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Ümlaut - The God Particle (self-released)


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The seed for "The God Particle" album was planted back in 2012 when a subatomic particle was discovered at the Large Hadron Collider. The Higgs boson (called the “God particle”) is the particle associated with the Higgs field, an energy field that transmits mass to the things that travel through it. Peter Higgs and Francois Englert theorized way back in 1964 that this is how things in the universe – stars, planets, even people – came to have mass. At the same time I was reading "The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Commentary on the Raja Yoga Sutras" by Sri Swami Satchidananda. I saw a parallel as it was describing how, with the quintessential concentration of mind (saṁyamḥ), you could dive deeply into an object or idea to release its secrets. Scientists have been using the same concentration method on the atomic particles, gaining knowledge as the particles released their energy, discovering their truth. Patanjali describes how saṁyama (the practice of dhāraṇā, dhyāna and samādhi) is usually done on one object or idea to uncover their secrets. These results or hidden secrets are called siddhis or vibhūti. I focused on the exploration and adaptation of these concepts to uncover them within my world of sound.


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