies so much more about how they'd be deployed and used. him saying that totally blew my mind.
  16. im pretty sure that the people here who are bashing on right wingers generally are fairly left wing and want to see more left wing politicians elected. i dont even get what youre trying to accomplish here. and your saying that you were one of only a few people who called out obama, pretty much supports what i'm saying, doesn't it? personally i don't really actually care about you or whether you are being 'fair and balanced' with regard to which politicians you tear into. my main thing is to say that people here are constantly slamming right wingers, and yes those people do tend to support left wingers, and i've even seen people state things like that they will vote on left wing politicians only. you're trying to deny something that is so plain and blatantly obvious. and again, i've never seen you criticize those people for their one-sidedness or lack of nuance. which to me says something about you when you always go out of your way to say that kind of crap to me.
  17. fair enough, and i obviously say things with barbs in them too. but like i said the moment i see you jump in to call out people for focusing on right wingers, i'll start considering the advice you gave me about my binary obsessions.
  18. @alco well, when you talk down to me in your subtle ways, telling me i need to be more nuanced, or well rounded (or other things which i feel could easily in your post history be shown to not apply to you any more than they do myself), like youre sitting over there in a smoking jacket in front of a fireplace, like you're some connoisseur sipping fine vintage politics and im some guy who drinks the pabst blue ribbon of having ideas, its more insulting than if you actually just came out and *called* me a caveman. you encourage me? excuse me whilst i throw up, and don't submit to your superior intellect. we disagree on things. you and a healthy majority of people here think right wingers are often hypocrites and dumbasses, and don't hesitate to express that. every day, multiple times. it doesn't seem to bother you for some reason (maybe you only think in binary terms?) i think liberals are often hypocrites and dumbasses, and sometimes i express that. big deal. i dont mind that we disagree. i dont mind so much seeing anyone say they don't like ted cruz for this or that reason. i just feel like its pretty dishonest to portray him as a complete moron, and i expressed that. but then you gotta jump in and act like i'm somehow more of an asshole than anyone else here for expressing the same exact types of ideas but just from another angle, and in exactly the same exact types of language/ways that other people here do on the reg, and whom will never get the same bullshit condescending advice from you, ever.
  19. buddy, do you really think i NEED to do that around here? i'm like one guy. there are more than enough people here calling out conservative issues. are you aware of this? are we even at the same forum? the moment i start seeing you calling out liberals, i'll consider you nuanced and well rounded, ok? how about that? like seriously how are you going to give me that advice? furthermore, literally as i was typing this, there was a post by someone else here slamming 'right wingers' in another thread. you know what i didn't see and dont expect to see and know i won't ever see below any posts of that type tho, alco? you there, giving them the same advice you just gave me. which makes it worthless and 100% hypocritical.
  20. We're not discussing obama here. If you'd like to start a thread about that, please do so. We are discussing why Ted Cruz can be portrayed as an idiot without it really being considered slander. i believe i can point out that according to your logic, anyone who believes in 'sky ghost' also must therefore be an idiot. and i did. it's really all i cared to say in response to everything you posted. i guess you don't want to go on record whether you hold everyone to that same standard equally or whatever and that's to be expected and im ok with that.
  21. thanks for the advice. the guy actually labels/describes himself as a liberal, or even a strong liberal, as do many of his peers, and for me to acknowledge that means i have an obsession with a binary. meanwhile most of the political opinions you yourself hold, seem to me to be the same ones shared by people who call themselves liberal, but again, *im* the only one involved in some kind of binary that has anything to do with that word/label. weird how this works. seems to me like you just don't want to admit that the guy who you denied was one, actually is one. or that you were wrong for calling me dishonest for saying he is. so now its all about how im crazy for thinking about 'binaries'. what a nice buzzword/tool to get you out of situations. like you've never said something about 'conservatives' or right wingers? as if your contempt for ted cruz has nothing to do with him being associated with right wing tea party conservatives. don't try to bully me around with your hypocritical pseudo intellectual BS. and my 'silly comment' about liberals only having tolerance to diversity when it's skin deep was totally evidenced by your own posts. you think you can define who gets to be a liberal depending on whether or not they agree with you on whatever particular issue. its 100% typical. http://www.nationaljournal.com/politics/gop-silicon-valley-20150408 the type of people who started using the term 'diversity' in the modern social/political context, are the same people who are least likely to actually approve of it when it comes to ideas. when they talk about diversity, they literally do only mean skin color, ethnicity, sexual preference, gender, etc. all the superficial things. anyone who disagrees with them is out. but again i mean i guess this is all in my imagination that this kind of thing goes on, and its just me and my crazy binary obsession.
  22. doesnt obama claim to believe in sky ghost? hasn't everyone who's ever became president or ran in the general election? is it like a wink wink nudge nudge where liberals all just assume that 'their guy' really doesn't and only says they do so they can get elected? or are there just different standards?
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