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Guest Iain C

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Crap!  That picture reminds me;


Before I got married I had a dreamcatcher, and I never had nightmares with it.  The night of my honeymoon, worst nightmare of my life, and three nightmares that year.  Now I can't find the fucking thing, and my wife claims she breaks them.  Not on purpose, mind you, she doesn't bend them over her knee, but every one she's owned has been broken.

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I thin it mostly is, that's why I discourage from sleeping pills etc. I do get pretty vicious nightmares now and then but I always enjoy them for the twisted storylines (e.g. the one with the slowmo-exploding woman whose intestines consisted of a large gallbladder filled with pigeons was class :stuart:), so I don't know whether they can be called nightmares, plus I never wake up because of them. I think the bad ones that haunt you and continue to affect your day require some reflection about how you generally feel about yourself.

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Guest Helper ET
I get nightmares occasionally, and it only involves these assholes:

greyalien1e8fe9hi4.jpg EVERY single time.


I don't believe in alien abduction, but I can't explain why every "bad" dream only features these things. Quite honestly the only thing that frightens me a bit.


bad news man...those aren't nightmares you're having

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Guest hahathhat

i can count on one hand the number of times i've woken up because a dream was so bad. that being said, i get bad dreams every now and then, they just don't wake me up.


i got a real freaky one night before last. my friend was going to work, woke me up smack at the worst point - i have a feeling i might have forgotten it, if he hadn't.


it was on some navy ship, in the middle of nowhere. every crewmember was gradually dying the same horrible death, some sort of ebola disease or posession or something. there was more to it than that, but i'll get right to the freaky part - the blood. so much blood. more than i've seen anywhere, in a dream or not.


the last part, before i was awoken, i was looking at a wall. previous rounds of massive amounts of blood drying made it look like a red cave wall... and blood was just being hosed on it as i watched, running down...


when i woke, my reaction was: what the shit? where the FUCK did that come from?



had another somewhat bad dream last night, but it was not nearly as far removed from reality, just took relationship/family issues and blew them out of proportion. i appreciate this one more, as it actually got me thinking about things pertinent to reality...


I get nightmares occasionally, and it only involves these assholes:

greyalien1e8fe9hi4.jpg EVERY single time.


I don't believe in alien abduction, but I can't explain why every "bad" dream only features these things. Quite honestly the only thing that frightens me a bit.


bad news man...those aren't nightmares you're having


looks adorable to me

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Guest taxman

i hardly ever have nightmares. in fact i can't remember the last time i had anything i would really call a bad dream. recently i had a dream where i looked down this hole in the end of my big toe and the inside was all rotted out and the bone was jiggling around inside. that freaked me out for a minute but i just went about my business and it didn't really affect me.


most of my dreams are freaking awesome. the other night i had one where i was in this grassy area playing some kind of firsbee game with an asian chick who looked almost exactly like the girl who gives jack the tattoo in LOST (and some other people i guess because i never saw anyone throw the frisbee even though it was flying around). i fell down this little hill while trying to retrieve the frisbee, and when i got back to where she was she said she wanted to get me a pizza. it was great.

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The coolest nightmare I ever had was when I was climbing up an elevator shaft because some big guy was chasing me. And when I finally got to the top, there was like this balcony there, like half a room. There was really bright fluorescent light and white tiles. It was basically a hospital room. There was a bed too and one of those machines that check the pulse of a patient.


There was a little girl standing there in a hospital gown. She takes an unlit molotov cocktail, lights it, and swallows it. And as she swallows it, you could hear the glass breaking and crunching in her insides and she just started breaking all over, like the ground does when you see a volcanic eruption. She was just cracking and on fire from the inside. It was terrible. I think she threw herself down the elevator shaft, not too sure.


Stuff like that doesn't make me wake up though. If I dream about my house though, I always wake up and can never fall back asleep. Once, I was dreaming that I was staring at a huge mantis on this poster on my wall from my bed and I woke up very suddenly and was on my back staring at the poster like in my dream. Creeped me the hell out.

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I can remember a nightmare I had when I must have been about four or five. This woman was running around her house in a bit of a panic, and eventually stopped short and metaphorically shit herself when she saw small claw-like footprints on the draining board next to the sink. Dull, I know, but why I still remember it so vividly to this day I have no idea.

