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Heroine (Not Wonder Woman or Shee-Ra)


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last year i had a friend die from his struggle with heroine. i didn't even know he had been doing it, just really shocked me when it happened

now i find out another of my friend is using it, "not that often" and because of "pain"

this is fucking bullshit, and i came down on thsi friend hard.not to this face but through a friend.he's always been into drugs or at least has for while now, uppers downers but fucking HEROINE>? this is bullshit.

i don't want anything to do with this but i assume if i run into him i'll speak my mind. the guy who told me about my friend using h semed pretty lax like, oh he doesn't do it often,

i've kinda had a falling out with him already so i guess its' all good, it's his fucked up life

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yea i don't get why anyone would go near heroine. i was offered it at a squat party, place looking like trainspotting, and said no and got the fuck out of there!

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Guest Kibreg

heroin's like a rice crispy treat, a little gift to yourself every now and then is good for ya


the guy has always been experimenting with drugs, like he's never happy with what he's got

he should just keep looking. he'll find it!

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Guest abusivegeorge

Fuck heroin, a friend of mine threw herself at a fucking train and died yesterday because of heroin addiction.


I fucking hate this planet.

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Guest Bad Influence

Heroin is something I'd never touch with a barge pole. I still don't understand what drives people to want to. I've taken alot of stupid stuff in my time that I've looked back on and thought "What the fck was I doing?" I've also run into a lot of people who've had their lives destroyed by the stuff but never change.


The thing I find disturbing that on a physically damaging and addictive level it's just as bad as alcohol which is more readily available.

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Guest esquimaw
yeah but if you take about 2 shots of heroine you're supposed to be physically dependent already, isn't that right?




Also heroin is actually pretty safe if you get clean medical stuff. It's easier to regulate your dose if you know exactly how strong what you're getting is. Most street heroin is cut - most overdoses occur when someone who's used to getting street shite gets some unexpectedly pure stuff.


The problem is the law, which brings in the criminal element. And the life ruining element.


I'm sure that's not much comfort if you've seen people fuck up their life for the stuff. But the problem really is with our society, culture and prohibition. The substance it's self is medically useful and quite safe if administered properly.

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Guest Bad Influence
alcohol blatantly isnt as addictive in practice


Hmmm in some cases yes in other no. It's does depend on the users personality. I may have exagerated slighty.

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Guest 277: 930-933
Heroin is something I'd never touch with a barge pole. I still don't understand what drives people to want to. I've taken alot of stupid stuff in my time that I've looked back on and thought "What the fck was I doing?" I've also run into a lot of people who've had their lives destroyed by the stuff but never change.


The thing I find disturbing that on a physically damaging and addictive level it's just as bad as alcohol which is more readily available.


Heroin is not physically damaging at all.

Negative health effects on heroin are a consequence of the user's lethargy and faillure to take proper care of their body but it's not caused by the actual substance itself.

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Heroin is something I'd never touch with a barge pole. I still don't understand what drives people to want to. I've taken alot of stupid stuff in my time that I've looked back on and thought "What the fck was I doing?" I've also run into a lot of people who've had their lives destroyed by the stuff but never change.


The thing I find disturbing that on a physically damaging and addictive level it's just as bad as alcohol which is more readily available.


Heroin is not physically damaging at all.

Negative health effects on heroin are a consequence of the user's lethargy and faillure to take proper care of their body but it's not caused by the actual substance itself.

yea my step-dad said he had functioning smackhead friends in london, with kids, well-payed jobs and good health (my step-dad goes to church every week etc.). but he didn't manage to convince me to try it ha

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I still don't understand what drives people to want to.


probably because it makes you feel really fucking amazing. that would be my guess.

i'm still not convinced that anything could make anyone feel more amazing than 12-string guitars, mellotrons and acid. lol

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