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Guest abusivegeorge

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Guest abusivegeorge

Well I had been saving up this money for a Gold ring, but I have decided after much deliberation that I no longer want or need it and have enough Gold jewellery as it is. So come on guys, what shall I do with this money that's productive? Nothing to do with computer or computer games because I have all I want in that dapartment already, I joined the gym yesterday so thats all paid up too, I am going down the pool club for some practice in a minue, thats going to cost me like £10, and the rest is mine to do with as I please.


I also have all I want or need in the line of clothes/shoes etc, so thats a no need also :).

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Guest abusivegeorge

Shit, thats a fucking good idea^^, didn't even cross my mind. I was going to take the girlfriend to Egypt in a couple of months so thoughts of a holiday are kind of daunting at the mo, but I can always put it aside for a later date!

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Guest abusivegeorge
buy a vhs player and about 700 vhs's for £60



then spend the rest on crates and creates of beer.



Do you ever read any of my posts? Lol.

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