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mmmm, not really man...


sounds pretty cool though.....


you got to phase or wah that bass part and then it might but the breaks are too prevalent in the track....


some folks make it work, Toasty Boy and Boxcutter come to mind.....


but frequency shifted bass and dub and 2 step rhythm, and a bit slower tempo are key components to a dubstep track, there are no rules, just the intuitive ability to make it sound cool and dubbed out...

Edited by Atop
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Guest grinningcat

I was going to go on friday but decided to have a quiet one instead. Glad I didnt go but some mates went. I think perhaps you went to the wrong night, fwd has always been more of a grime /mc crowd even when they have a dubstep lineup , you should go to dmz instead thats full of all the wire readers and journalists lol.


sad to see mcs f*ck it up though, they are teh worst. Once I was at the end and some idiot mc was shouting 'rewind' on every bloody tune, until the dj started completely ignoring him, made the mc calling for rewind look like a dick


what were they playing in the second room? thought it was a pure dubstep lineup

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e) a load of complete dickheads in the crowd, loads of agression, loads of girls getting treated like shit. totally reminded me off a drum and bass night




used to be the best nights around and now its fucking shite. worst thing is that I love hearing the music on a really big system so much more than at home so I donnee know what to do..


i'm really sorry to say it, but it sounds like the scene is getting ruined by blackitude. it does my fucking head in why so many young black men actually like violence and aggression and treating girls extremely horribly. i see it all the time. i dunno what the fuck their problem is, but it needs to fucking stop man. fucking African Americanz.

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woh, not in this thread dude!


the scene here in Texas is completely diverse and non violent.....


maybe the British need to start fucking outside of their own gene pool!


but I hope you are joking or else you should put a NSFAnyone stamp on that post!

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eh? i'm not joking no. sorry about the use of the "N" word if that caused offence. but it really is a problem in London at the moment man - young black guys are fucking stabbing every motherfucker and they think it's like, a good thing to do.

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Guest Jimbob

he's right dude, but i think it has a lot to do with nurture rather than nature.

Its spreading aswell, albeit slowly.

fucken youth of today eh.

''because it's the 21st century and everyone hates each other''

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been happening with every minority 'race' in America for years but with guns and knives.....


ghetto hop and metal/thrashcore culture is where this is 'mostly' centered around....


the US' influence is this dept is why there are meaningless violent acts being centered around grime in the UK.....


not a black thing man, just an American thing.......


watch Zeitgeist, Gummo, Boyz in the Hood, or Menace to Society for subjects about the source of the problem....


non-compassion, ignorance, and oppression makes for good ole time hatred and random violence.........

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i know. Britain's fucked. 2 YEAR OLD girl stabbed to death last week. oh and 3 shootings. and another stabbing. and that's just in South London last week. and that's just what made the headlines. something like 175 knife related incidents an hour at the moment in the UK.....

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not a black thing




and don't fucking tell me to watch Boyz in the Hood etc - I saw that shit when you were a twinkle in yo daddy's eye....


and don't try and say it's America's fault either you nutter. the UK has had a far longer black history than the USA mate. always with the America Does Everything Bigger and Better.....

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what are you? fucking 50 BCM.....?


you racist pig!


get yer old bigot ass out of here if so!



and yes I am excited Ghostbusters....




but we have a disturbance in the dubstep thread.........


the only film I was serious about watching is Zeitgeist, the others just show asshole humans who think they have no accountability.......


the problem people who think that race and culture are the issue when it is education and too many humans living on the earth......


glad it was my dad's eye with the twinkle and not your prejudiced piece of shit one, but if so, I would pluck that fucked up rotten eye out.........

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no i'm 30. and i'm not actually racist at all. all the londoners know exactly what i'm on about.... it's a real shame. talking of films to highlight issues etc, try watching Kidulthood (shit title i know), but it's a reasonably accurate portrayal of violent culture in london at the moment. anyway, back to the dubstep.....

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Guest grinningcat
it does my fucking head in why so many young black men actually like violence and aggression and treating girls extremely horribly


does my head in how many girls think its normal, and expect to be treated that way

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Guest blutac
I was going to go on friday but decided to have a quiet one instead. Glad I didnt go but some mates went. I think perhaps you went to the wrong night, fwd has always been more of a grime /mc crowd even when they have a dubstep lineup , you should go to dmz instead thats full of all the wire readers and journalists lol.


what were they playing in the second room? thought it was a pure dubstep lineup


I've been to loads of fwds over the last 2 years, but the MCs dont normally take control to the level they did on friday and the sound system and mixing is better at plastic people so its not as much of a problem. Definetly prefer DMZ having said that. The second room had sofas in it so you'd go to sit down, everyone was just looking at eachother like what the fuck is this??? Ragga, house, trance but all shit, same tune being played half a dozen times over the course of a few hours. the worst thing was it was just as loud as the main room so there was nowhere to go rest your ears unless you joined the half hour ciggie queue.


e) a load of complete dickheads in the crowd, loads of agression, loads of girls getting treated like shit. totally reminded me off a drum and bass night


i'm really sorry to say it, but it sounds like the scene is getting ruined by blackitude. it does my fucking head in why so many young black men actually like violence and aggression and treating girls extremely horribly. i see it all the time. i dunno what the fuck their problem is, but it needs to fucking stop man. fucking African Americanz.


So random that you brought that up, I had a big argument with my mates on the way home about it. I think its impossible to deny what your talking about, but at the same time I reminded them that its not because they're black, its because there fucking dick heads, and theres just as many white/asian etc guys who are exactly the same. Proportionally though minorities and especially black people do seem to be involved a lot more, and its total fucking bullshit. I hate to agree with the government and the media especially when they sound like such twats in the way they phrase it, but it is true that almost any black person who is famous (and therefore supposedly influential) isn't exactly the best role models. I was about to say I'm not racist I have black friends then I remembered Black People Love Us


no i'm 30. and i'm not actually racist at all. all the londoners know exactly what i'm on about.... it's a real shame. talking of films to highlight issues etc, try watching Kidulthood (shit title i know), but it's a reasonably accurate portrayal of violent culture in london at the moment.


Kidulthood is a fucking awful film and I don't think its a good representation but I do think things are pretty fucked up.

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Who do you all think Burial is?


he's Kode 9 right?


me and my friends think so at least............


He's pretty adamant that he is not, nor a former member of Basic Channel, but who knows...

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yeah I meant to get this before, thanks for putting it back up!


I think Burial is Kode 9 and lying.........


the mystery makes for better money.....


not that money is his angle....


but when I bring up dubstep with anyone that knows anything about it, they know who Burial is.........


but they usually don't know that no one actually knows who he really is.......

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