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Watchmen: Director's Cut

Rubin Farr

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got this today but won't have a chance to watch it all the way thru til thursday. anyone else seen it yet, and what do you think of the extra footage? i know they put back in the death of the original Nite Owl, which helps push Ozymandias over the edge. i wasn't gonna wait for the extended cut in december, already got Tales of the Black Freighter anyway.

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Is it gonna be even longer? The theatre release was long and drawn out. Did not translate well to film.


Aside: Johntqs - is your avatar that guy from Boogie Nights?

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Guest JohnTqs

Is it gonna be even longer? The theatre release was long and drawn out. Did not translate well to film.


Aside: Johntqs - is your avatar that guy from Boogie Nights?


yes it is, in fact it's a still from the movie boogie nights

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made me dislike the film even more than I already did.....


fuck the adaptation....


Alan Moore is the man for not giving into hollywood's evil ways....



This film is is a nice attempt at rendering the impossible on film, but fails because it was impossible to actually put it onto film...

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Guest Stoppit

don't know if you guys are aware of this..




but if you're really into watchmen, you might want to hold off til this comes out

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Guest olson

this was not a good movie to begin with and i cant imagine a directors cut would be an improvement owing to the fact that zack snyder is a fuckin hack. pass.

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Is it gonna be even longer? The theatre release was long and drawn out. Did not translate well to film.


Yeah, it's three hours long.

I've never read the comic books so I guess my opinion is worth shit when I say that I loved it.

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Maybe I'm in the minority but I thought the film was a pretty good adaptation - I mean, I definitely missed the Tales of the Black Freighter part, as I felt like it was an important part of the overall story, but also understood why it got cut as it wasn't absolutely necessary to move the plot forward.


I mean, it's pretty much impossible to do much more that what was done - for the detractors, what would you have like to seen done different?

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

waiting for the full thing with the black freighter parts


there was an interesting interview with synder in the guardian yesterday about it

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch



"At the same time, I really wanted it to be marketed that way. I wanted people to think it's going to be a standard superhero movie, and then they're confronted by all these ideas. Because that's what the graphic novel did to me when I read it. Someone said to me: 'Hey you have to check out Watchmen, it's really cool.' And I read it, and I remember thinking: 'OK, this is going to be a cool graphic novel, with superheroes.' And then half way through - well less than half way - I found myself thinking: 'What's this? What's happening here?' And that was a cool experience for me, especially where I was in my graphic novel education. So I tried to bring that into the movie as much as I could."


It could have been so very different: Christian Bale as Dr Manhattan, the cyan superman of the Watchmen universe, Brad Pitt, perhaps, as Nite Owl, the liberal face of masked vigilantism. Who knows? Perhaps Angelina Jolie could have portrayed the slinky yet vulnerable Silk Spectre. Tom Cruise, in Collateral-style sociopath mode, might have made a passable Rorschach.


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got this today but won't have a chance to watch it all the way thru til thursday. anyone else seen it yet, and what do you think of the extra footage? i know they put back in the death of the original Nite Owl, which helps push Ozymandias over the edge. i wasn't gonna wait for the extended cut in december, already got Tales of the Black Freighter anyway.


wow so let me get this straight, they didn't make enough money off the Theatrical release so they have not just one, not just two but 3 post theatrical DVD releases for Watchmen.

the Black Freighter came first, then a 'directors cut' without the black freighter, then again in December they are doing a 3rd one with the black freighter? fucking A i feel sorry for everybody involved



I mean, it's pretty much impossible to do much more that what was done - for the detractors, what would you have like to seen done different?


uh maybe the fucking ENDING

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Nice point but not really a necessity to watch the film is it? Not everyone of the millions of people who watched Spider-man or Batman, would have ever read the comics would they? Watchmen being a less popular comic (more cult than anything?) I gave it a miss

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I mean, it's pretty much impossible to do much more that what was done - for the detractors, what would you have like to seen done different?


uh maybe the fucking ENDING


See, I can get where a lot of people would be PISSED about the ending, but it really didn't bother me too much at all. I suppose there's a marker between purists and I'm on the other side of that line. Would it have made the movie a lot better/worse if they followed the graphic novel to the letter in regards to the ending? Probably not. Would it have made the movie less of a blasphemy to purists? Probably so.

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I mean, it's pretty much impossible to do much more that what was done - for the detractors, what would you have like to seen done different?


uh maybe the fucking ENDING


See, I can get where a lot of people would be PISSED about the ending, but it really didn't bother me too much at all. I suppose there's a marker between purists and I'm on the other side of that line. Would it have made the movie a lot better/worse if they followed the graphic novel to the letter in regards to the ending? Probably not. Would it have made the movie less of a blasphemy to purists? Probably so.


(spoilers below)

i think it would have taken the movie's balls all the way instead of halfway, the movie tried to be edgy as fuck and be very dystopia esque so why not take it all the way with an actual creative traumatic event? a fucking blue energy burst? i mean i can't imagine a more boring way to decimate a major city. i think it could have elevated an otherwise bland poorly executed film to something much more memorable and timeless.

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If they stuck solely to the ending of the book I can see multiple threads about "that fake as fuck looking CG squid in the middle of NY city" not to mention all the people who hadn't read it completely losing respect for the film if it was pulled off shodily.

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I mean, it's pretty much impossible to do much more that what was done - for the detractors, what would you have like to seen done different?


uh maybe the fucking ENDING


See, I can get where a lot of people would be PISSED about the ending, but it really didn't bother me too much at all. I suppose there's a marker between purists and I'm on the other side of that line. Would it have made the movie a lot better/worse if they followed the graphic novel to the letter in regards to the ending? Probably not. Would it have made the movie less of a blasphemy to purists? Probably so.


(spoilers below)

i think it would have taken the movie's balls all the way instead of halfway, the movie tried to be edgy as fuck and be very dystopia esque so why not take it all the way with an actual creative traumatic event? a fucking blue energy burst? i mean i can't imagine a more boring way to decimate a major city. i think it could have elevated an otherwise bland poorly executed film to something much more memorable and timeless.


Yeah pretty much what Robbie said. This movie could have been fucking great. As it stands it's pretty much just meh.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch



Nice point but not really a necessity to watch the film is it? Not everyone of the millions of people who watched Spider-man or Batman, would have ever read the comics would they? Watchmen being a less popular comic (more cult than anything?) I gave it a miss


its not necessary but the film is based on the book and the film tries very hard to be accurate to the book (except the ending whatever). its widely acknowledged that the book is unfilmable, hence the film is flawed, hence the book is perfect hence READ THE FUCKING BOOK. imo it won't ruin your enjoyment of the movie. it will make it make more sense.


batman is different. batman makes sense on its own, some action sequences, a gruff voice and a cape i dunno. no one ever said batman was unfilmable.


the comic is great even if you don't like comics. the movie is ok if you like the comic (unless you read it a million times and like it too much then you'll hate it), if not i have no idea.

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