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Let The Right One In


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there are a lot of reasons why i liked it, but maybe we just like different kinds of movies. i think the technical side of it is really impressive - great acting, great writing, beautiful shots, good pace, etc. but what we probably disagree on is the kind of story it is - it's a slow portrait of a few lives, love, death, coming of age, small town life. i really love stories with conflicting ideas on morality, whereas you seem to think this is retarded.


No I don't think this concept is retarded or bad at all, it's why I went to see the film in the first place (I didn't know it was about vampires), I rather disagree about the first things you mentioned - the way this is done, the technical bits, meaning writing, acting and so on. I was wondering whether I could think of films I like that would fit in the "slow portrait of a few lives" cathegory, I think there are quite a bunch actually - the movie "The Return" (Vozvrashcheniye) by Andrei Zvyagintsev is one of my favourite films, it's very calm but never gets boring and it's got some really beautiful camera work (which LTROI doesn't really have imo :/ ), I couldn't summarize what it's about (I wouldn't want to either cause I hate spoilers), it doesn't have much action to offer or anything, it focuses on the relationship of the main characters to each other, and on the atmosphere of course. It's kind of surreal in its way. The soundtrack (Andrey Dergatchev) is quite Robert Rich... I highly recommend this one, although I fear noone's going to have much motivation to watch it after I've disagreed so strongly about LTROI, which would be a pity. I imagine I wouldn't want to watch someone's recommendation after he hated on one of my favourites, I'd just think what a jerk. :wink2: Anyway, I apreciate you writing a serious response to my angry outburst. :flower:



edited for annoying spelling mistake

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A lot of people also seem to miss out that Eli the vampire is in fact a boy.


Watch your potential spoilers chief.

I've heard that from a few different people and after seeing the film twice still don't see it (...Eli being a boy).

She keeps saying she isn't a girl and we see that where there is supposed to be a vag, there is a scar but she still looks like a girl.

I don't think that it is very clear that she isn't a girl unless "isn't a girl" means vampire. Technically, a vampire is inhuman. This is my interpretation of why she says that.

As far as the scar goes, I just figured he vag is all vamped out now.

My friend told me that the scar was because that is where here nuts were, but there is just no story to back that up in the narrative.

Explain why we should all get that in a spoiler tag please.


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Guest Adjective
A lot of people also seem to miss out that Eli the vampire is in fact a boy.


Watch your potential spoilers chief.

I've heard that from a few different people and after seeing the film twice still don't see it (...Eli being a boy).

She keeps saying she isn't a girl and we see that where there is supposed to be a vag, there is a scar but she still looks like a girl.

I don't think that it is very clear that she isn't a girl unless "isn't a girl" means vampire. Technically, a vampire is inhuman. This is my interpretation of why she says that.

As far as the scar goes, I just figured he vag is all vamped out now.

My friend told me that the scar was because that is where here nuts were, but there is just no story to back that up in the narrative.

Explain why we should all get that in a spoiler tag please.


yeah, i thought not a girl meant "i'm not what you think i am"
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Guest Mirezzi
A lot of people also seem to miss out that Eli the vampire is in fact a boy.


Watch your potential spoilers chief.

I've heard that from a few different people and after seeing the film twice still don't see it (...Eli being a boy).

She keeps saying she isn't a girl and we see that where there is supposed to be a vag, there is a scar but she still looks like a girl.

I don't think that it is very clear that she isn't a girl unless "isn't a girl" means vampire. Technically, a vampire is inhuman. This is my interpretation of why she says that.

As far as the scar goes, I just figured he vag is all vamped out now.

My friend told me that the scar was because that is where here nuts were, but there is just no story to back that up in the narrative.

Explain why we should all get that in a spoiler tag please.


yeah, i thought not a girl meant "i'm not what you think i am"


You both fucked it up.


It was probably a bit jarring to think suddenly that Eli is actually (or was at one time) a boy. Sorry to disappoint, but it's true.


Eli was born Elias, a boy who became a vampire. He was castrated 100 years ago. Now he's this androgynous vampire character.


http://www.aintitcool.com/node/38870 {Interview with the filmmaker Tomas Alfredson.}

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Guest Mirezzi

Oh, great news, everybody: Americans are remaking this!


I hope Gore Verbinski makes it and it stars Dakota Fanning's little sister.

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Guest Adjective

i hope they name it something completely different so i don't feel compelled to say "not the american one" when i talk about the movie

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Guest Mirezzi

Actually, I just read it's being remade by Matt Reeves of Cloverfield infamy.


