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Guest tv_party
my sister interviewed with alex jones


she said he was surprisingly humble and nice in real life and cut her some slack i'm sure she was pretty nervous

like me, he's clearly thinking about doin ur sis



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I do think the Bilderberg meetings are interesting, however I'll say here what I've said elsewhere - if I was one of the elite power brokers in the modern world, I'd want a private meeting where I could chat with other people like me, too.


I run a studio and have closed-door meetings every day. I think your perspective changes if you've ever been in a management position.


If what I do was remotely interesting to the Alex Jones' of the world, I can just imagine him shouting on his bullhorn "Ha! You fly back yearly to San Francisco for secret meetings in a small nondescript office with the other so-called shareholders of your company! What nefarious decisions are made that affect the lives of all 40 people under your control?" lol.


But who knows, maybe it really is more sinister than that. I'd like to read the book(s)

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Bilderbergers: Leaders and other elite members of the world's countries have a group that is in charge of making history happen the way they choose and they meet in secret at locations 'usually 'unknown to the public....so the story goes

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the difference is lumpy, that these guys who are meeting are heads of state/finance/military...what they do really affects our lives, and we should have a right to access that information.

As cool as video games are, they don't impact our lives in many ways beyond getting tremendous enjoyment out of them, or feeling ripped off for buying a shitty one.

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the difference is lumpy, that these guys who are meeting are heads of state/finance/military...what they do really affects our lives, and we should have a right to access that information.

As cool as video games are, they don't impact our lives in many ways beyond getting tremendous enjoyment out of them, or feeling ripped off for buying a shitty one.


i don't really think that contradicts the point I was making though - my decisions about company matters *do* directly affect the lives of the 40 or so people I employ. I still don't think that entitles them to know everything that goes on in management meetings, or in conversations with clients, etc.


Same thing with govt cabinet meetings, meetings to do with nat'l security, etc. I do think there are some things the average citizen shouldn't know. The prob is Bush abused this privilege.


I definitely lean towards the side of transparency and openness, but that doesn't mean I don't see the need for closed-door meetings at times. I mean, if Obama goes to talk to Putin, do we hear all the details of what was discussed? Usually it's just a few terse lines, like "a range of issues were discussed and both sides felt there was forward movement on a number of fronts." You just have to assume that Obama is the guy you think you elected, and that he has your nation's best interests at heart in these moments.


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I mean, if Obama goes to talk to Putin, do we hear all the details of what was discussed? Usually it's just a few terse lines, like "a range of issues were discussed and both sides felt there was forward movement on a number of fronts." You just have to assume that Obama is the guy you think you elected, and that he has your nation's best interests at heart in these moments.


one difference is that you hear about Obama going to talk to putin in the mainstream press, you may not hear most of the details but at least you know it's happening. I can't recall a single time where Bilderberg's existence was even mentioned on a channel like CNN or Fox News or even places like Harpers or NY times.


edit: which is one reason why this UK guardian blog is such a breakthrough, it's the first time a reporter for a major news outlet has been sent to cover the event. *with the exception of John Ronson who did meet up with Jim Tucker at a bilderberg conference but it wasn't for normal BBC news it was for BBC television.

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i just can't take these NWO tinfoil hat people seriously. especially alex jones.


yeah, i have to say he comes across as the loser kid who never got invited to parties.


plus he panders to xenophobia and racism.

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i just can't take these NWO tinfoil hat people seriously. especially alex jones.


yeah, i have to say he comes across as the loser kid who never got invited to parties.


plus he panders to xenophobia and racism.


alex jones is of the old school paleo conservative mind set and he does pander towards those types of things.

and yeah i know that people like alex jones and david icke especially can turn one off to even examining things like bilderberg further, but you would be short changing yourself if you let 'tin foil hat people' cause you to ignore something as important as Bilderberg on the world's stage.


so what i'm basically saying is feel free to kill the messenger but don't let it ruin the message

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Guest Ominous

for all (the little) it's worth i did come across an older clip mentioning Bilderberg on British CNN just today (just a short Jon Ronson appearance); but i think it needs to be stated that heads of state and heads of corporations are not supposed to be able to sit together and discuss policy, much less make it in private. I've had an awakening to all these topics recently but I'm grateful for someone like Alex Jones being so passionate about this. Here is a website that has a lot of good documentaries: http://sprword.com/globalelite.html


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Guest hahathhat

i don't really believe in some unified, deliberate conspiracy so much as i believe that human stupidity and greed works along the same lines any place it springs up. to call that a conspiracy is like calling mcdonalds a conspiracy to make people fat.

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i don't really believe in some unified, deliberate conspiracy so much as i believe that human stupidity and greed works along the same lines any place it springs up. to call that a conspiracy is like calling mcdonalds a conspiracy to make people fat.


i guess, but saying there is no such thing as any conspiracies is just as ignorant as saying everything is a conspiracy

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Guest hahathhat
i don't really believe in some unified, deliberate conspiracy so much as i believe that human stupidity and greed works along the same lines any place it springs up. to call that a conspiracy is like calling mcdonalds a conspiracy to make people fat.


i guess, but saying there is no such thing as any conspiracies is just as ignorant as saying everything is a conspiracy


i believe cigarette companies conspired to hide the addictiveness and health risks of cigarettes. i believe HMO/health care companies are conspiring to prevent public health in america. i believe banks/financial companies conspire to bilk us out of our hard-earned dollars. however, i DON'T believe there's one giant conspiracy responsible for every smaller conspiracy.

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Guest Rambo
i don't really believe in some unified, deliberate conspiracy so much as i believe that human stupidity and greed works along the same lines any place it springs up. to call that a conspiracy is like calling mcdonalds a conspiracy to make people fat.


i guess, but saying there is no such thing as any conspiracies is just as ignorant as saying everything is a conspiracy


i believe cigarette companies conspired to hide the addictiveness and health risks of cigarettes. i believe HMO/health care companies are conspiring to prevent public health in america. i believe banks/financial companies conspire to bilk us out of our hard-earned dollars. however, i DON'T believe there's one giant conspiracy responsible for every smaller conspiracy.


That's all you need to know though. People at the top conspire to stay at the top. It's pretty fucking logical if you ask me, which is what makes all the smug tin foil hat comments all the more laughable.


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i don't really believe in some unified, deliberate conspiracy so much as i believe that human stupidity and greed works along the same lines any place it springs up. to call that a conspiracy is like calling mcdonalds a conspiracy to make people fat.


i guess, but saying there is no such thing as any conspiracies is just as ignorant as saying everything is a conspiracy


i believe cigarette companies conspired to hide the addictiveness and health risks of cigarettes. i believe HMO/health care companies are conspiring to prevent public health in america. i believe banks/financial companies conspire to bilk us out of our hard-earned dollars. however, i DON'T believe there's one giant conspiracy responsible for every smaller conspiracy.


"Every puppet's string eventually leads up to the stick controlling it"


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Guest hahathhat

point II: humans are too greedy to let one person or group control it all. apple of eris

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