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Guest Iain C

Snaf looks like someone Gary and I went to school with, except with dreads and a smile. I want to hug him.


I just remembered that I meant to get a new navy v-neck sweater in Uniqlo today but completely forgot. Ballbag. Navy v-neck sweaters are a staple of my wardrobe and my current one is developing a nasty hole under one arm...

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dude i fucking hate that hawaiian singer...he did a cover of "What a Wonderful World" thats like fucking 6 minutes long, it has wedding bells and shitty children harps and fucking spoken verses....god I hate that man for that abortion of a song.

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here is me being a chauvanistic prick by posting a fucking dashing photo of myself


....which is also a pretty terrible photo of my lovely girlfriend


but she doesn't go on this forum ho ho ho

she's rather lovely though

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no she's got vampire TEETH there


I gave her helll about this photo because it DOES look a bit like she's popped a few disco biscuits if you catch my flyball - and she's pretty anti drugs so the reaction was well worthy

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no she's got vampire TEETH there


I gave her helll about this photo because it DOES look a bit like she's popped a few disco biscuits if you catch my flyball - and she's pretty anti drugs so the reaction was well worthy


How's that working out, od? You still partaking, yourself? Just asking because you were (at least in my mind) WATMM's own Hunter S. Thompson for a while.

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Yeah nah not really. A few things happened. Her father, god bless the dude, had lived like me and went through mental illness and succumbed to depression a couple of weeks ago. If you know what i mean. Poor bugger, I really like that dude.


And oddly enough the other day an ex heroin junkie housemate and good friend had a seizure (again) and must have ruptured something because he blled from the nose and then became psychotic. Badly. So we've been dealing with my mate walking up and down the hall talking to himself and being disturbing.



So I don't really take hard drugs anymore. I still smoke a fucking shitload of pot and am mildly addicted to sleeping tablets but that's nothing compared to what I used to do. Thank fuck my brain still seems to fire on all pistons.

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good to see you back online again, od. still in the drawing business? tunes? i still have a number of orange dust tracks which regularly fly by in my ipod.

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good to see you back online again, od. still in the drawing business? tunes? i still have a number of orange dust tracks which regularly fly by in my ipod.


Good day sir

Yeah still drawing a fair bit, but mostly these days it's sketching for stuff i paint

I drink shitloads of tea when I draw. Just love it.


Thanks for listening! Some fucking mad champion put a whole lot of my tunes on youtube recently which I am extremely happy with because the actual hosting for my shit went down like a long time ago.


Now I can get my coworkers in a headlock and force them to listen to my tunes and prove to them once and for all that at one brief moment I was a respected human being ahahahah



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