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Resident Evil 5 Demo - Monday January 26


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It's an okay third person shooter, but where Resident Evil 4 was a breath of fresh air, Resident Evil 5 just hasn't evolved a bit. Games have come a long way the last 4 years, and I think the reason why the hype has been so extreme is that RE5 was announced in 2005 - the same year RE4 was released on the GameCube - so when people saw the teaser trailer at the E3 they went overboard in excitement. Unfortunately, 4 years later it just isn't as groundbreaking anymore.

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Dudes, I felt the same way while playing the demo by myself, but a friend of mine popped over we had a crack at co-op and it was like a different game. Sure the controls are a bit wonky and it's just RE4 with a lick of hi-res paint but it was mad fun.


ps FEAR is gay.

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Guest bitroast

RE4 was only half real good. once you move on from the country stuffs to the castle area with the tiny napolean and the under ground mine stuff. i was enjoying the game but totally lost interest and couldnt finish it :f

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RE4 with a gloss of new paint is all I need. RE4 was one of the greatest games I've ever played. So if this game is very similar, I will be very happy. Coop will be awesome!! Who wouldn't want to have 2 player RE4?


And, I'm sorry, but judging how scary a game will be by playing through two short action sequences is kinda stupid, isn't it? I mean, there are plenty of scenes you could have showcased from RE4 in a demo and it wouldn't have seemed at all like it was a scary game. This is like 30 minutes out of a 20-30 hour game.


Also, I don't give a flying fuck about reviewers, they are TERRIBLE at judging sequels. The only time they ever praise a sequel is when it is vastly different and "innovative". If it simply cleans up an already near-perfect game, gives a few tweaks, improves the graphics a tad, deliver a quality game otherwise, people bitch, bitch, bitch.


I think the demo's actually really fun. I love playing with somebody, and one of the most annoying parts of RE4's control scheme has been vastly improved. I'm referring to the fact that in order to change guns or heal in the old game, you were required to go into a menu and essentially pause the action and give yourself a chance to leave the game world and gather your thoughts and nerves. In this game, all the gun changing is done on site, just like Metroid Prime. I think this will add a lot to the game. This was essentially the only gripe people had with the mechanics of RE4, so I'm glad it was fixed.

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Guest awkwardsilence

I remember completing Resident Evil 4 in January 2005 and loving it, thinking it was the best thing ever. The new controls and the new over-the-shoulder-style shooter perspective, and the graphics really being jawdropping for a console game at the time, let alone a Gamecube game!?


Back then my thought was that, "the mechanics of this is so awesome, let's just hope they don't fuck with it for the next game. I want the next game to be just like this, only with more awesome."


Now though, four years later, I'm thinking, meh, I dunno.

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Guest assegai

The demo was pretty terrible. The "zombies" run at you full speed, stop about 10 feet away and inch towards you pretty much saying "here, is this good? can you get a good shot now?". I could go on but it's just bland and with a slew of innovating games on the market, this just looks like re4:hd remix. And if they were planning on doing that, atleast redo Re1 in hd, that'd be cool



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It's an okay third person shooter, but where Resident Evil 4 was a breath of fresh air, Resident Evil 5 just hasn't evolved a bit. Games have come a long way the last 4 years, and I think the reason why the hype has been so extreme is that RE5 was announced in 2005 - the same year RE4 was released on the GameCube - so when people saw the teaser trailer at the E3 they went overboard in excitement. Unfortunately, 4 years later it just isn't as groundbreaking anymore.

I totally agree, Mr. Squee. When I saw the gameplay video for the first time, everything was so similar to RE4, it was like Capcom wanted to develop another successful game in the RE franchise by using the same elements. I adore RE4 to death but RE5 does not look impressive at all.

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Guest Ultravisitor

i thought it was pretty sweet. i'm gonna get it, at least for the story, but i'm not that picky when it comes to zombie games, if its gory and has good graphics for its time, i'll probably love it.

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Also, I don't give a flying fuck about reviewers, they are TERRIBLE at judging sequels. The only time they ever praise a sequel is when it is vastly different and "innovative". If it simply cleans up an already near-perfect game, gives a few tweaks, improves the graphics a tad, deliver a quality game otherwise, people bitch, bitch, bitch.


i know you are a capcom/sf fan, so perhaps buying the same game over and over again is appealing to you, however i feel that a sequel SHOULD be vastly different and innovative. its not like the resident evil story and gameplay is very compelling, i really dont see any reason to churn out sequels with minimal changes.

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Buying the same game over and over? Don't be stupid, I NEVER buy the same game again unless there is a huge change. In SF's case, the netplay is a very very good reason. Playing SF games on super nintendo is nothing like going on the 360 and playing tons of people online, the competition is all that it's about. I have yet to play even ONCE the 1P mode on the game...who really gives a fuck about that??