They begin filming in May.


i hope they name it something completely different so i don't feel compelled to say "not the american one" when i talk about the movie

They're calling it Let Me In (seriously).

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Guest telikan

Well Let Me In is the title of the American novelization, which they are evidently originally adapting this one from.

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A lot of people also seem to miss out that Eli the vampire is in fact a boy.


Watch your potential spoilers chief.

I've heard that from a few different people and after seeing the film twice still don't see it (...Eli being a boy).

She keeps saying she isn't a girl and we see that where there is supposed to be a vag, there is a scar but she still looks like a girl.

I don't think that it is very clear that she isn't a girl unless "isn't a girl" means vampire. Technically, a vampire is inhuman. This is my interpretation of why she says that.

As far as the scar goes, I just figured he vag is all vamped out now.

My friend told me that the scar was because that is where here nuts were, but there is just no story to back that up in the narrative.

Explain why we should all get that in a spoiler tag please.



Sorry, didn't think about spoilers.


Also, the book says that it is in fact a boy.


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A lot of people also seem to miss out that Eli the vampire is in fact a boy.


Watch your potential spoilers chief.

I've heard that from a few different people and after seeing the film twice still don't see it (...Eli being a boy).

She keeps saying she isn't a girl and we see that where there is supposed to be a vag, there is a scar but she still looks like a girl.

I don't think that it is very clear that she isn't a girl unless "isn't a girl" means vampire. Technically, a vampire is inhuman. This is my interpretation of why she says that.

As far as the scar goes, I just figured he vag is all vamped out now.

My friend told me that the scar was because that is where here nuts were, but there is just no story to back that up in the narrative.

Explain why we should all get that in a spoiler tag please.


Sorry, didn't think about spoilers.


Also, the book says that it is in fact a boy.


holy shit!
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Guest Mirezzi


Yeah, part of the film's genius, really. Emasculation, castration, child abuse, bullying, violence, revenge, etc. Apparently, Alfredson shot several "flashback" sequences that flesh out Eli's history, but they left them out of the cut.


I can see how that would backfire in the context of the overall edit, but it still might be cool to see in a director's cut.

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edited for annoying spelling mistake


thanks man, i will check it out. i guess it's just a difference in aesthetics! i don't want to go on forever but i love the palette in ltroi (i keep thinking people are talking about lord of the rings), all cool and dark and decaying, dry dirt, oskar's blue shorts. i love how the pace of the cuts is so conservative (reminds me of cure by kiyoshi kurosawa, if you want another recommendation, one of my favorites). i love oskar's haughty sociopath, and eli's aching feral loneliness. okay i went on forever. anyway you might like cure. it's not as portraity by half but it's slow and creeping and so effective.

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Guest Z_B_Z

i really loved this movie. was not expecting to enjoy it as much as i did - great direction, cinematography etc... will certainly watch again. has this director done anything else? too lazy to check.

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this movie was overhyped and fucking boring ... the whole "muted psuedo-bergman swedish art film" feel and cinematography made absolutely no sense with this subject matter, the supporting characters were all weak, and the subplot with that guy and his wife contributed nothing to the story. but mainly i was just rolling my eyes in boredom.


(the two kids were good actors, though.)

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Phew, this thread had too much parity. At least it's not me this time.





lol, well, if i hadn't been told that it was a masterpiece art film that transcended the horror genre, or been told that it was the best film of 2008 (both of these things were said to me), maybe i would have been pleasantly surprised. but, no.


honestly i think people are being fooled by this movie; sure, it's somewhat well-shot, but not THAT well-shot. it's a film that sure is TRYING to have every frame scream out "ARTFUL FRAMING!", where in actuality it just became mannered and boring and deadening, and isn't actually done particularly well (i can list dozens of films released in the last few years with better cinematography).


and again, it just made no sense in relation to the story ... like when the 12-year-old vampire girl violently attacks the guy under the bridge, and the director seemed to think this would be the perfect time for the millionth wide-frame bergman-lite overarranged shot of nightime snow gently falling, etc.


i can see how the themes of the plot were SUPPOSED to fit together (and probably did, in the book); alienation, love, blah blah. but the film itself was sterile and clinical; it didn't move me at all, which shouldn't be too hard to do with a story like this.


it's sort of like with kar-wai's films, where, if you squint enough, you can see (hidden underneath the sloppy, badly-edited, badly-acted mess of a film) what he was TRYING to do. and even at his worst, he gets across mood/atmosphere far more effectively than 'let the right one in.'

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