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Death to all hipsters

brian trageskin

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Guest abusivegeorge
i still can't tell what a hipster is in comparison to an emo or goth or nerd.


You don't need to, this is a good way to be.

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Guest Al Hounos
I haven't decided if hipsters are more nauseating than the anti-hipster thing.


spoken like a true hipster.



From: Brooklyn

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i just spent the weekend hanging out with hipsters and it was quite fun. Many of them are interesting, and many of them are fucking douchebags, just like the rest of us. Those of you who refuse to believe that are much worse off than those who just like to bike around and wear neon for a few years of their lives.

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there is nothing wrong with being a hipster perse but when you try so hard to look like a certain style of person like someone straigt out of an urban outfitters catalogue i think you have some problems

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Guest DaveMike

i used to mess around with this one girl who was pritty hipsteresc,, she turned down her best friends birthday cause she was haning out with some real "scene" girls

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Guest Iain C
i just spent the weekend hanging out with hipsters and it was quite fun. Many of them are interesting, and many of them are fucking douchebags, just like the rest of us. Those of you who refuse to believe that are much worse off than those who just like to bike around and wear neon for a few years of their lives.


So what you're saying is, there's more to people's personalities than the music they listen to and the clothes they wear?


Because that's bullshit, frankly.

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If you look at the correlation between the political climate vs. culture, you'll notice that the most absurd/ridiculous trends appear when republican's/corporations are running everything i.e. the 80's and now the 00's... during era's where the economy is relatively balanced and there is a strong middle class, the culture is very subdued and typically everyone is a bit more individualistic.


Right now everyone wants to fit a long with the times, which is why we are seeing such an explosion in the hipster scene. Though the scene isn't really driven by any motivation other then materialism and intellectualism/art... Celebrities with all their wealth now, also contribute to this (Kayne) by focusing more on image rather then the work they output.


Hipsters although can be decent, normal, fun individuals... definitely showcase the group mentality that many people can't live without.


Makes me want to go live in the woods and get the fuck out of this insane culture. I think its fucking with my head.

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Think about this way, you could say we here at WATMM suffer from a group mentality, where we need the support of others, specifically those who enjoy similar music as us... the difference though, is that hipsters are following something, while we are discovering something and then finding a place to share it with others (watmm)...


If we imitate we become essentially nothing in my mind. The great part of life is how random everything is, even within each of us... we are all incredibly different people... and it would be great if everyone could look past the surface and realize sharing experiences with someone identical to you is like talking to yourself in a mirror.


Its all ego stroking bullshit. I probably sound like a pretentious twat for replying to this thread so seriously, but I am doing it more as way to challenge my thoughts and hopefully come to conclusions I had not originally thought.


Sorry for this.

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why you decided to use kanye west as an example of image vs talent/music/soul is beyond me.


Well he embodies both, my point is that Kayne chooses to focus more on his image then he should. He has talent and is capable of expressing himself through that talent, yet he is constantly blogging, wearing ridiculous clothes/sunglasses, etc... trying to stand out/set trends...


Using Britney Spears as an example isn't entirely the best, because she has nothing to offer except her image. She is a product of corporations trying to sell something...


The thing that will save us though is the internet, because it will eventually kill the need for the middleman (music labels).

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Guest pantsonmyhead
I haven't decided if hipsters are more nauseating than the anti-hipster thing.



well put



and a prime example of how hip/well dressed and talented don't have to be mutually exclusive: prince

or fuck it


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Check how furious the CEO of SONY Pictures is... he just said this today...


"Nothing Good Has Come From The Internet, period."




Just goes to show, how their worlds are crumbling before them. Radiohead's success with their "you choose the price" policy (they made more money off it then what they made from their last album)... is showing mainstream artists a new route that gives them complete creative freedom and pure profit.


Artists will move in this direction of self-promotion/self-distribution, which in turn kills what we now know as the radio and all the other bullshit we see on MTV. With no artists at their disposal, the labels, studios, etc will have no purpose.


I look forward to the future, and actually think the internet is the best thing that has happened... I love you internet!

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I haven't decided if hipsters are more nauseating than the anti-hipster thing.


spoken like a true hipster.



From: Brooklyn

I'm way too old to be a hipster, and I live in a small town in Oregon.


I was also told in the post your most recent pic thread that I'm the most normal looking person on this board.


So go figure.

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