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watmm &prescription drugs

Guest weed

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just biking in to say i've just done 200mg of modapro and i'm feeling spun as fuck. i've been sat in the library rinsing after effects and skipped lunch, which didn't help. i also noticed that i've been jiggling my legs all this time and biting the flesh in my mouth. i went to get a bagel and had a tightness in the chest and 'allnighter' style spaciness... just a teeniest bit of paranoia. that said, i've got more work done in the last 4 hours than in a week. i reckon after a weeks binge you'd be a scatty nervous wreck.


yeah, not bad huh? pretty fucking potent imo. plus it lasts forever (at least 20+ hours for me). it does feel a bit more jittery than (pharm-grade) amphetamine and really ramps up my heart rate and BP. i can stay up for 30+ hours on it no problem (i mean, sleep is absolutely impossible for 30 hours) but it feels kinda pushy so i keep it aside for emergency deadlines and such.


i like opiates & benzo's, but they make me lazy & happy & satisfied, so i avoid them.

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pills suck -- don't do pills


I hear alot of people saying this but they never really provide any sort of evidence. I'm not saying its without its negatives to take this sort of medicine but I'm taking a pretty much threshold dose of dexi and I don't think there are tons of negatives from being on them from what I've read into.


Obviously its better if you can live your life without meds but I dropped out of uni TWICE before I started taking dexy and I've been continuously surprising myself this semester as far as my study habits are concerned. Maybe it sucks to take pills but I'd rather have an education.

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Guest hahathhat

pills suck -- don't do pills


I hear alot of people saying this but they never really provide any sort of evidence. I'm not saying its without its negatives to take this sort of medicine but I'm taking a pretty much threshold dose of dexi and I don't think there are tons of negatives from being on them from what I've read into.


Obviously its better if you can live your life without meds but I dropped out of uni TWICE before I started taking dexy and I've been continuously surprising myself this semester as far as my study habits are concerned. Maybe it sucks to take pills but I'd rather have an education.


if you have to push yourself through it with booster shots, maybe it's not what you really want to be doing with your life.

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Guest ezkerraldean
I think think the tendency of modern western medicine to automatically rely heavily on pharneceutical solutions due in large part to corporate influence, cultural hubris and an unhealthy obsession with immediate gratification is a horrible perversion of medicine.


where western means american. we don't have that shit in europe. all the yanks i've ever met seem to be constantly on about 10 drugs. what is this shit. i can't remember the last time i took a pill

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if you have to push yourself through it with booster shots, maybe it's not what you really want to be doing with your life.

I guess it helps that I'm studying something more interesting this time around but I genuinely believe that I have trouble focussing on shit. I ran out of my dexies and could not for the life of me pay attention in class.


Its not doing work that I have tons of problems with its more the motivation and the paying attention/committing things to memory. I feel that the pills I take really help me achieve my potential and I really do want to get my schooling done. I don't really think of the pills as training wheels but rather as medicine for an affliction that I have.


Whether you believe in ADHD or not, the thing is that its a disorder not a disease meaning that there is no actual THING adhd but rather a portion of the population fall into the category described as ADHD because they have difficulty maintaining attention. I don't feel like this is my fault, and although I don't really understand the cause of my disorder I realize that my medicine greatly helps improve my quality of life.


just my opinion

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I used to get adderall and ritalin from this girl I was with for awhile- she was prescribed them. We got back together, and it turned out she was more of a mess than ever before so I broke up w/her. As a consequence i can no longer get those pills. Vicodin and percosets aren't that hard to get around here.

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was on prozac for a year


then did some zoloft


clean, serene and happy now


stay away from benzo, do weed if you gotta do something


i've found alcohol only makes things worse.


surprising as that is



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i wanna know how you guys get all these pills. I've been wanting to play around with ADD meds for a while...

What I'm about to say is what I said to my doctor and he gave me pills for it, I never asked for them and I wasn't bullshitting about anything but I imagine that if you were to say something like it you would probably get pills too.


I told him that I had alot of trouble focusing to the point where it was affecting my ability to work for my job or my schooling. I had absolutely no motivation to do anything and I had trouble even when I genuinely wanted to force myself to do things. Its always been like this for me ever since grade school


*(as an aside kids often exhibit signs of adhd naturally, but if you truly do have adhd you are less likely to be misdiagnosed at the age of 20 or older as most kids have grown out of it by then)*


I had trouble sitting still in class and focusing on school work. I had tons of trouble getting projects done and finishing my homework, and until I got my meds I had unbelievable trouble focusing on homework. I would open the book, all ready to learn and I would read the pages but its almost like the ideas just turn to sand in my hands and fall away, I could not force myself to do the homework because I honestly just could not pay attention to it.


