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who of you smelly crusties are going to Glade

Guest Jimbob

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Guest Iain C
01733 755 783


If anyone fancies a swift meet!


what - you taking your land line with you then eh? LOL.


giz yer mobile.


I meant 07833 755 783... too stoned already!

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i'm now posting this on my phone from the glade! just got here, totally knackered from trekking through acres of field with all my shit, but i'm here now, tent's up, sat on a camping chair with a beer and just about to skin up... fucking wicked!

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not going to get there until tomorrow about 12 ish


BCM -how close can i get my van to where my tent will be?

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you won't be able to get your van that close unless you set up right near the entrance, which is a bit out of the way and shit. it's also been raining like an absolute cunt for the last six hours... i'm in my tent now listening to it hammer down and getting an occasional drip in the face. it's pretty bad to be honest... if it doesn't pack up soon, we probably ARE all going to drown. : (

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not fair


the gump didn't get to the glade


we drove down through england in the pissing rain until we hit the m40 and it was at a stand still cos of a mudslide


we sat in traffic for hours and eventualy took to the hard shoulder and off at the nearest exit to try the small roads.


500 yards either sideof the motorway the roads were flooded


the only way was back so we traveled back to the m6 toll road and got a room in the travel inn


we got pissed and made the most of it and came home today


glade abandoned


now i am going to drink all the booze and take all the drugs we brought home




glade in gumps hoose

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just got back now - after the monsoon conditions of thurs/fri day, the rain cleared up and the sun came out!! the WHOLE site was four inches deep in sticky mud by saturday, and it rained intermitantly a couple more times, but i've had an absolutely wicked time! honestly, the mud didn't matter that much after a while and everyone just got on with getting fucked and raving lots - saw loads of quality acts in the overkill tent, raved to psy trance with a load of crusties, done lots of MDMA and e's, saw Syntheme a few times, met Idiron, fell over in a small stream, loads of stuff! it was effing brilliant.

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good stuff man


i am stil pissed at missing it but i didn't pay for my ticket so there is always next year

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sounds like fucking hell to me . a foot of mud everywhere. nowhere to sit down and no escape from the relentlessy tinny thud of the PSYTRANCE klick drum for 72 hours except for the odd bit of crappy breakcore here and there. good god no. no amount of drugs in the world could make that a good weekend.

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Guest Dirty Protest

I'm sitting in the sun, drinking coffee and waiting for squarepusher . I haven't heard a bit of psytrance all weekend. been a fucking brilliant weekend, fuck the rain that's what wellies are for. now down to watch the daddy :)

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yeah man! go on son... i'm gutted i had to leave before seeing mr pusher really, but we didn't have our own car and we're relying on a lift so had to go when we had to go... it was funny as fuck though - there was these two geezers yesterday having a mud wrestle with a massive crowd of people cheering them on! the mud was wicked! mud mud mud. the mudman prophecies.

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Shit. I came home early. Missed the Pusher but also missed the crunch of traffic tonight and tomorrow morning. The mud made it hell to escape.


BCM did you get towed out by the tractors mate? I was keeping an eye out for you all weekend but no luck. Probably saw you but didn't recgonise you.


I wish it didn't rain, but it was still fun. Feel sad now I'm home.

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no, we got picked up by our mate outside on the road so didn't need any tractoring - saw loads of cars getting pulled out though. it was hell escaping though wasn't it... nearly stacked it in the mud a few times - took ages carrying all my shit and that, got there in the end though! i'm still pretty fucked really, just lying on my bed stoned, remembering it all... i'm also quite sad now i've left. such a good vibe, everyone up for it and that... loads of fit birds.... shit man, i'm going back.

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no, we got picked up by our mate outside on the road so didn't need any tractoring - saw loads of cars getting pulled out though. it was hell escaping though wasn't it... nearly stacked it in the mud a few times - took ages carrying all my shit and that, got there in the end though! i'm still pretty fucked really, just lying on my bed stoned, remembering it all... i'm also quite sad now i've left. such a good vibe, everyone up for it and that... loads of fit birds.... shit man, i'm going back.


If it's on next year of course. It was a bit of a struggle getting the license this year and I'm reading things about bodies of festival goers washing up at the site. Dunno how true that is. Fucking hell.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Squarepusher was fucking emense, he played an acid crowd pleasing set, such a good way to round of the weekend. Took me about 30 mins to get out of the site on a tractor, most people looked like they were staying tonight as well, tomorrows going to be a fucking mare to get out.

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Guest blutac

fuckin awesome. the best part was seeing people on Ketamine trying to negotiate the mud


Squarepusher was the shit, also Tipper and whoever was playing when the rain finally stopped on the Friday. All my stuff got completely soaked and I didn't bring Wellies but it was amazing. Seem to remember seeing idiron at some point..


On the negative side what the fuck was with the sound in the Overkill, after the amazing effort to get it running on the friday night bangface was ruined by ridicolously low sound levels. Speakers also completely let down the dubstep. And who thought it would be a good idea to put Four Tet, Squarepusher and DM on at the same time!!!!!!!!!!


Surprisingly painless to get back home this morning, about 2.5 hours from leaving our tents to getting back to London by train

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yeah, i thought the volume could have been a lot higher in overkill. it was ok at times but much too quiet at others.... weird... still it was all good! really glad i'm not trying to wade my way out today though - you'd be better off with skis... i also didn't have any wellies and completely ruined two pairs of trainers, but my feet never seemed to be that wet... maybe i was just too fucked to notice.... jesus though - i fucking slept last night! about 15 hours straight... feel really spaced out today, gonna get stoned and mess about on my hardware making weird noises.

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Guest Jimbob

that mud was truly harsh, but i managed to get out to the nearest garden centre and get some wellies on Saturday morning which sorted me out. fucking nackering trekking though the bog though.

The overkill soundsystem was pretty inconsistent yeah, but i thought it was alright as long as you weren't stood at the back really

Bangface on friday was fucking awesome i tells ya, especially Ceephax and Tim Exile, and i'm gonna have to make the trek down to London town for their next one cause the atmosphere was wicked. It's a shame that a lot of people didn't get to play though.

Definitely getting a ticket for next year, even if it was an enourmous relief to get the fuck away from the psy trance, shit reggae and mudbaths.

I'll be uploading some pics from the Pusher set when i can be arsed (which was shit hot by the way, specifically the few unreleased tracks)

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