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I'll just make this one thread where I can spam my tracks without always making a new topic etc.

I made some simple house. Quite happy with how it sounds. Had to tune the vocal sample around a bit because the first mix sounded way too out of tune. I don't mind a bit of dissonance if it sounds cool. Like many older house and jungle tracks have samples that tonally have little to do with the bassline or synths yet it sounds good. In this case though it was too off. Now it's a bit too chipmunkish but at least it's not as bad anymore.

I mostly tried to make variation to the track by volume automation, bringing elements in and out and adjusting the cutoff filter on the synth pad.

Feels like a quick practice track between more "serious" stuff but I usually find that the best tracks are the ones where I'm not trying too much.

This is something I made a month ago or so. Sounds like a cheap version of Bower Electric's Fear of Flying. I was experimenting with crappy mp3 sounds, trying to find out if this kind of lofiness has any value. I exported some of the samples in the crappiest mp3 settings I could get in cubase and used them back in the track. I also ran the whole thing through c-cassette. Not a "serious" track either but a nice little experiment for myself.


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  • 1 month later...
4 hours ago, Thiefinger said:


P pleased with this. Ethereal sounds etc. Also - started uploading tracks on youtube so LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE ?

I seriously dig this - especially that beautiful arp and the string tone around the middle. Lush af

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  • 4 months later...


Chill nighttime drive vibes I guess. A mix of chill house and synthwave maybe? Just went more for nice ambient textures with a nice beat.

Also first track trying out Arturias prophet and cs-80 vst's I recently purchased.

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  • 1 month later...

New track. First one mixed with my new KRK's. A big improvement to my monitoring situation. Probably far from perfect but now I at least feel like I hear what I'm doing.

I actually prefer YT to Soundcloud, because Youtube sounds better to me, but no point in not uploading to SC. Also I feel that random people are more likely to click on an YT link rather than SC. Maybe..


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On 6/27/2021 at 6:28 PM, Thiefinger said:

Today I was just trying out some plugins and made a few bars of music for that but it turned out a complete track.


I'm thinking you could back off the bass drum just a bit? It sounded a little grating in my headphones at least and besides I'd like the rest of the music to shine through more. Otherwise it sound really nice, great melody, beautiful sounds and develops very naturally throughout. Maybe there's a bit of Air in there?

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On 8/12/2021 at 11:20 AM, ArtificialDisco said:

I'm thinking you could back off the bass drum just a bit? It sounded a little grating in my headphones at least and besides I'd like the rest of the music to shine through more. Otherwise it sound really nice, great melody, beautiful sounds and develops very naturally throughout. Maybe there's a bit of Air in there?

Thanks for the feedback. Can't be arsed to go back and change anything tbh. It is what it is.

Anyway, a new track 


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  • 3 months later...
  • 8 months later...

I'm working on a new track, it'll be ready soon.


BUT I decided to post some oldies on my SC because why not? These are fun tracks--- PLEASE CHECK THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST TOO

There's a couple I didn't link but just check my SC for those. 

OK SO I also decided to make a SC account for my super old tracks, like from 2011-2013 when I was just learning to make this stuff (haven't got far lol)
There's some cringy stuff but also some fun stuff. I didn't know how to mix the low end back then so it's pretty muddy in most tracks 


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I enjoyed listening to your material last night. The changes are relentlessly good and interesting. The grooves are really good. To my ear it sounds like your older mixes are super clean and some of the later ones start getting into a second generation cassette tape territory and I wasn't sure if they weren't remixes of old 80's stuff till you corrected me. What's the story/process with the vocals? Which piece are you the most happy with in terms of balance between best mix and best music?

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2 hours ago, rek said:

I enjoyed listening to your material last night. The changes are relentlessly good and interesting. The grooves are really good. To my ear it sounds like your older mixes are super clean and some of the later ones start getting into a second generation cassette tape territory and I wasn't sure if they weren't remixes of old 80's stuff till you corrected me. What's the story/process with the vocals? Which piece are you the most happy with in terms of balance between best mix and best music?

Yea I sort of found my own thing when I got into making things sounds shitty on purpose.. lol.
I just autotune and splice the shit out of voc tracks and add bunch of fx. I don't really care if the actual words make any sense.
I don't know which is my fav track, it changes. But this is def my personal fav album I've done https://thiefinger.bandcamp.com/album/planetary-tones
Don't know if anyone else hears it the same way but I just like the vibe there, never quite managed to recreate it later on. Was into Silent Hill 1 and 2 ost's and Twin Peaks while doing that. Well maybe the first 2 tracks are a bit cringe but the rest is good imho.
Actually with QHP, I would say this is my fav I've done with that project. https://qualityheadprofile.bandcamp.com/album/things-that-i-do
I had a really specific workflow while making those tracks, a mix of jamming and then editing those jams + adding stuff. Too bad I can't remember how I did it back then. Oh well

Edited by Thiefinger
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4 hours ago, Thiefinger said:

I don't know which is my fav track, it changes. But this is def my personal fav album I've done https://thiefinger.bandcamp.com/album/planetary-tones


Man this track is super dope. I love the epic vibe. 

Edited by Alzado
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  • 2 weeks later...

Goddamn these synths are lush.The vocal would benefit from being set apart a bit from everything else in the mix. It seems buried a bit. But the track itself is really lush. 

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