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is food getting more expensive where you live?

Guest my usernames always really suck

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Guest my usernames always really suck

A couple months ago I could buy a can of tuna for about 80 cents. Now they're $1.50 each. Tuna was the perfect cheap-food to buy that, unlike ramen (another budget food), is actually good for you if you eat it regularly. $1.50 is a bit much for a tiny little can.


And it's just generally more expensive than it used to be like two years ago. I could do some small-time shopping for a loaf of bread here, a pack of bananas, milk + OJ, and maybe a couple other foods and it wouldn't cost more than maybe $25. Now if I do minor shopping and it's usually in the $40-50 ballpark. So it was cheaper back when gas prices were fucking horrendous, so I don't think it has anything to do with transport costs.


Any insight?

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Guest my usernames always really suck

Oh don't get me started on the prices of pistachios. I don't even buy them anymore.

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I live in NYC where food is always ridiculously expensive. I've been buying bananas a lot because they are super cheap, something like a dollar a pound.

It's kinda funny that most businesses respond to a recession by increasing their prices, while most consumers are deciding to not buy things at high prices.

I think smarter businesses (though more rare) at this time will lower their prices to attract more customers.

But what the hell do I know. I went to art school for christ sakes.

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I live in NYC where food is always ridiculously expensive. I've been buying bananas a lot because they are super cheap, something like a dollar a pound.

It's kinda funny that most businesses respond to a recession by increasing their prices, while most consumers are deciding to not buy things at high prices.

I think smarter businesses (though more rare) at this time will lower their prices to attract more customers.

But what the hell do I know. I went to art school for christ sakes.


man you sound exactly like me... I made little notes in my head all the time going into trader joes on 14th street at how fucking cheap bananas are.




i also went to an art school lol

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I live in NYC where food is always ridiculously expensive. I've been buying bananas a lot because they are super cheap, something like a dollar a pound.

It's kinda funny that most businesses respond to a recession by increasing their prices, while most consumers are deciding to not buy things at high prices.

I think smarter businesses (though more rare) at this time will lower their prices to attract more customers.

But what the hell do I know. I went to art school for christ sakes.


man you sound exactly like me... I made little notes in my head all the time going into trader joes on 14th street at how fucking cheap bananas are.




i also went to an art school lol

i just ate a banana, true story.

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Somebody told me that bananas might disappear in the near future. I'm sure it was one of my dumb art school friends.

All I know is that they are delicious, healthy, about .19¢ each and are sold everywhere. If they were vanishing from the earth, I think they would be a tad pricier. Someone else told me that they are the best thing for poor people to eat because the level of nutrition for the price far surpasses most other foods. They are also perfect for smoothies.

The only downside to bananas is that they contain a lot of potassium which, especially in the summer, attracts a lot of mosquitoes!



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Somebody told me that bananas might disappear in the near future. I'm sure it was one of my dumb art school friends.

All I know is that they are delicious, healthy, about .19¢ each and are sold everywhere. If they were vanishing from the earth, I think they would be a tad pricier. Someone else told me that they are the best thing for poor people to eat because the level of nutrition for the price far surpasses most other foods. They are also perfect for smoothies.

The only downside to bananas is that they contain a lot of potassium which, especially in the summer, attracts a lot of mosquitoes!


yes but it kills leg cramps!


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It's called inflation.


Also, agricultural difficulties and seasonal yatta yatta yatta.

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Due to the economic depression food prices are generally going down across Europe EXCEPT here in Finland. Our food prices have been rising rapidly for a few years now and are still rising some 10% per year. The government is lowering the VAT of food 5% units in october and all the markets have tweaked their prices up beforehand to cope with the "lowering" prices. What a ripoff! Our government is a bunch of pussies and selfish assholes and nothing more. They only think of theirselves and have been constantly making tax reductions to the high-income part of the people who are a relatively small minority here. And simultaneously food, petrol, electricity and all that is mandatory is becoming increasingly expensive. The normal blue-collar worker is in deep shit within few years here. And the same time people are losing their jobs at an accelerating rate. Not good at all! We are the new Zimbabwe of Europe. :(

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had the same thing with tinned tuna, but in relation to other products (it's more expensive than some cheap ham now, so i get the ham)

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I live in NYC where food is always ridiculously expensive. I've been buying bananas a lot because they are super cheap, something like a dollar a pound.