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Guest hahathhat


Imagine having those guys walking around in the neighborhood!


it'd certainly make me rethink my stance on firearm legalization.

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i don't really have nightmares. i mean i have some dreams that are weird i guess or somewhat creepy but ii never wake up freaked out or anything. i dunno. i had my first recurring dream the other night. i had a blackhead on my nose and was squeezing it out or whatever, and when it came out it left a giant bloody hole in my nose. it looked fuckin disgusting so i tried to cover it up by sticking the loose flap of skin that i'd just ripped off over it. it didnt work.


anyway i've never had that exact dream but yeah thats the 2nd time i've had a dream like that where i popped a pimple or something and had a giant bloody hole in my face as a result. i dont even have acne or anything either... i guess subconciously i must be pretty worried about it though.


also when i was 5 or 6 i had a dream of just a wall. it was just a brick wall with a shadow on it of a guy or something. i dunno why but it scared the shit out of me, i woke up crying and still remember that pretty vividly. hm.

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Guest thanksomuch

i have reacrruing zombie dreams. notrmally in the dream i start out with a party of about 6-10 people and little by little they get eaten, or break a leg and die from infection, and so on and so forth till i am the only one. and the entire time during these dreams i can never am able to stop. not a moment's rest.


some times these dreams are more nightmarish then others, but sually that desperate struggle for survival is so wearing and draining i wake up with ym heart pumping in my chest and sweating. but don;t get me wrong, i LOVE zombies and zombie films :O

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i have one recurring dream/nightmare. im on a train or subway and a guy holds a wooden block up to the wall and smashes it with his head over and over like hes trying to hammer it into the wall, but instead just beats his skull open.

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Guest Iain C

It's interesting to read about other people's dreams and nightmares I reckon. I might post about some of mine a bit later!

For anyone who cares, last night's sleep was a lot better than the night before. I woke up twice during the night, and my dreams were pretty weird, but nothing really terrifying. I still had a couple of periods where I got 2 or 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep and I feel a lot better this morning than I did yesterday. Thanks for the concern and advice everyone, I wish I could give you all a big hug. I could use a hug actually. I'll get Dan to give me one after work, he won't mind.

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i have reacrruing zombie dreams. notrmally in the dream i start out with a party of about 6-10 people and little by little they get eaten, or break a leg and die from infection, and so on and so forth till i am the only one. and the entire time during these dreams i can never am able to stop. not a moment's rest.


some times these dreams are more nightmarish then others, but sually that desperate struggle for survival is so wearing and draining i wake up with ym heart pumping in my chest and sweating. but don;t get me wrong, i LOVE zombies and zombie films :O


same here. i have a huge epic zombie survival dream about once every 3-6 months. sometimes theyre really cool (quad bikes/helicopters) but sometimes really disturbing (girl turning into zombie whilst getting jiggy with me).

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snap, i just remembered one where i drove a hot wired car into a lake and i could see all these fleshy contorted zombies floating about hopelessly. when i got out of the water there were loads surrounding it and theyde open these hinges on their faces/chests and pull out rusty grappling hooks which theyde use to drag me into the water.

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Ive only ever had one nightmare in my life that i can remember, had it about 10 years ago id say.



in a very bright, very barren wood with sparse trees and an overwhelming sensation of dry and britteleness. and then i get chased because one of my best friends (at the time) is chasing me round with a gut ripping out dagger id just watched a film about. i felt like i was running for 15-20 minutes and then woke up in a cold sweat.


i can only remember 2 images from normal dreams ive ever had, one is me climbing up an absolutely massive dirt mountain ridge which is made from compacted thorns, flowers, and debris. i remember finding a tourist shop at the top, then the memory ends.


the other image is of a massive ship being built, with noise and workers running everywhere.


these three images are quite literally the only dreams i have ever remembered, all of them are over 5 years old. Ive mentioned in other threads, i really miss dreams.

