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Guest The Vidiot

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Naked Lunch by burroughs

I read this recently. Mixed thoughts. It was interesting at times but then at other points I just thought it was inane drivel.

Definitely had some brilliant moments


Definitely had some subpar moments


I'd have liked it if he'd written a novel with a little less sex and more drugs and hallucinations

Edited by Capsaicin
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Guest Coalbucket PI

I'm reading Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk, not much too it so far but its enjoyable.


Can anyone recommend any female authors/books by them that are good because I don't think I've ever read a book by a lady that really works for me and I'm starting to feel like a sexist

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Guest Glass Plate

here's some suggestions for ya, coal buddy:

Zadie Smith's White Teeth

Yoko Towada's The Bridegroom was a Dog

I haven't read her but you could try Elfriede Jelinek

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Masonic Boom

Can anyone recommend any female authors/books by them that are good because I don't think I've ever read a book by a lady that really works for me and I'm starting to feel like a sexist


I'll always stan for Margaret Atwood and Carol Shields (dunno what it is about Canadian ladies that I love their work so much.)


Plus all this talk of lucid dreaming has got me thinking about this:




I've got to find me some more books to read. Sick of spending my commute staring into space listening to the freaky music the Victoria Line makes.

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Guest viscosity

just got assigned


Oedipus the King

Richard III


Lord Jim


i don't know what i'm doing with this major, i just want to keep up with the reading


also i hate seminar. stressing the fuck out about that and presentations

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just got assigned


Oedipus the King

Richard III


Lord Jim


i don't know what i'm doing with this major, i just want to keep up with the reading


also i hate seminar. stressing the fuck out about that and presentations


oh man I love Conrad!!!


and Beowulf is a beast!!


i guess that is a lot to read in a week though....i have a rather large book presentation due next week myself.

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Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad


I've also been trying to finish Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, but I'm having trouble. Too much schoolwork.


Also, recently read The Turn of the Screw. Hated it. The language wasn't difficult, but it was boring as shit to read about a neurotic babysitter.

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Guest viscosity

yea i like conrad also, it's not really the workload i just hate presenting, public oration is not my forte. I rather get stabbed in the leg then perform in front of a group of peers

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Guest Franklin

I'm still reading Gravity's Rainbow by Pynchon... it's still a difficult read and I'm not sure I understand it all but there are some kick ass parts and he's one hell of a writer.

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I'm still reading Gravity's Rainbow by Pynchon... it's still a difficult read and I'm not sure I understand it all but there are some kick ass parts and he's one hell of a writer.


this helped me sort some shit out:




incredible book

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Guest viscosity

the only Thomas Pynchon I have read is Entropy, a great read even if it is somewhat difficult. interesting allegory of the concept


definitely need to check out more of his stuff

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yea i like conrad also, it's not really the workload i just hate presenting, public oration is not my forte. I rather get stabbed in the leg then perform in front of a group of peers


same here, but it's cause i get really nervous, i start trembling. i have a social phobia or something. and you know what helps with that? xanax. get yourself some xanax.

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i have a lot of trouble presenting, but I do great in small discussions.


When you go in for a master's degree, you'll find that the groups are much smaller, more passionate about the subject at hand, which creates a bit more of a relaxed informal atmosphere....i find that to be the best...ideally at your friend's place with a few others drinking a few beers and arguing the finer points of nerd-dom.

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Guest Franklin

I'm still reading Gravity's Rainbow by Pynchon... it's still a difficult read and I'm not sure I understand it all but there are some kick ass parts and he's one hell of a writer.


this helped me sort some shit out:




incredible book



thanks dude. I just picked this up and will give them a back and forth once I'm done the text!

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Guest GrandPopPoplock

Blade Of The Immortal : Shortcut











Indeed , my son...indeed



so fucking good.....!

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yea i like conrad also, it's not really the workload i just hate presenting, public oration is not my forte. I rather get stabbed in the leg then perform in front of a group of peers


same here, but it's cause i get really nervous, i start trembling. i have a social phobia or something. and you know what helps with that? xanax. get yourself some xanax.


Same goes for me. I've been told that I even have this weird nervous tick where I do stuff with my nails, and I'm totally unaware of it. Beta blockers would probably do the trick.



Reading Satre's Anti-Semite and Jew atm.

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