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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by zazen

  1. A lot of religion is about praising the powerful, and that used to be normal like 300 years ago or whatever, but its a bit outdated now, praise is now mostly for children or pets. So praising a superpowerful deity is odd, in our time. I am left thinking "What sort of deity needs to be praised?"
  2. Rktic, 2004. This builds to something amazing.
  3. That's a nice interview. I'd love to hear the tracks Richard made with Luke Vibert someday. Yeah that was interesting.
  4. Oh wow, I have been searching for this interview for years, literally. Back in 1996 I read it sitting in a cafe near Berwick st somewhere and it always stuck in my head because they did seem to be getting pissed off with each other. Mike calls Rich a bully. Rich talks about Mike's wife having an Aphex tattoo. Rich calls Mikes quality control crap. Mike calls Rephlex crap. etc... I'm pretty sure this is the only copy of the interview that has ever made it onto the internet because I've googled it before and never found it. Congrats FilziSH for getting it up here.
  5. I had that one too. Christmas Day 1983, putting it together. Awesome. Thinking back, this was a great set but it always bugged me that the astronaut that sits in the back (there's a sort of 'lab' at the back that can be detatched and dropped off) couldnt wear his life-support backpack because he was sitting in a chair. So if you were playing and you wanted that guy to get up and leave the lab, you had to pull his head off to get his backpack on. Pulling the minifigs head off kind of 'broke the rules' and broke your immersion in the play. Jus sayin.
  6. I had that one too. Christmas Day 1983, putting it together. Awesome.
  7. So can someone summarise what happened over the last few days? Cos I've gone back 6 pages in this thread and still can't make sense of it. I gather that https://soundcloud.com/user48736353001was vacated by Richard and is now squatted by someone else, also looks like Richard has removed his SC account because I was following him (and follows still work on SC after an account rename). So he's off soundcloud - did he say why, did he say whats happening next?
  8. Just received a really confusing spam email mentioning watmm and colundi and something about a kickstarter. Searched watmm for Colundi, led me here. Rating: A++++ would get same confusion again
  9. guuwd fun with the bits of interview Nice - DJ Food mixing the recent soundcloud tracks
  10. yes, it's from an old soviet electro record called 'pulse 1: musical computer' by a. rodionov and b. tikhomirov cheers wait, what is this conversation about? where is '80s tite'? Richard uploaded and quickly took down a track apparently to test Soundcloud's copyright filter or something: https://www.mediafire.com/?3402paw2in7xlbj Ah yeah, Rodionov and Tikhomirov http://valverdemusic.blogspot.co.uk/2008/11/va-pulse-series-soviet-electro-mega.html The story I heard (can't remember where) was that these guys were making electro breakdancey stuff but in soviet russia the only way to get it released was to emphasise its use in exercise/training etc. Hence all the tracks on Pulse 1 are named to relate to sports etc.
  11. yes, it's from an old soviet electro record called 'pulse 1: musical computer' by a. rodionov and b. tikhomirov cheers wait, what is this conversation about? where is '80s tite'?
  12. Favourite Aphex Twin cover: This ICBYD pillow case http://www.redbubble.com/people/mrspaceman/works/8621035-i-care-because-you-do?grid_pos=3&p=throw-pillow
  13. Good god bambi, do we have reason to doubt your memory? my wife would say yes Dont leave the fucking hob on then. lol
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