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Selected Ambient Works Volume II

Guest ataraxy2

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Guest ataraxy2

Okay so when I bought SAWII I noticed the tracks were untitled (apparently there are titles but the ones I saw when I ripped were terrible) so I just thought "Whatever I shall listen to it whilst reading and see what I get out of it all." Anyone else done the same?


CD version.


1-01 Stream


Someone singing beside a stream as kids play further down. The grass is high and bright.


2-01 Vent


A favourite. Made me feel very claustrophic, trapped.


3-01 In Loving Memory

Sounds like the type of thing you'd hear whilst at a funeral - the type of piece played for someone who was very influential.


4-01 Abandoned Station I


A young girl wonders down the station everything is a dull gray and blue and it's very foggy. All she can hear is this sound, the sound of a train starting - yet the station has been abandoned for years.


5-01 Experiments At the Asylum


Experiments at an asylum render those inside motionless, forever with a blank stare. Takes place from the perspective of a doctor and the degradation of the patients.

6-01 The Braindead Surgeon


Related to 5-01. A psychopathic surgeon is shown killing multiple people with lethal injections whilst under operation, whilst this goes on it flashes on his past. His growing up which is normal, and his successful relationship with a girl. Eventually he goes insane quite inexplicably and is sent to the above asylum, rendered motionless with the blankest, most emotionless look on his face.


7-01 The Break-In

Someone sneaks but breaks into a house and steals a TV.


8-01 Stone Circle I

Some sort of ritual around a campfire is being performed by cavemen.


9-01 Torture Playpen


Parents raise kids to a certain age taking wonderful care of them. Then when they reach that certain age of four they are thrown into a playpen where the parents torture them and keep them alive to keep the torture ongoing.

10-01 Strings

I did not see anything in particular. One of the worst from the album because of that.

11-01 Psycopath


Someone enters a diner and dreams of murdering a few of the people in it. Every time he wakes from these dreams (in a state of confusion) he enters another one and kills different people with each dream. Sometimes he wakes outside of the diner and sometimes in his car. But everytime he kills in the diner.

1-02 Blue Calx

This was a title I kept because I couldn't think of what to call it. This song is perfect though, good to go on walks with.

2-02 Summer Rain


In the middle of the day it starts to rain and the sun is brighter than usual.


3-02 Tropical Sandpeople


People dancing in sand.

4-02 Fog


I see fog and a forest consumed by it, a forest in which people who go too deep into never leave. I feel cold.

5-02 Momentum


The only true moment of relief in the album, very groovy and mellow. Love this song. Love how it really lets up.

6-02 Gumshoes, Psychiatrists and Boiled Lollies


A gumshoe is investigating the case of a murder and undercover goes to a psychiatrist who is a suspect. This psychiatrist happens to be the murderer but instead of the gumshoe gathering evidence he ends up getting brainwashed/poisoned by the boiled lollies she oftens him. The boiled lollies are on the desk between the two and in a jar.


7-02 Stone Circle II


Again, this time the dance is much more energetic.


8-02 Flowers


I see flowers. Yeah this song doesn't do much for me...


9-02 Abandoned Station II


Now the young girl is hearing voices and she starts to run trying to find the "way out". She is growing paranoid and worried, the trains have stopped making noises and instead she is convinced that she is hearing voices of those who have travelled them. It ends with her being trapped in the station forever.


10-02 Shock Therapy


Think A Clockwork Orange. I didn't know shock therapy meant ECT when I named it this. Although both work.

11-02 TV Dinner


Another favourite. Slobs who eat dinner on those colourful plastic plate thingys whilst watching TV. They don't speak to one another and are extremely unhygienic (their skin is yellow). The house is messy, clothes everywhere, broken glass, old TV sets. Mashed potatoes slowly drip down the sides of their mouths.


12-02 Temporary Heaven


The worst track on the album next to 8-02 (the clicky noise ruins it all) I er, gave it this title because I couldn't think of anything other than it.



Even if you haven't renamed them share what you see and stuff when you listen to them.

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12-02 Temporary Heaven


The worst track on the album next to 8-02 (the clicky noise ruins it all) I er, gave it this title because I couldn't think of anything other than it.


You mean Match Sticks? This track is brilliant dude, it's bloody evil or something.

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cant remember which of the newer star wars movies it was, but anakin and the jar jar idiot are in some mini-submarine pod thing. blue calx has always reminded me of that mini-submarine pod thing exploring the deep ocean.

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If it were up to me, I'd either refer to them by their length (like the album 76:14), or give more accurate names for the pictures.










[yellow raindrops]















[solar flare]

[dried mud]







OK, so these turned out to be even worse. Dang.

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Guest ataraxy2
Why can't people accept that the tracks are untitled? What is this obsession with labeling these tracks?


Surely that was Aphex's intention to encourage people to listen to them and view them all in a different way. And it works better this way because everyone feels different with each track - that's ambient for ya.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Okay so when I bought SAWII I noticed the tracks were untitled (apparently there are titles but the ones I saw when I ripped were terrible) so I just thought "Whatever I shall listen to it whilst reading and see what I get out of it all." Anyone else done the same?


CD version.


1-01 Stream


Someone singing beside a stream as kids play further down. The grass is high and bright.


2-01 Vent


A favourite. Made me feel very claustrophic, trapped.


3-01 In Loving Memory

Sounds like the type of thing you'd hear whilst at a funeral - the type of piece played for someone who was very influential.


4-01 Abandoned Station I


A young girl wonders down the station everything is a dull gray and blue and it's very foggy. All she can hear is this sound, the sound of a train starting - yet the station has been abandoned for years.


