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Guest idrn

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Guest idrn



first, just read this, all of it.


saw the first couple at work last week but it's now been hitting digg etc recently too, prime internet material... if i had stumbled across prison planet or the like one day then i would have been heavily cynical in the 'fucking conspiracy theories' vein, but this is real. and it's also not being published in the paper, just online.


weirdly people seem to be wailing on him a bit for the humourous journalistic approach too but it's almost perfect in exposing something deeply wrong to those who would be otherwise wary of shouty drama and opinion. if he had gone in 'on a mission' then it would have no poignancy whatsoever. the wide-eyed innocuous approach (and the consequences) make it all the more unsettling...



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i havent read this article yet but i've been hearing about it a little bit

but really quick before i do - my sister went to the last bilderberg and bullhorned it with alex jones!

she had a lot of fun meeting the NWO cast of characters and she swears to me that Obama snuck in the conference and that was what that 'secret meeting with hillary' was about

normally i don't defend the mainstream press, but this was definitely an instance where they were tricked into getting on an airplane and obama was whisked away somewhere secret, whether it was bilderberg or actually somewhere in private remains to be known for sure. coincidentally the meeting that was with hillary clinton was taking place in the exact same city Bilderberg was that year.


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bilderberg is just the one they want you to know about. the real ones don't have names.

This.. and



I heard Skelton's interview with Alex Jones over the weekend - he mentioned that he had been arrested twice for photographing the people attending.


The monetary system is a Ponzi scheme, only the people at the top really benefit from it. I'd predict a new monetary reform to be put into action within the next few years. Does anyone know any of the people who attended? I read in The Times that Ed Balls (UK Education Secretary) was possibly going over along with another Labour MP to represent Great Britain.. plus a member of the US Treasury (I think) was expected to attend. All attention should be on these secret meetings, why must they be kept secret?

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btw there is this great new documentary made by the same people who did that live action role playing game documentary (i forgot the nae) called New World Order for IFC.


it's not a pro or anti alex jones documentary but instead a very personal slightly sympathetic portrayal of what is going on in his head and how he perceives the world. i thought it was pretty good, but may upset some die-hard alex jones fans he calls it a 'hit piece' i disagree.




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my sister interviewed with alex jones


she said he was surprisingly humble and nice in real life

I admire his work and all that he has done to reveal corruption over the years but a lot of his solutions to the problems he points out in society are merely patchwork to me.

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hmm. i suppose I am a bit thick, but what exactly is going on here? is there somewhere specifically I should start on this blog? I am attempting to read some of the posts now, but it isn't making too much sense.

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hmm. i suppose I am a bit thick, but what exactly is going on here? is there somewhere specifically I should start on this blog? I am attempting to read some of the posts now, but it isn't making too much sense.


long story short, Guardian UK decided to cover Bilderberg for the first time in the history of their paper (Sending a reporter out to the event) and not take it seriously but go about it as if it was some sort of Daily Show esque news special parody. In the middle of doing this humorous news coverage the guy was arrested for taking a picture of the hotel Bilderberg was at, and as a result he took the Bilderberg thing a tad bit more seriously.

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my sister interviewed with alex jones


she said he was surprisingly humble and nice in real life and cut her some slack i'm sure she was pretty nervous

like me, he's clearly thinking about doin ur sis

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about 45 miles away from my home there is something world leaders come to that is even more ridiculous than Bilderberg group, called the Bohemian Grove.


They burn an effigy of a human child while doing a ceremony called 'the cremation of care' in front of a giant ancient druid god called Molloch in the shape of a huge owl





i intend to sneak in here before i die


fun fact: Alexander 'Sasha' Shulgin plays viola in the bohemian grove band every year and members include Harry Shear and the Bush family.

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you are just asking for it GB3....


yer sis is purty!


and Alex Jones......


not sure what to think of him after listening and watching him for 11 years now....


love.hate relationship


Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper is something everything conspiracy junky should read....

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not sure what to think of him after listening and watching him for 11 years now....


love.hate relationship



i have the same feelings however i only heard of him around 2003, you're from texas right? how 'famous' is he around those parts? is he at most just considered some quirky local celebrity?

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I never understood how Alex Jones managed to sneak into Bohemian Grove and get some footage of what was going on. Awepittance, could you shed some light on this? I remember reading some areas of this on infowars a long time ago but it never provided information on how he got in there.

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I never understood how Alex Jones managed to sneak into Bohemian Grove and get some footage of what was going on. Awepittance, could you shed some light on this? I remember reading some areas of this on infowars a long time ago but it never provided information on how he got in there.


haha if you have some time to spare check out his documentary 'dark secrets of bohemian grove' it is 3 hours long and is essentially a hand held camera first person point of view of him driving to the grove and sneaking in.

It's a rather anti climactic story of how he snuck in.. he just fucking walked in!


funny side story is that John Ronson (kind of a louie theroux influenced reporter from the UK) made a TV series called 'secret rulers of the world' and for one episode he wanted to go to bohemian grove with alex jones.

You can also find his movie floating around its just an hour long TV episode but its interesting because it is John Ronson's perspective on the event. So what you get is basically 2 very similar films of the same exact event from 2 extremely different perspectives, i can't think of another film example like this. For this alone both are very interesting to watch. Ronson never showed any actual footage he took inside the grove because he was TOO SCARED to admit in public until 5 years later that he snuck in also!

He kind of publicly teased alex jones about the idea that cremation of care was cultish or weird but later back peddled a little bit (on coast to coast AM interviewing for his 'the men who stare at goats' book) saying that the people who go to this ceremony are probably really messed up people and yes they do burn an effigy of a child and take it very seriously.

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not sure what to think of him after listening and watching him for 11 years now....


love.hate relationship



i have the same feelings however i only heard of him around 2003, you're from texas right? how 'famous' is he around those parts? is he at most just considered some quirky local celebrity?


No, he is famous all over the globe now....


He is considered a local celebrity though....


I was in upstate NY and turned on late night cable in my hotel room and a video of his was on...


I think he is working up towards running for an office...


but I don't think he could win....


and my friend also thinks your sister is purty too! hehehehe....

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well the reason i asked is because 11 years ago the only way you would have heard of him was on texas cable access or maybe on the internet. He is pretty famous now but even when i got into him he was still very obscure (2003).

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about 45 miles away from my home there is something world leaders come to that is even more ridiculous than Bilderberg group, called the Bohemian Grove.


They burn an effigy of a human child while doing a ceremony called 'the cremation of care' in front of a giant ancient druid god called Molloch in the shape of a huge owl





i intend to sneak in here before i die


fun fact: Alexander 'Sasha' Shulgin plays viola in the bohemian grove band every year and members include Harry Shear and the Bush family.

can you sneak in bohemian grove? what does it look like? is this somewhere deep in woods?


david icke talks alot about Bohemian grove, and also mentions reptiles ruling the world as shapeshifting entities... but the interesting one is about those bloodlines that have been preserved intact (pure) for thousands of years. and if you take a closer look at the pictures of english queen and laura bush or tony blair... they look related... don't they?


anyway it's interesting how icke also points out the censorship of greater knowledge that has been hidden from us in order to keep us 'controllable'. by that i don't mean we're brainwashed zombies, but not far from that either. it is enough to educate young people with knowledge that is somehow institutionalized, narrow-focused and so fits them into this large scheme that looks quite ridiculous once you see it working.



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