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North Korea conducts nuclear test


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Guest ezkerraldean

that's a shit nuke. and i doubt their rockets could even carry it as far as japan, whatever they claim. and bollocks will they ever use one.

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Guest theSun

well we basically stopped all trade with them for adopting socialism, and many of their citizens are starving to death. not like the government cares about feeding its people anyways, but they got plenty of money for the military.

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yes, but idiots with nuclear fucking weapons!


idiots with nuclear weapons is nothing new, they are just joining now the league of other idiots who have nukes



i also find it funny that LAST time Korea did a nuclear test the news story was totally brushed under the rug because it was during an insanely propagandistic hyping of the Iran nuclear program.

The nuclear test was Pyongyang's second -- its first was in October 2006


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North Korea isn't gonna do shit. All of their missile tests tend to end in horrible failures either falling way off trajectory or falling a couple hundred miles before its intended target.


They don't have the infrastructure to create a competent nuclear weapons program.


That said, I hope i dont have to eat my words.

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why does north korea always act so pissy? what did we do? :sad:


umm the korean war never ended ... the us and sth korea have mass on-alert ready troops and equipment stationed on their border .. when we offer in the ninties under clinton to provide an alternative to nuclear power for pyongyang .. we then didn't actually fund the program .. but they still shut down the power station ... which was then reopened during the bush years to much weastern fanfair and posturing .. despite the actual reasoning behind the nrth korean decision to actually power their country .. using .. you know the resources they have onhand rather than non-occuring hand outs from agressive foreign nations that bombed them to the shithouse during the operations faze of the war ...


as for the missile launches and testing of munitions .. (anyone remember that train yard explosion (as an aside heh)) .. so fucking what ... everyone else does it... as long as it's not offensive ...which it hasn't been .. unlike US power .. UK foreign office power ... canadian power ... australian power .. wotevfr ..


save your ire for those kunts that are actually kunts ... yair .. 'oh modern sophisticated and informed power that actually keeps it's munitions in check .. thankyou [where]'

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the only problem I see is that north korean leadership doesn't really give a shit about their own people, so if their empire is starting to crumble they might just say fuck it and try to launch one of these things somewhere. unlike other nations with nukes, north korea is in its own little world, so who knows what exactly they are thinking.


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we isolated them .. created 'their own little world' ... their situation reflects our policies ... it would be a very different country now .. if not for this ...



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Guest idrn

very simply they havnt got anywhere with diplomacy and theyre a total joke of a nation... so they start posturing with weapons to get on the world stage again.


i mean, have you even seen their website?




fucking lol

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ive always found that the frozen goodfellas pizzas are pretty disgusting, never been able to get into anything with a thick base unless its made fresh.

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very simply they havnt got anywhere with diplomacy and theyre a total joke of a nation... so they start posturing with weapons to get on the world stage again.


what are you talking about .. ?? ... it's like blaming a bolt for being screwed in ...

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Guest idrn
ive always found that the frozen goodfellas pizzas are pretty disgusting, never been able to get into anything with a thick base unless its made fresh.


lol, wrong thread m8

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i'm personally more scared of Pakistan or Israel having nukes than North Korea


if any small country uses them in anger they get smoked ..no drills ..no questions asked ... in the mean time you have all these nasty military actions going on to get angry about ... why not do it...save yourself from the dreaded wasted breath ;-]

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we isolated them .. created 'their own little world' ... their situation reflects our policies ... it would be a very different country now .. if not for this ...





tons of official Soviet documents were released from Stalin's era where both him and Mao wanted the DPRK on a permanent war economy basis...the Korean peninsula was meant to be a communist base within reach of Japan and nothing else...so to say it was only the Western world that encouraged the regime to grow is complete nonsense.


a change in our policies would be completely ineffective at this point anyway, its a lose-lose situation. all of the resources we send to the country are relocated by Kim Jong-Il's cadre to the top .05% of the population as a reward for their loyalty, and anything they claim to do for the benefit of the North Korean public is a complete joke of mismanagement and corruption (such as the over fertilization of river soils in 2000-2002 which led to runoff destroying what little crops the village communities had)


the removal or action against Kim Jong-Il would only result in a gigantic power vacuum which would almost definitely lead to an even more radical and corrupt military junta....china doesn't like the situation ( but its not about to send a task force against its ally and one of the largest standing armies in the world.)


my point is, the situation would have been fucked either way you look at it.....if we had let the Koreans fight it out themselves, the North Koreans would have surely won and to assume it would have been a socialist paradise contradicts most of the sino-soviet diplomacy from 1940s-present.

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Guest idrn
very simply they havnt got anywhere with diplomacy and theyre a total joke of a nation... so they start posturing with weapons to get on the world stage again.


what are you talking about .. ?? ... it's like blaming a bolt for being screwed in ...


... what are you talking about? bolts being screwed in?


to re-iterate... north korea have been totally isolated for a while... diplomacy having failed... and are are poor as fuck... probably made worse by the recession. if they play at being big serious nuclear badboys then theyre in the game again, the UN/west now giving more of a fuck. in practical terms, theyre probably hoping for some of that obama lovin' that iran finally got. ie. they are approached with a tone of measured diplomacy/respect and offered nice things in exchange for being good. "we will shake your hand if you un-clench your fist" rhetoric etc

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we isolated them .. created 'their own little world' ... their situation reflects our policies ... it would be a very different country now .. if not for this ...





tons of official Soviet documents were released from Stalin's era where both him and Mao wanted the DPRK on a permanent war economy basis...the Korean peninsula was meant to be a communist base within reach of Japan and nothing else...so to say it was only the Western world that encouraged the regime to grow is complete nonsense.


a change in our policies would be completely ineffective at this point anyway, its a lose-lose situation. all of the resources we send to the country are relocated by Kim Jong-Il's cadre to the top .05% of the population as a reward for their loyalty, and anything they claim to do for the benefit of the North Korean public is a complete joke of mismanagement and corruption (such as the over fertilization of river soils in 2000-2002 which led to runoff destroying what little crops the village communities had)


the removal or action against Kim Jong-Il would only result in a gigantic power vacuum which would almost definitely lead to an even more radical and corrupt military junta....china doesn't like the situation ( but its not about to send a task force against its ally and one of the largest standing armies in the world.)


my point is, the situation would have been fucked either way you look at it.....if we had let the Koreans fight it out themselves, the North Koreans would have surely won and to assume it would have been a socialist paradise contradicts most of the sino-soviet diplomacy from 1940s-present.


The only problem is...you have to go back a little bit further. Just a few years. Try 1948 (official date of split) or even actually 1945 (when the US and the Soviet UNion decided to say "hey, Korea doesn't matter, we can ignore the pre-japanese colonization boundaries and just split it in half.OK Comrade?")

In actual fact you can go back to when the US turned its back on Korea in 1905 and allowed Japan to declare it under Japanese provisional rule (after signing an agreement with Korea that it would protect it).

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