5-01 Experiments At the Asylum


Experiments at an asylum render those inside motionless, forever with a blank stare. Takes place from the perspective of a doctor and the degradation of the patients.

6-01 The Braindead Surgeon


Related to 5-01. A psychopathic surgeon is shown killing multiple people with lethal injections whilst under operation, whilst this goes on it flashes on his past. His growing up which is normal, and his successful relationship with a girl. Eventually he goes insane quite inexplicably and is sent to the above asylum, rendered motionless with the blankest, most emotionless look on his face.


7-01 The Break-In

Someone sneaks but breaks into a house and steals a TV.


8-01 Stone Circle I

Some sort of ritual around a campfire is being performed by cavemen.


9-01 Torture Playpen


Parents raise kids to a certain age taking wonderful care of them. Then when they reach that certain age of four they are thrown into a playpen where the parents torture them and keep them alive to keep the torture ongoing.

10-01 Strings

I did not see anything in particular. One of the worst from the album because of that.

11-01 Psycopath


Someone enters a diner and dreams of murdering a few of the people in it. Every time he wakes from these dreams (in a state of confusion) he enters another one and kills different people with each dream. Sometimes he wakes outside of the diner and sometimes in his car. But everytime he kills in the diner.

1-02 Blue Calx

This was a title I kept because I couldn't think of what to call it. This song is perfect though, good to go on walks with.

2-02 Summer Rain


In the middle of the day it starts to rain and the sun is brighter than usual.


3-02 Tropical Sandpeople


People dancing in sand.

4-02 Fog


I see fog and a forest consumed by it, a forest in which people who go too deep into never leave. I feel cold.

5-02 Momentum


The only true moment of relief in the album, very groovy and mellow. Love this song. Love how it really lets up.

6-02 Gumshoes, Psychiatrists and Boiled Lollies


A gumshoe is investigating the case of a murder and undercover goes to a psychiatrist who is a suspect. This psychiatrist happens to be the murderer but instead of the gumshoe gathering evidence he ends up getting brainwashed/poisoned by the boiled lollies she oftens him. The boiled lollies are on the desk between the two and in a jar.


7-02 Stone Circle II


Again, this time the dance is much more energetic.


8-02 Flowers


I see flowers. Yeah this song doesn't do much for me...


9-02 Abandoned Station II


Now the young girl is hearing voices and she starts to run trying to find the "way out". She is growing paranoid and worried, the trains have stopped making noises and instead she is convinced that she is hearing voices of those who have travelled them. It ends with her being trapped in the station forever.


10-02 Shock Therapy


Think A Clockwork Orange. I didn't know shock therapy meant ECT when I named it this. Although both work.

11-02 TV Dinner


Another favourite. Slobs who eat dinner on those colourful plastic plate thingys whilst watching TV. They don't speak to one another and are extremely unhygienic (their skin is yellow). The house is messy, clothes everywhere, broken glass, old TV sets. Mashed potatoes slowly drip down the sides of their mouths.


12-02 Temporary Heaven


The worst track on the album next to 8-02 (the clicky noise ruins it all) I er, gave it this title because I couldn't think of anything other than it.



Even if you haven't renamed them share what you see and stuff when you listen to them.

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ataraxy came up with some very cool descriptions. i kind of wish i heard the whole album before finding out the titles

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Guest hahathhat

i haven't read the thread yet, but great post mr. ataraxuy32 my individusal.repsonsesz bhold


8-01 Stone Circle I

Some sort of ritual around a campfire is being performed by cavemen.




11-01 Psycopath


Someone enters a diner and dreams of murdering a few of the people in it. Every time he wakes from these dreams (in a state of confusion) he enters another one and kills different people with each dream. Sometimes he wakes outside of the diner and sometimes in his car. But everytime he kills in the diner.


bust the fuckin loops' hedzin yo


6-02 Gumshoes, Psychiatrists and Boiled Lollies

A gumshoe is investigating the case of a murder and undercover goes to a psychiatrist who is a suspect. This psychiatrist happens to be the murderer but instead of the gumshoe gathering evidence he ends up getting brainwashed/poisoned by the boiled lollies she oftens him. The boiled lollies are on the desk between the two and in a jar.



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Guest hahathhat
I could swear the image for CD2 Track 10 is actually a pretzel brain.


i actually read atasrsdxc42's description for 6-02 different the first time around. i bhave altered it below to reflect how it loaded n2 my skull


6-02 Gumshoes, Psychiatrists and Boiled Lollies

A gumshoe is investigating the case of a murder and undercover goes as a psychiatrist who is a suspect. This psychiatrist happens to be the murderer but instead of the gumshoe gathering evidence he ends up getting brainwashed/poisoned by the boiled lollies she oftens him. The boiled lollies are on the desk between the two and in a jar.


i changed ONE WORD, and it makes things MUCH more confusing.




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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay so when I bought SAWII I noticed the tracks were untitled (apparently there are titles but the ones I saw when I ripped were terrible) so I just thought "Whatever I shall listen to it whilst reading and see what I get out of it all. Even if you haven't renamed them share what you see and stuff when you listen to them

Don't go there.

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  • 1 year later...

10-01 Strings

I did not see anything in particular. One of the worst from the album because of that.

Because of this track arrive to put a global feeling of darkness which reach an intensity level rarely available anywhere else, I rate it one of the best from the album.

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Guest Calx Sherbet
10-01 StringsI did not see anything in particular. One of the worst from the album because of that.
Because of this track arrive to put a global feeling of darkness which reach an intensity level rarely available anywhere else, I rate it one of the best from the album.



Would that track^ be domino? that ones always been an important track to me. it's eerie, in a way that seems harmless. unlike Hankie or Tree, which sound as though something bad is happening

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