It's kinda funny that most businesses respond to a recession by increasing their prices, while most consumers are deciding to not buy things at high prices.

I think smarter businesses (though more rare) at this time will lower their prices to attract more customers.

But what the hell do I know. I went to art school for christ sakes.


man you sound exactly like me... I made little notes in my head all the time going into trader joes on 14th street at how fucking cheap bananas are.




i also went to an art school lol



They have to a make a profit though. Its likely that there wholesale prices are going up. I think super markets operate on thin margins. Plus think of all the stuff that goes bad. I personally try to only buy things that are on sale.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

1. i just ate a banana. FACT.

2. have notice my bill go up but my trolley the same full.

3. last month i lived on cereals and hot dogs

4. last night on PBS there was an interesting documentary which showed links between how well the grandparents ate and serious illnesses in the grandchildren.

5. no kids for me.

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the prices in our country rised for 90% since we got euro. this is the biggest scam in the history of our nation.


*installs deus ex and beats the crap out of the establishment*


*feels better*

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Guest hahathhat

in general, it pisses me off how expensive it is to merely exist. i could sit at home, do nothing but wank for a year, and i'd probably wind up $20k in the hole. unnervingly close to slavery. you can't just build a cottage somewhere and live off the land... no, you have to buy the land, or rent it, pay yearly property taxes on it. you can't build what you want, you have to hire some contractor by law to make sure your fucking shack follows government regulations.... it goes on. really pisses me off, but i'm at a loss regarding what an appropriate response is.

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in general, it pisses me off how expensive it is to merely exist. i could sit at home, do nothing but wank for a year, and i'd probably wind up $20k in the hole. unnervingly close to slavery. you can't just build a cottage somewhere and live off the land... no, you have to buy the land, or rent it, pay yearly property taxes on it. you can't build what you want, you have to hire some contractor by law to make sure your fucking shack follows government regulations.... it goes on. really pisses me off, but i'm at a loss regarding what an appropriate response is.

I was just saying the same thing last night while watching the alaska experiment show on discovery... There's no more discovery to be had - you can't just venture out, find a plot of land, build a house, and live there, everything is taxed and government regulated, you simply cannot escape authority. And it never ends... for the rest of your life, government will have one eye on you and one hand in your pocket. I also recieved my social security statement yesterday, and I then realised my social security checks at age 70 won't be enough to pay for the property taxes on my house... There will never be financial freedom in this existence.


























must work!


...and to top it all off, Colin Powell, a man I once have a good deal of respect for says "Americans do want to pay taxes for services" and "Americans are looking for more government in their life, not less." He couldn't be farther from the truth.

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Guest idrn
i do all my food shopping at Harrods. or failing that Lidl.


tesco/sainsburys reduced aisle. the other day:


whole roast chicken: 90p

big bunch of asparagus: 40p

broccoli: 10p


= epic sunday roast at £1 per head

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Guest Wall Bird
Due to the economic depression food prices are generally going down across Europe EXCEPT here in Finland. Our food prices have been rising rapidly for a few years now and are still rising some 10% per year. The government is lowering the VAT of food 5% units in october and all the markets have tweaked their prices up beforehand to cope with the "lowering" prices. What a ripoff! Our government is a bunch of pussies and selfish assholes and nothing more. They only think of theirselves and have been constantly making tax reductions to the high-income part of the people who are a relatively small minority here. And simultaneously food, petrol, electricity and all that is mandatory is becoming increasingly expensive. The normal blue-collar worker is in deep shit within few years here. And the same time people are losing their jobs at an accelerating rate. Not good at all! We are the new Zimbabwe of Europe. :(


I'm afraid it's the same situation in America, minus the govt. tampering w/ food prices.


Also, Hat, it's not called wage slavery for nothing:



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Guest thanksomuch

i had to go on like a payment plan for my credit card (i owe under 1000$ so it's not so bad). the lady from my bank was asking me how much i spend on this that and the other. when she came to food i said "$200-$300 a month." she said, slightly started "where do you live??" and i said florida" and then she said "oh... yeah.."


so i guess FL food prices are pretty high as it is.

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