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Everything posted by TRiP

  1. Quick machinedrum question, comrades Does anyone know a way, or if its possible, to trigger individual machines to play their own sequence via midi while other machines trigger normally? What I mean by this is: I want to trigger one of the machines as a sequence via midi, while still individually trigger one shot notes on the other machines. The reason being is that the machine in question (rimshot) has been live parameter lock tweeked, it has 16 'notes' in its sequence, usually If I was just physically playing it with the MD I would mute and unmute it rhythmically but now as of stands if I trigger the rim its always just going to play the first note in its sequence. The reason i want to do it is so I can plot out the exact drum line for stem recording purposes remotely and be able to play it back along with the other instruments without having to 'play it live' each time. I'm very poor at explaining these things, I hope that made some sort of sense Any ideas?
  2. Jodorowsky's Dune Truly a living legend. Inspiring on many levels. Great watch. David Carradine eating a whole tub of vitamin E/10 Ms.45 Good exploitation revenge flick with a stylish flurry, some nice images, but a fairly mad film overall. Feminist killing spree a'plenty. Zoë Tamerlis Lund/10
  3. Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D Can't beat a good Troma flick! Fun fun fun. Definitely drags mid way through but has enough good sh'tuff along the way to keep you entertained. Looks great in HD, as in to say 'shit', but good shit! Troma/10
  4. Oh dude, i recently finally discovered this too, and bought the cassette as well.. it's so lush, it's unreal. i found out he makes mostly original stuff, supposedly this album is only minimal sample-usage and the rest original. OOOooo... would you be so kind as to point a brother in that general direction? I did a quick search for more of his work but couldn't find anything and yes, lush is certainly the word Hey Trip! For sure.. so that cassette release is out on Illuminated Paths at https://illuminatedpaths.bandcamp.com/album/palm-haze and there are still copies available.. but Miami Vice's bandcamp with both releases is: https://miamivice.bandcamp.com/music I like the other release, Culture Island as well. It was actually released on a floppy disk a few years ago, but it's all sold out unfortunately. However, you can still stream it. (: Enjoy! Ah thanking you sir, yea i was aware of the tape/bandcamp but forgot all about Culture Island, I shall dig into that post haste. I couldn't seem to find any info about him anywhere! As in to say, no website/facebook/soundcloud etc. which might have more information about him, I have the feeling it might be a little side-project thing? either case, great tunes
  5. Oh dude, i recently finally discovered this too, and bought the cassette as well.. it's so lush, it's unreal. i found out he makes mostly original stuff, supposedly this album is only minimal sample-usage and the rest original. OOOooo... would you be so kind as to point a brother in that general direction? I did a quick search for more of his work but couldn't find anything and yes, lush is certainly the word
  6. Twenty Feet from Stardom Yeesh, maybe it's just that i'm not too fascinated with the human voice and find it's over appreciated praise a little tiring, but that aside this just felt like a TV documentary that went on longer than it should, how it won the flippin' Oscar instead of The Act Of Killing is beyond me...but then again maybe it just perfectly illustrates the empty minded nature of dem' Hollywood goons didn't enjoy/10
  7. late to the party, but stumbled upon this album and instantly bought it on cassette...it just felt right... https://illuminatedpaths.bandcamp.com/album/palm-haze
  8. not sure if posted yet...probably the best so far
  9. I know these two, and they are awesome people - made for a friends b.day, tongue in cheek but has a great quality to it
  10. Interstellar Dissapointing/10 This was shit. No two ways about it. I guess i went into silly'ly thinking it wouldn't be just another throw away blockbuster and that it might be one of 'those films' they don't make anymore which somehow makes it way into the mainstream...but nope, utter shlocky shite...for a film that goes to another dimension and inside a black hole it was one of the most unimaginative sci-fi films i'd ever seen...and the script was just awful, no characters ever had one original line of dialogue to say, each time they opened their mouths they just vomited exposition. Also, saw it in IMAX and it really didn't even look that great!
