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I'm thinking of trying shrooms.


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Guest Drahken

Eating drugs and posting about the experience on watmm is always acceptable behavior, just read the rules while your high - its there!

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It depends on the type you take.


I've taken several types and always had a really good experience. Always worn off by the end of the night too which is nice. Ones I had in Amsterdam last year were insane

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Guest Panoptimist

The only problem with a mushroom trip is that it is completely unpredictable.


I'm gonna stick to the doses if I go psychedelic again.

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shrooms have an unpredictability that i don't find in acid for sure. but set and setting is important, also please do your research and read about the experiences and other related things. most bad shit happens when people stuff their faces with substances they know nothing about or in the wrong place with a bad headstate. by researching it you will have an idea on what to expect and wont find yourself overwhelmed by the experience, which is going to be totally different than you ever had, considering you have never even smoked weed. 1.5g (dried) is enough for some sort of effect, but i'd take double that to get a proper taste of the experience. i've usually mixed the shrooms with some youghurt to get over the chewyness. take the experience with an open mind and you'll have a good time.

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what I find annoying is how everyone wants to do shrooms and psychedelic drugs and all that shit, but doesn't give a damn about studying the still quite nebulous realm of WHY these chemicals act like they do. Sure, we know the neurochemistry, what is the antagonist of what receptor...but exactly what goes on emotionally and mentally during those periods of consciousness is anyones guess. And the hallucinations are the most interesting phenomenon. Certain patterns occur between nearly anyone who has experienced such mindstates, artificially induced, or without chemicals (astral projection, lucid dreaming)...and I don't know about you guys, but this fascinates me.





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what I find annoying is how everyone wants to do shrooms and psychedelic drugs and all that shit, but doesn't give a damn about studying the still quite nebulous realm of WHY these chemicals act like they do. Sure, we know the neurochemistry, what is the antagonist of what receptor...but exactly what goes on emotionally and mentally during those periods of consciousness is anyones guess. And the hallucinations are the most interesting phenomenon. Certain patterns occur between nearly anyone who has experienced such mindstates, artificially induced, or without chemicals (astral projection, lucid dreaming)...and I don't know about you guys, but this fascinates me.





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And now comes the question: When should I take them? Cause I got parents that would probably be suspicious if they saw me staring at a blank wall with a look of pure amazement on my face or sumptin.


how about after they go to bed

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i've usually mixed the shrooms with some youghurt to get over the chewyness. take the experience with an open mind and you'll have a good time.


I don't know about shrooms, but drinking/eating milk/yoghurt decreases the effects of acid. Actually when Hoffman was for the first time on LSD, his first reflex was to drink milk with the hope it would counter the acid. So maybe it's the same thing for the psylocibin. I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not.



Also when on psychedelics, you can feel the urge to be outside. Indoor can make you feel some disconfort. That's the reason why I only take acid during spring/summer.

Walking by night is really a great experience. However i've read that the tarahumaras (mexican indians) take shrooms on the morning because the effects are slightly higher.

It's up to you man.


Plus don't pay attention to the try-weed-before posts. Weed and psychelics are two different things. At a same level of "enjoying", i would even say you're more likely to loose control with weed than with psychedelics.

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ive done shrooms three or four times. dont go into i lightly, its not a recreational drug. that being said, im sure you will take something out of the experience, even if its a bad trip.

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what I find annoying is how everyone wants to do shrooms and psychedelic drugs and all that shit, but doesn't give a damn about studying the still quite nebulous realm of WHY these chemicals act like they do. Sure, we know the neurochemistry, what is the antagonist of what receptor...but exactly what goes on emotionally and mentally during those periods of consciousness is anyones guess. And the hallucinations are the most interesting phenomenon. Certain patterns occur between nearly anyone who has experienced such mindstates, artificially induced, or without chemicals (astral projection, lucid dreaming)...and I don't know about you guys, but this fascinates me.




sounds like tripping with you would be a hoot!


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what I find annoying is how everyone wants to do shrooms and psychedelic drugs and all that shit, but doesn't give a damn about studying the still quite nebulous realm of WHY these chemicals act like they do. Sure, we know the neurochemistry, what is the antagonist of what receptor...but exactly what goes on emotionally and mentally during those periods of consciousness is anyones guess. And the hallucinations are the most interesting phenomenon. Certain patterns occur between nearly anyone who has experienced such mindstates, artificially induced, or without chemicals (astral projection, lucid dreaming)...and I don't know about you guys, but this fascinates me.




sounds like tripping with you would be a hoot!




Fuck Form constant


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And now comes the question: When should I take them? Cause I got parents that would probably be suspicious if they saw me staring at a blank wall with a look of pure amazement on my face or sumptin.


If you have relatives duffering from mental disease, psycedelics might not be a good idea. Those kind of sickness are often heridetary and psychedelics are likely to trigger them.

In my family, prevalence for such disorders reaches 30% (including schizophenia and bipolar disorders of the first type) = i've done acid more than 30 times.

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ive done shrooms three or four times. dont go into i lightly, its not a recreational drug. that being said, im sure you will take something out of the experience, even if its a bad trip.


how isnt it recreational, as far as i can see hours upon hours of pure joy and odd visual effects is extremely recreational.

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ive done shrooms three or four times. dont go into i lightly, its not a recreational drug. that being said, im sure you will take something out of the experience, even if its a bad trip.


how isnt it recreational, as far as i can see hours upon hours of pure joy and odd visual effects is extremely recreational.


its too deep and intense for it to be "recreational". but thats just how i see it...

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mmm the only thing that i find intense about mushrooms is the euphoria. ive never ended up having a bad trip though, and im fairly cautious with my doses.


what i really need is a dealer who can get decent mushrooms all year round, at the moment im stuck to the season and maybe up to like 3 months after it. im screwed for shrooms now.

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mmm the only thing that i find intense about mushrooms is the euphoria. ive never ended up having a bad trip though, and im fairly cautious with my doses.


what i really need is a dealer who can get decent mushrooms all year round, at the moment im stuck to the season and maybe up to like 3 months after it. im screwed for shrooms now.


properly tripping is intense.


taking enough for a warm glow is not tripping.

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