He gave me Concerta originally but I would avoid that if you can as it gave me digestive issues and severe anxiety. It happens to be incredibly expensive so you could mention that to the doc and ask if there are cheaper alternatives (Concerta was up to about $60 a month and dexi is $13).


If you think you might have adhd you should at least read into it and if you think you match the symptoms then tell your doctor. It is a pretty serious disorder and if it goes undiagnosed many people may spend their whole life not being able to meet their aspirations and goals. It gives me such a motivational boost, I have no problem doing boring stuff anymore, I'm generally in a good mood even when I do repedetive monotonous tasks, and I'm much more sociable (used to be a total recluse) and when I go to class I have hardly any trouble paying complete attention and I'm INTERESTED in it no matter what it is.


Take it or leave it, some will argue against it but I wouldn't have made such a tl;dr post if I wasn't so serious about it. Also I'm on dexedrine.



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I used to have trouble focusing on schoolwork, homework all that shit. Never did homework, barely did my coursework in college but did it well when I liked the work and was interested.


I used to be anti social, but as I grew up and got in a job I just grew out of it. Now I'm the most social person in the world when I need to be, but I'm dealing with different people day in day out so the job commands it. I enjoy it too.


I'm not saying you're full of shit, or I might have ADHD. Your story is basically the same as my life, minus all the prescription drugs part.

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Guest Franklin

zopiclone for sleeping.

I remember the days when I had loads of xanax. those were the greatest, warmest pills i've ever taken. taking 1mg was like putting on a nice sweater and sitting down by a comfortable fire.

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zopiclone's rule. i took one with a valium washed down with a couple of glasses of red wine, on a flight, basically slept like a baby for 9 hours and woke up in cuba refreshed and ready to go out and party.

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If you ask me, most of the time there are better ways to deal with these issues than taking pills. Didn't realise there were so many fuck ups on WATMM!

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Guest abusivegeorge

i'm on 5 cups of tea per day as treatment for englishness


You are back here though aren't you?


Or was that someone else?


Tea is awesome.

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basically ive had sleep problems out the ass since i hit puberty, doctors tried everything, sleep therapists, etc...


first i figured i was depressed so they put me on lexapro or something and i started exercising...no difference


then they put me on adderall and wellbutrin, the adderall honestly helped me out LOADS....i was kickin ass in college, had plenty of energy to go exercise and come back and read a book or whatever.


then when i went abroad i stopped taking both, which was a horrible idea, i would get really anti social and turned to alcohol as the cure....


anyway, after fucking up bad on that, i went and talked to my doctor about it back in the states, and he now has me on a fairly small dosage of adderall again, and its great....occasionally ill get really depressed if i dont take it, and it is an amphetamine so it wears out and you feel shit for about an hour....but i do great at work, and i also find for the withdrawal anxiety or the comedown or whatever its good to have company, you still feel up and talkative and it takes your mind off of it. i also notice i dont drink NEAR anywhere near as much as I did....went from like drinking a couple of 40's every day to maybe drinkin 6 beers every other weekend and thats that.


i used to and still occasionally do have those feelings of "you dont need a pill, suck it up", but then i think about how its pretty much never negatively impacted my life in a major way other than occasionally feeling antsy...and i also think about how my life was beforehand..didnt exercise, ate shit, drank all the time ...now im goin 5 miles a day with exercise, i read more, study more, etc etc


im totally against abusing it though...it seems too dangerous.















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Guest abusivegeorge

They are extremely reluctant to prescribe adderall in the UK, and most clinics won't. I don't quite understand why though, I'm gonna have a looksee on this here internets.

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well, it can be extremely habit forming, as it as an amphetamine, you just gotta treat it responsibly i guess.


the bad thing is, and i am guilty of this from time to time, is you really shouldn't drink on it, it really wreaks havoc on your liver apparently.


also, there are apparently a few cases of death attributed to adderall....but im almost certain that those were people popping them left and right.


i just stick with a fairly low dosage to stay on the safe side. right now im prescribed 20 mg daily, but i usually only take half that.

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Guest abusivegeorge

well, it can be extremely habit forming, as it as an amphetamine, you just gotta treat it responsibly i guess.


the bad thing is, and i am guilty of this from time to time, is you really shouldn't drink on it, it really wreaks havoc on your liver apparently.


also, there are apparently a few cases of death attributed to adderall....but im almost certain that those were people popping them left and right.


i just stick with a fairly low dosage to stay on the safe side. right now im prescribed 20 mg daily, but i usually only take half that.


Yeah I just read up on it, apparently nowhere in the UK will prescribe this due to its addictive, properties and the cases of death and liver implications were also mentioned. UK alternatives are Retalin or Dex.


Good job really because Britain being a nation of heavy drinkers all have fucked livers anyway.


Well mostly, I don't mean that literally really, but most of my friends (and these weren't drinking buddies) drink really heavily, I've only really noticed it since I quit, these were friends I had at school.

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