  11. Oh America... http://youtu.be/T0IiVyFM4yo?t=7m2s (Dang, how do you embed youtube videos that start at specific times?)
  12. Barbarella Amazing/10....would consider it one of my top fav's if it wasn't for the lengthy spews of dialog trying to get the story across, if it had just stuck to the insane visual sequences it would be an all round winner. Koyaanisqatsi Life Affirming/10...a must watch if you haven't seen...all the better on mind altering substances, however it does that in itself so not necessary...the Philip Glass score alone is worth it The Brood Not enough/10...really holds back on the gore and the shocks till the very end...could have had way more throughout... Killer Joe Not the best/10....doesn't really get into 2nd gear until the very end and it doesn't really get that black comedy effect as well as other films have done, but still nice to see Friedkin making movies Blood Sport Who doesn't like Blood Sport?!/10
  13. Rubber Started interesting but just went too far and milked the idea dry...too cool for it's own good. Had the potential to be great...but sadly nope Disappointing/10
  14. Limitless Surprisingly entertaining/10 Really had low expectations going into this, but it's actually pretty great as far as modern blockbusters go! Really cool use of CGI/visuals, snappy script and Bradley Cooper was prettttty decent!
  15. Baron Prasil / The Outrageous Baron Munchausen (1962) This is truly incredible film making - Zeman combines all manners of techniques in order to bring this magical tale alive, live-action, animation, stop-motion, puppetry, trick photography. It's so imaginative and genius. Terry Gilliam and Wes Anderson we're hugely influenced by his works. I 'got my hands' on a blurray copy of this, and i'd almost not recommend seeing it any other way, but it's rare enough to find. Magic/10
  16. Miami Connection Another one of those 'so bad it's good' films - lays inbetween Samurai Cop and The Room...not as many hilarious moments as Samurai Cop but enough to be worth the watch...the main actor/writer/producer seems to be a bit of a Tommy Wiseau...When you combine Ninja orphans who play rockin' music you can't go wrong, right?
  17. don't mean to be spammy (posted this in EKT already, but more so relating to the music rather than the video) but every bit of these spacey backgrounds were made by hand with a combination of various techniques, so i'd like to think it verges into 'artwork'
  18. daaaannnngg That's so sweet! If it's not already used in something, would you consider allowing someone to use it for an album cover?....i.e. me
  19. Samurai Cop Hilarious/10 (if you're not familiar with this - yes this film is 100% serious - made by an Iranian trying to make a 'hollywood action film', stories of the cast giving up half way through and purposely doing bad performances so he wouldn't use the scenes...but using them anyway, and having to re-shoot loads of cut-aways in his office after the shoot was over - plus Samurai Cop cut his hair after filming and they had to give him a terrible wig for some of the re-shoots, all great great stuff)
  20. Been wanting to do a double/multiple exposure shoot on film for a while now with my rolleicord, so finally did so last week - developed them at home with caffenol (did a few digital ones also)
  21. Brain Damage Psychedelic exploitation style dark comedy horror fun here, and it's so so much fun! Highly recommended! It takes a lil' while to find it's feet, but when it does, boy it hits the marks - shocks, laughs, gross outs....just pure fun! Watch it! Monstrous deep throat/10
  22. *salute* Nice pick - was very close to watching that the other night with some friends, watched Night of the Creeps instead...which I thought would be as explotation'tastic as i hear Franken' is, but sadly it doesn't go as gratuitous as one would hope, should have hooked it up.
  23. Cobra Whoa! How is this so poorly received? It's great! I mean, it's terrible, but terribly great! It's really grindhouse for such a mainstream man as Stallone. Great brooding cinematography and editing - sweeeeet tense sound track. A bit too much cheese here and there, but it has it's place in relieving the tension from scene to scene....which can get quite intense!
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