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Accusations (Founded Or Not)


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I am a new member of this forum and I am shocked and frankly disgusted at the behaviour of individuals on this messagepost.


Back to the Aphex forum.


omg it's aphex twin come to visit.

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first off, i never wanted this to come out like this but unfortunately it's true. i woke up in a hotel room to analogue wings on top of me naked..trying to get "his thing" inside of me(ill spare u the other details) .... it was scary, i felt violated/ashamed that i put myself into a situation that led to that - "a police like situation." yet putting that aside (which should have never even happened)... it was me, who was in the the wrong for telling Beneboi. Beneboi just took the information i told him and turned it around to WATMMS joke fashion. he was just was being beneboi....everyone gets called a paedo on watmm. EVERYONE GETS CALLED EVERYTHING and i guess analogue wings didn't have thick enough skin to take it, so he ran to you ..which wastes your time even more. you know in your WATMM heart that Beneboi has contributed more to the boards, and is a decent poster who is here regularly. No one should get banned because of this..but Analgoue Wings needs to take responsibility and stop trying to make things difficult for you: Joyrex. If the board rules existed outside of WATMM..analogue wings would have broken the privacy rule not once (the picture) but twice! UGH I shouldn't of had to explain this. But god damn Joyrex, don't even joke about banning Beneboi. He's a life time member.


I have no idea why you would post this - but you did, so this whole incident is blown wide open now. I'm resetting beneboi's warns to zero*, weed, you'll be banned**, and analogue wings is also never going to see the WATMM light of day.*** The fact is, the board rules do not exist outside of WATMM, and this whole fiasco should have been kept there. You need to take responsibility for your actions - all AW complained about was beneboi calling him a rapist, and it sounds like from your own account, it was unfounded, which he has a right to be offended by. If he had no prior contact with you, I imagine like any of us here would have laughed it off, but considering he did apparently have some sort of contact with you and it apparently ended badly and made even worse by the photo being given to Theocide, I can totally understand how such an accusation would give him cause for concern. I'm quite sure beneboi got you to post this, or you did on some misguided loyalty for him, but really, I think you should have kept this all to yourself as your life, and your poor decisions you made, is now a public spectacle here.


















*not really

** no, not yet

*** rubbing ban hammer with index finger


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i'm gonna go shovel out my driveway, see if we can hit 20 pages by the time i come back, k?

why don't you try shoveling out a girl's vagina with your penis you loser virgin lol

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this thread is dumber than my request for a harry potter subforum, which is still on the table joyrex, btw.


i'll moderate. i guarantee you there will none of this kind of shit in my harry potter subforum.

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i'm gonna go shovel out my driveway, see if we can hit 20 pages by the time i come back, k?

why don't you try shoveling out a girl's vagina with your penis you loser virgin lol


damn alzado you playa, stop mocking the virgins. i think it's business time..


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Guest my usernames always really suck

A baby girl is mysteriously dropped off at an orphanage in Cleveland in 1945. "Jane" grows up lonely and dejected, not knowing who her parents are, until one day in 1963 she is strangely attracted to a drifter. She falls in love with him, but just when things are looking up for Jane a series of disasters strikes: First, she becomes pregnant by the drifter, who then disappears. Second, during the complicated delivery doctors discover that Jane has both sets of sex organs, and to save her life, they most surgically convert "her" to a "him." Finally, a mysterious stranger kidnaps her baby from the delivery room.


Reeling from these disasters, rejected from society, scorned by fate, "he" becomes a drunkard and a drifter. Not only has Jane lost her parents and her lover, but he has lost his only child as well. Years later, in 1970, he stumbles into a lonely bar, called Pop's Place, and spills out his pathetic story to an elderly bartender. The sympathetic bartender offers the drifter the chance to avenge the stranger who left her pregnant and abandoned, on the condition that he join the "time traveller corps." Both of them enter a time machine and the bartender drops the drifter off in 1963. The drifter is strangely attracted to a young orphan girl, who subsequently becomes pregnant.


The bartender then goes forward 9 months, kidnaps the baby girl from the hospital, and drops the baby off in an orphanage back in 1945. Then the bartender drops off the thoroughly confused drifter in 1985, to enlist in the time traveller corps. The drifter eventually gets his life together and becomes respected and elderly member of the time traveller corps, and then disguises himself as a bartender and has his most difficult mission: a date with destiny, meeting a certain drifter at Pop's Place in 1970.


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I'm quite sure beneboi got you to post this, or you did on some misguided loyalty for him


making accusations in the accusation thread


i did not ask weed to post anything

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Guest abusivegeorge
so... what memes will be born from all this?




shut up. you're a cat rapist.



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I'm quite sure beneboi got you to post this, or you did on some misguided loyalty for him


making accusations in the accusation thread


i did not ask weed to post anything



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