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Guest Al Hounos

i'm not really even talking about heavy use here, let's say once a month - surely that kind of frequency wouldn't be enough to alter brain chemistry.


but there's that voice in your head saying, "this is fun/cool/tastes/feels great, but imagine how much better it would be if i was high!"


that's the part that makes me uncomfortable. now that you know what it could be like, it feels like you're missing out.


i guess abstinence is the only answer. no middle ground.

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Guest fiznuthian

i dunno. i quit 2 weeks ago because i could use more money right now and it was the easiest thing ever. no withdrawals, no cravings, no sitting around wishing i was high. i feel a hell of a lot more energetic. is it really that difficult? i went from smoking over an 1/8 oz per day of cheap but fairly potent green to complete zero.



i quit smoking cigarettes yesterday after shredding my pack and lighting it on fire in the break room at work. i now have an incredibly sore fist with a busted knuckle, a spiteful manager on my hands, and i almost trampled over every co-worker at least once in the night.

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since weed doesn't have the horrible health repercussions of alcohol or other drugs, it allows us to focus on the most important and difficult question about its use:


does weed add an extra 20% of enjoyment to an experience or does it simply reduce your (relative) sober enjoyment to 80%?

on the odd occasion i smoke weed i enjoy food and music a bit more, and that isn't because it reduces my sober enjoyment... i know that because i almost never smoke weed

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i've been smoking daily for pretty much the last 6 or so years without taking any breaks, but im moving to shitty winnipeg next week and i dont know anyone there, so i thikn it'll probably be a while before i smoke again. i dont know how i feel about this.

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I recently stopped having sex with women because i realized it was making platonic relationships with women less desireable


That analogy doesn't work because there's nothing desirable about platonic relationships.

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i've been smoking daily for pretty much the last 6 or so years without taking any breaks, but im moving to shitty winnipeg next week and i dont know anyone there, so i thikn it'll probably be a while before i smoke again. i dont know how i feel about this.

I was in the same position 2 years ago when I moved from the states (where I was a pretty regular smoker) to Dublin (where I pretty much knew nobody). It's okay, you learn to deal pretty quickly, just make sure you have other things to do, interests that you enjoy even without the aid of weed (particularly outdoorsy stuff if your inclined to that) or even work for that matter.


Apart from 2 long weekends in Amsterdam and a trip home last Xmas I haven't smoked or had any - there's definitely times when this has been a good thing (I'm studying for my Master's degree now, so it would've been a distraction) and times when I wish I had some (like tomorrow after I finish my last exam :cry: ).


Overall I'd say I'm neither better off nor worse for it, though I've made a full and conscious decision to resume smoking status when I move back to the states this fall. Generally I work hard, am responsible enough, and don't let it get in the way of relationships, goals, etc., so I see no harm in it nor any need to deprive myself. Plus getting stoned is far more enjoyable that getting drunk.

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Guest DaveMike

about almost a year ago on 420 i almost had a heart attack from it. it was funny, the night before i smoked like my regular stoner self,, felt fine.

but that one time it just hit me. after that i started having gay anxiety and shit. i thought it was from cigarettes but soon enough found out it was weed, so i did'nt smoke as much. now i have a job where they piss test me and ive been clean for almost a month and a half. and fuck i wish i could just casually smoke.


like right now im having a few beers and im on my last one,, and i wish i could just smoke a bowl and chill the hell out,, but no, its 4:30 in the morn and no booze stores are open


fuck my life

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for a while i was smoking weed every night until i depleted my 'stash'. i couldn't go a night without smoking, but as soon as i ran out it didn't really matter anymore. and as for alcohol, i'm working on cutting it down, to just a few drinks every couple of nights. it seems alcohol is one of the worst drugs to quit.


.. so i've pretty much stopped smoking weed and drinking alcohol for 'trashy' highs, but i'm in the process of switching to lsd for that. though i'm not sure about doing that every week, zole.

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for a while i was smoking weed every night until i depleted my 'stash'. i couldn't go a night without smoking, but as soon as i ran out it didn't really matter anymore. and as for alcohol, i'm working on cutting it down, to just a few drinks every couple of nights. it seems alcohol is one of the worst drugs to quit.


