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Walter Cronkite's dead

Guest Mr Salads

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Guest my usernames always really suck

Why do I think of Augusto Pinochet's face whenever someone mentions Walter Cronkite?

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Fuck all those people saying "omg all those celebrity deaths".








Anyway, Walter had a great life, much better thanal tosecelebriety deadhs (hello fucking epedolfile MJ).



May he rest in peace, a true jourlalist that advanced human society a hundred fucking times better than anybody in the last decade wh9o fuckined diedl





;p.s.: fuck you ALL

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Guest beatfanatic


there needs to be another version of a site like that but instead of typing something into google it types it into wikipedia


yeah thats what i was thinking too, might as well link you to the wikipedia article.

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i honestly thought he was already dead, lol



all jokes aside I seriously thought he died like 7 years ago...i was sure of it...


either way...its a sad time, but the guy had lived a fucking LONG life...so good on him.

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His passing saddened me more than all the other 'celebrity' deaths over the past two months - this was truly a great man, who literally lived through the major events of the 20th century and brought them into people's homes. He was an honest, good man as well - something becoming increasingly rare these days.

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