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Wisp - The Shimmering Hour

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holy shit rephlex dont fuck around do they?


It would kind of be a dream to be be at the point they are at as a label, they have so much of a following that they tend not to spend any money on promotion and it seems to work for them amazingly well.

hopefully im making RDJ jealous by putting out the upcoming Lich record!

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weirdly enough, i think it's gonna be great


i don't doubt that it will be quality, everything wisp does is excellent

i just lament that he's forsaking drillnbass, which he does (did) so well

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Preordered as well...


The cover seems pretty cool, but not as cool as Link and his ocarina of course...


Congrats to all of you for making this oh so beautiful page 27...

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Guest Glass Plate

wow these previews do sound pretty good, but I mean if we didn't know wisp, you'd totally be like, is this aphex dupe? But you can tell by the drums especially (tone wise) that it's not.

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