I refuse to buy the same games again...that is why I have yet to purchase a single VC game on the wii as I already own all the originals and the VC releases add nothing. But to say RE5 is the same game as 4 is just stupid. Unless they literally use the same levels again, or something to that effect, it is not the same game. One could argue that Super Mario World was the same game as SMB3, as all it did was add Yoshi and the ability to replay levels. That's it. Look at how innovative SMW was versus how innovative SMB3 was. There is no comparison. And yet, many consider Mario World to be the superior game. Why? Because they took SMB3, improved on a lot of small bits to provide for what many think is a better game.


The point is, if you have a great game, and can make it better by just keeping the core gameplay but making small improvements, then I don't see anything wrong with doing that. You can be inspired without being innovative.


We don't ALWAYS need different. There is still so much that can be done with 2D, for example, and yet only very small scale projects ever do anything worthwhile. Braid is a perfect example of this.


It's cool if we disagree, but no need to use the fact that i love SF HD remix as a way to "prove" that I like when people churn the same shit out. I'm not alone in loving HDR, critics loved it, and it's the best selling downloadable game of all time.

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Sure, the story in RE5 might be new (or maybe just "new-ish" since it's always pretty much about the same thing), but a great story has never really been one of the RE franchise's greatest features, so we might as well wipe that off the board to begin with. The gameplay is the exact same as RE4. And I mean the EXACT same. The only difference is that they've tried being innovative by adding a ingame inventory menu much like in Dead Space, which means changing weapons, boosting your health etc. won't pause the game as it used to and thereby giving you time to consider your actions.


What disturbes me the most and I'm REALLY surprised no one has pointed this out yet is that the stunts are EXACTLY the same as in RE4. The way the infected react to being shot in the face, legs, shoulders etc. is just like in RE4, and I remember seeing this in one of the very first gameplay trailers, and already back then I caught myself doing the infamous "facepalm". It's now 2009 and they're still using those RE4 stunts. I mean, even back in 2003 real time physics were getting more and more normal for games, and Max Payne 2 was one of the first games to perfectly implicate convincing physics. This was 5 years ago. 5 years.


At least they could have tried.


This isn't Resident Evil 5 it's Resident Evil 4½ HD Turbo.

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mike, wasnt trying to use your love of SF as ammunition against you, i LOVE capcom 2d fighters (although im more a VS series fan) ive just grown weary of over hyped sequels in the past (halo 3, anyone?)

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i cant figure, is there a 180 degree turn command in this game? that saved my ass in RE4 and i'm finding it exceedingly slow to turn around in this demo.


Sure, press back/down and A (the green button)

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The first review is in:


The first Resident Evil 5 review score is in, and it's full marks, five out of five, from the US Official PlayStation Magazine.


"The good news is that this game is that good," says the mag. "Hours after playing through Resident Evil 5 once I'm already thinking about different strategies, load-outs and approaches to the game scenarios."


Among the many praises in the titanic seven-page review, including the "distinguished" and "revlationary" co-op mode, OPM pays particular attention to the game's mix of gameplay styles, which Resi 4 did particularly well in its excellent pacing.


"RE5 does a great job of mixing gameplay styles to create a sense of pacing that flows between high octane shootouts to more subdued, eerie exploratory sequences," it says.


"One moment you'll be blasting and hacking away at zombie mobs and face off against some seemingly invincible mini-boss in the midst of town, or you'll be systematically exploring working your way through the dark, claustrophobic confines of a mine of the labyrinth corridors of a secret research complex, experience a brief but hair-raising quick-time event and be back to fighting zombies - but this time racing across the Savannah manning the chain gun on the back of a humvee.


"It's exactly the type of event you have to share with a buddy, so you can discuss, dissect and deliberate over it for days to come," says OPM.


"This is like playing an Indiana Jones movie. And not the crappy ones."


High praise then. Expect review scores to appear from our office neighbours, the UK-based magazines in the coming weeks...


I don't really know about this though. I can't take it seriously when it comes from Official PlayStation Magazine or Official Xbox Magazine or anything else like it. I want the word from someone who doesn't represent anything but gaming.

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Just do yourself a favor and turn up the volume. The sound effects are pretty good and every now and then the infected scream their lungs out and it that might give you a good claustrophic scare.

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I have to be honest, I didn't like this very much. Just kind of a standard third-person shooter. It felt like RE4, but without the creepy atmosphere. Maybe it'll be better in the full version.

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Interesting... at 1:20 they mention something called the Action Controls where you can run and shoot. I wonder if this made it into the full version?


I know one of the Control Types allows you to strafe...


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I finally got around to playing this, and you know what? I hated it - sure, the graphics were pretty good (if a bit "oversharpened" - they looked as if someone applied the Unsharp Mask filter in Photoshop to the graphics too much, causing harsh white edges on objects and textures), but the real abomination was the controls - perhaps I've gotten too used to Western-style controls for FPSes and even games like Metal Gear, but it was so awkward to control, I spent more time just trying to position my guy then actually fending off the zombies. I'm going to try again, but I was really, really disappointed. To note, the last RE game I played was the Dreamcast remake of Code Veronica on the PS2 - that was pretty good, I though, and while I never finished it, I got pretty far and the control wasn't as much of an issue as it is in this game. Games like Bioshock, Resistance 2, MGS 4 and the like control so much better than this.

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