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Guest zaphod

essines is right, it's all confidence. i also kind of feel like if you're attractive to girls then you can get away with wearing kind of plain clothes. like a bald guy who is really fit, you aren't going to notice that he's bald, you'll notice that he's fit. what i'm trying to say is that essines is hot.

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Guest Helper ET

even if there is such thing as a hipster, why would anyone bother getting all worked up about it? (not you zaphod)


ive seen some confident fucking fat asses and trust me, there not gettin any

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Guest fiznuthian

yeah, coming from a small hick town i never understood the hipster idea until i came across photo archives such as this, but i think i get the idea. i might be wrong but i think hipsters are more common in urban environments, hence why new york hipsters are knocked on a lot. the townies i am used to look nothing like the urban brand of hipsters, which leads me to believe they're copycats in some way, perhaps just a few years behind the trends.

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Guest zaphod
even if there is such thing as a hipster, why would anyone bother getting all worked up about it? (not you zaphod)


ive seen some confident fucking fat asses and trust me, there not gettin any


yeah but they're fat asses. if you're reasonably attractive and not an utter weirdo you'll be ok. it also helps not to mention idm.

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Yeah don't talk about IDM and you'll be OK.

Some definitions for you guys who are confused.


NERD: knows how to program in 4 languages (computer languages), is comfortable using a terminal, watches a lot of Star Trek/Wars and either has a really well paying job in IT or lives in his mom's basement.


HIPSTER: Thinks Justice and Animal Collective are the biggest things in music ever, dresses ironically and more than likely has either a moustache or a fixed gear bike.


IDM fanbois: All of us.


HOMOSEX: other people.



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Guest fiznuthian

okay now it's going too far...


i dont get all the animal collective hate, i've been listening to them since no one gave a fuck and here comes the indian was released, now all the sudden it's hip to like AC?


what happened?

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the site is a cheap imitation of vice do's an don'ts http://www.viceland.com/int/dos.php?source=homepageddtitle


i encounter hipsters every day and they piss me off alot by thinking they are being cool/hip by dressing and wearing the most ugly godawful clothes imaginable. it's really bad on like 40 year olds. i actually had a friend who i dont hang around with anymore because she turned into a hipster. i mean why would anyone where HUGE frames without the actual glass in them? it defeats the entire purpose of glasses. yeah you're being 'ironic' but what does it mean when you say you're being ironic...that you don't care how you look? that trying to be purposefully weird/random is appealing to others? what's the point of irony? theres so much psychology to get into with peoples mindsets you could write essays on hipsterdom for real

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Guest JohnTqs

around these parts, they're called hippies..i don't consider myself one but i hang out with them all day. their favorite clothing item's include wooden bracelets, beads, and really loose shirts with like weird smokey-kaleidoscope patterns on them. I wear nonblue jeans and a sweater, under which is a t-shirt, then i wear acrylic gloves with no fingers.

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Guest Betty

Clothing should not be allowed to become a form of expression. Governments should supply recreational uniforms to the populace which are neat and functional. You'll fucking see.

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I think it's kind of funny that most of these hipsters wearing brightly coloured 'characteristic' skinny jeans and all that don't have any character themselves whatsoever. I remember someone on here saying this kind of goes for people that are covered in tattoos as well. Most of the time tattood people look really impressive but when they start talking they turn out to be very unimpressive really.

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absolute fucking bollocks dude, some of the westest, funniest most interesting people i know are plastered in bad tattoos.


I didn't say all tattood people are bland or whatever, I was just trying to post an example of the fact that the personalities of most people I know who try to dress 'impressively' are just really unimpressive.

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Guest spraaaa
now all the sudden it's hip to like AC?


what happened?


they got older and screamed less so domino signed them and put actual money into promotion

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Guest Rambo

i think messiaen means unusual when he says westest.


you could say my stomach has gone west and it'd probably mean you felt sick.

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sorry for starting another thread about this; i hadn't been paying attention... but will you look at this fucking hipster

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