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Everything posted by TRiP

  1. Aw yo - The Holy Mountain is deffffffffinitely worth checking out. It's a real gem, so entertaining, creative and enjoyable - just makes you happy watching it . El Topo on the other hand... it's not as lighthearted and takes things a little more seriously and i'm not as keen on it... but maybe that's just because I watched it in a room with some people that didn't mix and had a uncomfortable atmosphere through out...but if they're playing it with the double then why not! Be warned though - that's a pretty taxing double-bill - you'll most likely be fairly drained afterwards. Bring plenty of peyote snacks.
  2. The 36th Chamber of Shaolin Takes a little while to get going, but when it does it's great fun throughout! Awesome Kung-Fu mixed with wise words of the Buddha, on top of one the greatest 'training sequences' ever in film make for a purty' good watch. Three-section-staff/10
  3. The Private Eyes (1976) Oh my, what a gem! Hilarious stuff. Hong Kong comedy, great skits, great characters, great sound track - GREAT FUN! 70's Hong Kong is so cool/10
  4. too many great photos above to quote - nice work yo! went to Marrakesh a couple weeks back - took a silly film camera combo of my massive Kiev 6C and tiny Olympus MJU II
  5. After Hours (1985) Another lost gem from Scorsese, an absurdest kafka'esc day in the life (or rather night) of our leading man - all he wants to do is go home but the universe just doesn't seem to let him. Highly recommended! Club berlin/10
  6. Berberian Sound Studio Can't help but feel dissatisfied and let down by this...perhaps I had built it up too much in my head without really knowing what it was about...it just never went in the direction I wanted it to and felt pretty low budget as a result of never showing you the footage of the film they were foleying...I understand WHY they decided to do that, and just to show the sounds and how they were created, clever...but it was just screaming for a few glimpses of the footage every now and then disappointing/10
  7. Men who grew up watching that character go through every Wrestlemania and come out on top. Scripted or not, it just shows how invested people are in that character and is a reminder that they're adults now. Mark Callaway is now an old man, too broken down to have a proper match. If you like wrestling then it's a shocking moment as it breaks a twenty year tradition, as is the sign that someone that people grew up loving is now no longer going to be there. The character connected with people since he first appeared, everybody knows who the Undertaker is. I watched that live, my friend was in the arena and it went chillingly quiet. The crowd got completely worked by it, the reaction was amazing. Doesn't matter if its fake, having such a significant reaction on so many people is an amazing thing. Way to dismiss entertainment you no fun cunt. well said.
  8. it gives me great pleasure to finally post in this thread large sized: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img812/4342/skzf.jpg medium sized pic:
  9. oh Scott... http://youtu.be/S92TFwemCOk
  10. The Aviator Second viewing, just as enjoyable as the first, great performances, albeit a bit too long in places, it still manages to zip by and keep one entertained. Hughes is the ultimate character. Feels like it's underrated. DiCaprio's performance of a man losing his mind is pretty spot on. Mammaries/10
  11. please say you didnt pay to see 300 sequel but not under the skin! I payed a hefty €11.50 to see Zero Therom...then snuck into 300 + Under the Skin....i'd like to think that €11.50 theoretically splits into both Zero and Skin....i'd like to think... but you're right, i did feel slightly bad about not supporting it with a ticket sale What were the two small things? I'll try spoiler this just in case: But other then that, it was just great. Really refreshing to see such an experimental film in the mainstream cinemas. I agree with your first point, I'm hoping that will improve on the rewatch and I can enjoy the journey rather than waiting to see what happens. Second point is spoiler territory, don't go there unless you plan on reading the book, which you really should. innnteresting, yea I guess I can see what he was going for so. So the book's really good? It sounds so whacky in it's blurb, but I guess that's inherent in all sci-fi novels
  12. What were the two small things? I'll try spoiler this just in case: But other then that, it was just great. Really refreshing to see such an experimental film in the mainstream cinemas.
  13. Under the Skin - Loved it. Two small things are stopping me from saying 'FILM OF THE YEAR!', but it's a darn good contender in a ridiculously strong year of film thus far. Great use of non-actors, loved the naturalistic cinematography, or rather videography(!), soundtrack and sound design were ace...and who can complain with seeing Johansson naked...multiple times! 9.5/10 The Zero Theorem - An odd one, carries a nice message albeit a little weakly presented at times, felt like it could have done with a slightly larger budget for Gillam's visions to flurish, but pretty neat stuff. Also Mélanie Thierry was toooo attractive. Mélanie Thierry/10 302? The sequel to 300... - whatever it's called, watched 3/4 before leaving to see Under the Skin...the entire time i was wondering where to plug in my controller. The whole film feels like a video game with annoying cut scenes that you can't skip. Saw the 2D version and it's shameful how 3D'ised it is inherently with all the CG floating particle effects and blood constantly splattering the screen. Slow motion breasts/10 Internal Affairs (1990) It was terrible. What gives Mike!? Garcia was surprisingly good/10
  14. Harakiri (1962) Pretty great/10 - prods at the samurai ethos and questions the way history is told. It's such a beautiful day (2012) Felt a little over whelming at points, but that's the point! Impressive stuff. Sometimes the humor didn't cut it with me, but other times it was great. Asked some good questions, made you think. Fair play.
  15. science has indeed come too far http://youtu.be/1TbLz1sqKGk
  16. defo been posted before, but by lordie it's catchy
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