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LOL Alzado enjoys the vagina


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hey takeshi, what's the film in your av? I'm intrigued


It's from Pigs and Battleships directed by Shohei Imamura.


"Long before he gained fame for winning the 1983 Cannes Golden Palm award for The Ballad of Narayama, director Shohei Imamura created this superbly crafted, sardonic drama about the yakuza (Japanese Mafia) and the modernization of Japan after World War II. Kinta (Hiroyuki Nagato) is caught in the mesh of poverty and opts out by joining the local yakuza gang. His greed draws him into the drug dealing, pimping, and racketeering that fill the gang's coffers. One day he is given the legit job of tending the pigs owned by his mob boss, who live on the slop thrown out by the neighborhood's American military base. Kinta's girlfriend begs him to go straight and settle down, but he can't see a future in it. As the final denouement nears, increasingly acerbic commentary, mixed with pointed symbolism, decries American treatment of Japan and the Japanese' own moral corruption."


You should check out Imamura's other films too, I celebrate the man's entire catalogue (the stuff that's available).

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i've never experienced this vagina thing. i've seen lots of pictures (some of them look like a man penetrating another mans anus, is this normal?) and read stories but i don't know what all the hype is about. i'm getting by just fine. sometimes i "punch my penis" (like, i grip it in a fist and slide up and down heroically) and that seems to get me by. why should i bother with this weird and some what gross sounding phenomenon? all wet and hot, sounds like a slice of pizza that's be microwaved too long :(

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You don't. You sort of press up against each other, so the bottoms of your penises are rubbing against each other, then grind your crotches together up and down while making out. Then you 69 and tickle the rocks while doing a tongue dance. First person to cum gets penetrated in the butt.

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guys, i know this is kind of gross, but last night the girl i was with started to lick my wiener. with her tongue! i was like, "um, no what are you doing? that's where my pee comes from!" but she said she didn't mind and then she put the mushroom part of my wiener in her mouth! at first i was like Gross! but, once i got over the shock, it started to feel really good. then she started to move her hand on my wiener up and down, kind of like she was shaking it real hard. i was like hey, don't break it. but that felt really nice too. she kept the mushroom part in her mouth while she did it.


it felt similar to the vagina in some ways. it was warm and wet. but didn't feel quite as good on my wienie. but it was great for other reasons. i can't believe i'm even saying this, but it was kind of neat to see her put my wiener in her mouth. it made me feel really warm inside. the image of it was really neat. just like with the vagina experience, i felt like my wienie was going to explode again. thankfully, it didn't. but i started squealing like a little girl at one point and then i couldn't take it anymore. my dad said i reached my climax. i hope so. i'd be afraid to go any higher than that!


the only problem i keep imagining it in my mind and now i can't stop getting boners. kevin at work asked me why i've had boners all day and i didn't know what to say! i said it was because lisa in accounting was wearing her red sweater again. i wanted to die!


am i going to go to hell for this? i feel like i'm doing bad things. but it felt so good, i know i would probably do it again. i need to pray about this.

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This is no lie; I used to think that touching your wiener was wrong when I was 9 and I use to pray for forgiveness. Religion makes overly conscientious kids fucking miserable.


god wouldn't give you a wiener if he didn't want you to slap the mouths of many bitches with it

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