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Everything posted by Drix

  1. After my graphics card almost broke down, all I can play is Limbo and I love it. :D
  2. It was instant love at first note for me with this new album. The sounds are even more refined and brooding than last time, and it's just so dark it almost is hard to find the right mood for it. I want to listen to it more, but right now it's a sunday afternoon with the smell of spring in the air.. it'll be dark in a few hours though.
  3. I'd love to read that interview if anyone has it and would be able to scan it, or even better have a link to it somewhere. I haven't fully gotten into Gas yet, but I've tried a few times over the years. I just got this collection and I'm surprised by how beat based a lot of this is. I remembered it a lot more ambient all in all. That's not a bad thing though, I was just expecting a beatless experience.
  4. I'll be the one to break the chain and really like Frank Ocean then. Both albums has been on good rotation in this house!
  5. Yeah, well.. it's not Uwe Boll bad, but I'm glad I had no expectations and only wish I was more hung over so I could not care even more when watching it.
  6. Drix

    Now Reading

    I'll read anything about Prince, but this is not as bad as a lot of people have credited it. A fair and well told story so far at least, but skips ahead a bit fast at times.
  7. MBV for the first time, and I like it a lot!
  8. Just accidentally watched Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters, as the movie we were supposed to see was sold out. Entertaining, but not very good. Wasn't bored though, and that's all I required on this Sunday evening.
  9. So many people talk about Scott doing a remake in this thread, it's not a remake it's a new story! Could be good, could be crap but the original would always be as good as it is.
  10. I have a Zoom H1 on my Christmas wishlist. ;)
  11. I really liked the track! Wish I had £50. I'd get 2 copies! One to play and one to sell on Discogs in a year, still plastic-sealed. Damn!
  12. Drix

    Now Reading

    Re-reading The Rum Diaries now before I see the movie. Was one of my favorite books when I first read it, and I can understand why. Thompson was an amazing writer, and the book is just as good now. I'll go get a glass of rum and dive back in!
  13. Drix

    Now Reading

    Philip K. Dick - Valis As always Dick is a great writer and I can't belive he wrote as many great books as he did in the states he was in when he wrote them. Another good one!
  14. Drix

    Now Reading

    A bit all over the place right now reading; Hugo Wilcken - 33 1/3 "David Bowie - Low" Rick Snoman - Dance Music Manual Max Brooks - World War Z
  15. Just gave Goblin a listen and it's seriously overhyped. Some good tracks, but overall quite boring and just really bad swear'cause-it's-cool lyrics. Tre tracks that are good, stick out though, so there is definately something there. OFWGKTA need a best of album soon, they've released close to 1000 songs through their Tumbler, so someone needs to clear out the trash and pick som gems for a real release.
  16. Drix

    Now Reading

    Guillermo Del Toro : The Fall Book 2 of a quite good triology. A new take on the butchered theme of vampires.
  17. Diplo Selects Greensleeves Riddimentary Pretty good hangover music, and simple but cleverly mixed. Diplo knows his stuff!
  18. A nice cup of Aeropressed Coffe.. Just bought it, and it sure makes damn good coffe!! Looks a bit stupid though, but had to try it. :P
  19. Shit, I'm not sure I can handle that much in a single release.. There comes a point where the content drowns in itself. It's great to have the whole package, but I'll need to divide it into eras, and take'em one at the time or something! Will be a great experience anyway.. really looking forward to hearing the sound on the remasteres..
  20. Chocolate milk! Perfect for my bad hangover today.
  21. Green tea with honey, lemon and ginseng.. need at least one to start the day!
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