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Guest Georges Bataille
No alcohol

No nicotine

No caffeine

No carbonated drinks

No white bread

No prolonged internet periods

No late nights

No eating fat after 18:00

No yearning after unattainables


Yes water

Yes fruit and cereals

Yes fish

Yes wholemeal bread

Yes 30 minutes exercise per day

Yes deep breathing

Yes keeping clean

Yes focus

Yes ambition


Try one week


Sleep improved


what he said.


i have the impression that feelings of guilt don't exactly help either.


my last nightmare was awesome. i was dreaming i was in a fight with my ex-gf's mom (whom I've never seen irl). then suddenly i found myself on a set of some porn movie. i took off my clothes and joined the lot, waving my dick into the mouth of a marylin monroe lookalike. and just when i was about to cum all over her yearning o-face something happened, causing me to run for the exit, naked, dick in hand, spilling my load in my clenched fists for everyone on the street to see. Needless to say somebody called the cops so my dream became a frantic chase now: me vs. cops. I quickly invented these sick public transportation vehicles with which i managed to escape. Just when I thought I'd lost them, they found me and that's when I woke up.


Psychoanalysis anyone?

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i have a huge epic zombie survival dream about once every 3-6 months.


don't worry that's normal. :happy:



Like I said somewhere else, I always have my mp3player next to where I sleep to record dreams in the morning before the memory vanishes. I do write them in a txt-file with more details now and then, the audio recordings are usually just a backing not to forget the "story" or loose the overview. The details don't vanish when I have the rough sketch as a memory backup, so I usually end up typing for hours describing all I can remember. The more you focus on the details, the easier it gets to remember the whole thing next time. (I've also said that somewhere before haven't I? BoC-forum, my mistake) Maybe you should try it, Iain C, to note differences between the dreams, perhaps taking the dreams as an interesting source of random creativity will make them less frightening eventually and improve your sleep, since taking time to create and read this thread seems to have done something already.

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Guest Chromatic
Hey Iain. I went to the doctor recently because of a persistent cough, bad sleep and total lack of motivation. He asked me if I was depressed but I just talked around the subject and made my excuses. In all honesty, what with one thing and another, I haven't been feeling brilliant about myself. In the end he diagnosed me as 'Run Down' and in need of proper rest. He told me to go buy some phenergan which is an over the counter antihistamine which makes you really drowsy. I slept very deeply for about a week on this stuff. The trouble started about four days in, when I began waking after the worst nightmares I have ever had. Long running terribly vivid and high-budget. They were also emotionally loaded, often waking shouting or on one occasion crying.


I stopped taking the phenergan but the dreams have not gone away. Before this episode I seldom dreamt (correct me if I am wrong but is dreamt the only word in the english language that ends with 'mt'?) But I am convinced that as a result of these dreams I am waking with a clearer head. Frightening as they are they seem to motivate me somehow. It is as if the horror of them seems to highlight the positive aspects of my waking life. I don't care much for what dreams mean in themselves but the emotional state I wake up in seems to put a slant on my whole day. Somehow the floodgate has been opened, a lot of deep emotional material seems to be being digested as I sleep.


My advice. Don't look at this as a negative thing. Let the dreams effect you. I'm looking at it like a strange form of exorcism. Its coming out so let it come out. And try phenergan. Despite the dreams I really did sleep like a baby. Or try and get a hold of some valium.

I have them around 4 times a week, and they are incredibly veritable. I am aware I'm dreaming yet I convince myself these things are actually happening, because the dream seems so real. The imagery is astonishing, I love waking up after them because it's just like having watched an amazing film. They affect me for hours after I wake up.


They always involve people I know very well and places I am familiar with, but never correlate with any real event in my life.


Part of what makes them so real is how I respond to certain things that happen in the dream eg. feeling physically sick or screaming so much my throat aches.


I have no idea what causes them, I mean I don't drink and I'm not depressed whatsoever. Yet despite the fact that they're fucking terrifying, I wouldn't want to stop having them, they're great. I can never remember them after being awake for about an hour though, which pisses me off because they're pretty sweet, and I'm far too lazy to write them down.


Etch said it better - "It is as if the horror of them seems to highlight the positive aspects of my waking life. I don't care much for what dreams mean in themselves but the emotional state I wake up in seems to put a slant on my whole day"[/i]

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