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Guest The Vidiot

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Guest Masonic Boom

Living Dolls: The Return of Sexism by Natasha Walter


If I had any clout I'd make this required reading in every school in the country.

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just finishing up glamorama by bret easton ellis. it's the only book other than american psycho that i've read of his, but i really like his writing style, the way he lols at 90s america through a character that takes the scene so seriously. he's also got me writing in run on sentences which i realize is annoying but that seems a better way to describe the mood of his books as the main character is generally thinking about 1000 different things and there's usually a funny bit somewhere in the middle that causes a mini-lol and then something totally or just a little bit unexpected and 3+ famous people later you've just read an entire paragraph.


not sure if i really like it or not, but i don't hate his writing like most of you snobs here, i think he's quite readable. any other bee fans recommend a next book? i've wanted to read rules of attraction for a while, should finally get around to it. i hear bee is a prick so i don't want to read any interviews or anything, kind of ruined the flahblub for me even before i heard his shit, so i was never able to judge him objectively (some is good, but i can't stop thinking of dbag falhbub twittering away how he's really cool while listening to him).

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just finishing up glamorama by bret easton ellis. it's the only book other than american psycho that i've read of his, but i really like his writing style, the way he lols at 90s america through a character that takes the scene so seriously. he's also got me writing in run on sentences which i realize is annoying but that seems a better way to describe the mood of his books as the main character is generally thinking about 1000 different things and there's usually a funny bit somewhere in the middle that causes a mini-lol and then something totally or just a little bit unexpected and 3+ famous people later you've just read an entire paragraph.


not sure if i really like it or not, but i don't hate his writing like most of you snobs here, i think he's quite readable. any other bee fans recommend a next book? i've wanted to read rules of attraction for a while, should finally get around to it. i hear bee is a prick so i don't want to read any interviews or anything, kind of ruined the flahblub for me even before i heard his shit, so i was never able to judge him objectively (some is good, but i can't stop thinking of dbag falhbub twittering away how he's really cool while listening to him).



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest dese manz hatin

J Kerouac - Visions of Cody


Very nice read----even wilder, more richly coloured and inspiring than On The Road


And I just finished re-reading Islands in the Stream and To Have and Have Not (both Hemingway) as well.

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Guest Franklin

I'm still reading Gravity's Rainbow by Pynchon... it's still a difficult read and I'm not sure I understand it all but there are some kick ass parts and he's one hell of a writer.


this helped me sort some shit out:




incredible book


Thanks again Alsofribas. I'm now re-reading gravity's rainbow (which is fucking killer even though it's extremely dense) along-side the companion book.


also reading Kaplan and Saddocks' Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry. very helpful. And reading Phobic Disorders and Panic in Adults: A Guide to Assessment and Treatment by Antony and Swinson.


Does anybody else read too many books at one time?

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Just started readon James Ellroy's conspiracy trilogy with American Tabloid: A Novel


And my non-fiction book is Broca's Brain by Carl Sagan




The current coffee-table book in my house is Glitch: Designing Imperfection

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Gordon Wood-The Radicalism of the American Revolution.



great, great book....his predecessor Bernard Bailyn is amazing on the Revolutionary ideology as well.

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just finished reading "the things they carried"


didn't really like it.

Really? It sounded good, I was planning on reading this fairly soon.


Any reason why you didn't like it?


i didn't like the way it was written (kinda simplistic) and it didn't leave me with any thought-provoking ideas or feelings. it was too unfocused for me to appreciate, i guess, because it did have some good ideas, they just weren't developed enough...


it's worth a read if you like vietnam stories.

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Just finished Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited and enjoyed it very much (I read Vile Bodies beforehand)


And I am about to start The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins.


And I have about 30 books on my list to read ^_^

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just finished reading "the things they carried"


didn't really like it.

Really? It sounded good, I was planning on reading this fairly soon.


Any reason why you didn't like it?


i didn't like the way it was written (kinda simplistic) and it didn't leave me with any thought-provoking ideas or feelings. it was too unfocused for me to appreciate, i guess, because it did have some good ideas, they just weren't developed enough...


it's worth a read if you like vietnam stories.

Turns out this is the required summer reading for my english class next year, so I'll be buying this one anyways. lol.

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