.. so i've pretty much stopped smoking weed and drinking alcohol for 'trashy' highs, but i'm in the process of switching to lsd for that. though i'm not sure about doing that every week, zole.


Don't FSOL out on us--your interesting blend of metal, shoegaze, and electronics might morph into the Mello Hippo Modey Show complete with tabla players and Swamis.

lol. i won't go that far, but acid so far has provided the inspiration to blend 'metal, shoegaze and electronics'.

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i've been smoking daily for pretty much the last 6 or so years without taking any breaks, but im moving to shitty winnipeg next week and i dont know anyone there, so i thikn it'll probably be a while before i smoke again. i dont know how i feel about this.


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Guest fiznuthian

the points in my life where i was absolutely convinced i could not quit weed also happened to be the lowest emotional points. i was not taking care of my emotional stability, and rather than appreciate the drug i turned into an escapist hermit. if it weren't weed it would have been video games or any other excuse to avoid reality and people.


be happy, eat right, exercise, socialize, get over yourself and it'll be no problem for any of you.


i could be wrong though.

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Guest Gary C

I quit smoking weed almost 2 years ago now. It was a snap decision after having had a couple of panic attacks during what had been a depressing year anyway. It was understandably much easier for me as I wasn't living with anyone that smoked, but I did start smoking more cigarettes to compensate.

I've never considered myself a heavy smoker though and rarely get through anymore than one packet of baccy in a week. So far I haven't smoked at all in 4+ days, which is harder than it sounds as I managed to condition myself into smoking every 1/2 hours at work. Friday will be the biggest test.


Quitting weed was purely for mental reasons, and I can't give any examples but I certainly feel happier (and less paranoid) than I ever did whilst smoking. To be honest, I regret ever smoking weed. I found it very easy to stop, as I, simply, just really wanted to stop.

Quitting cigarettes is for my health and hygiene, as I woke up last Saturday morning and was disgusted with how much I had smoked and therefore stank. I'm also tired of having to empty my nose everytime I'm in the shower.

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Guest hahathhat

it's fun to get drunk, but it also makes me stupid. when i'm stupid, i'm more likely to drink more without thinking about it too hard. drinking a lot makes me depressed, and... well, good thing i prefer smoking weed to cheer me up when i'm depressed, let's say that. once i became aware of that line -- drinking more than 2-3 drinks can fire off a feedback loop that lands tomorrow in a pile of meh -- i stopped crossing it so often.


i still get drunk sometimes, i'm just a lot more sparing with it.


.. so i've pretty much stopped smoking weed and drinking alcohol for 'trashy' highs, but i'm in the process of switching to lsd for that. though i'm not sure about doing that every week, zole.


weed is good stfu. (p.s. i'm jealous because i can't get LSD anywhere here :cry: )


the points in my life where i was absolutely convinced i could not quit weed also happened to be the lowest emotional points. i was not taking care of my emotional stability, and rather than appreciate the drug i turned into an escapist hermit. if it weren't weed it would have been video games or any other excuse to avoid reality and people.


be happy, eat right, exercise, socialize, get over yourself and it'll be no problem for any of you.


i could be wrong though.


A+++ would recommend post

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Guest Kicks

I've become way too accustomed to smoking weed every day...

I don't even spend much money on it, maybe $30 a week, but even when i have none it seems to find me - and I'm not one who passes up a free sesh :P

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weed is good stfu. (p.s. i'm jealous because i can't get LSD anywhere here :cry: )

oh yeah it's good and all, i just tend to rely on it a bit too much and never get anything done, etc.


and re: lsd, i feel your pain. only recently have i found an unlimited source, heh.

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is acid really that hard to get? ive never even tried/wanted to take it and ive been able to get both liquid and tabs solidly since when i was about 15.

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Also, when I get really fukt, I usually get hugely optimistic and crazily happy with plans that everything will be awesome.



lol yeah that sucks, I've formed many pontential bands, proyects and business while drunk and realized zero.

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