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PS3 Version Of Bayonetta Inferior To 360 Version


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Just to show that I'm not a Raging Sony Fanboy™, the upcoming game, Bayonetta (see video below) was recently demoed in Japan, and up until now, Sega (the publisher) and Platinum Games (the developer, made from ex-Capcom staff, along with the Devil May Cry producer) have shown the 360 version (as is the video below). Unfortunately, they showed the PS3 version at this demo, and it was blurry, the framerate was inconsistant, and looked inferior to the 360 version.


It comes out late October in Japan on PS3/360 (January in the US I recall), so I guess there's still time to polish it and fix these problems, but it makes me sad as I was looking forward to this game. There's a demo scheduled for the Japanese version, so perhaps that will show a more refined set of code compared to this one.



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sweet fancy moses the music in that was terrible.


And the story sounds awful.


but other than that . . . wait . . .can you come back to me?

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her clothing is made out of her own hair ffs.


i had not analyzed her clothing to that degree.



aren't hair shirts supposed to be uncomfortable? seems an odd wardrobe choice for world-saving, but, really, who am i to criticize?

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her clothing is made out of her own hair ffs.


i had not analyzed her clothing to that degree.



aren't hair shirts supposed to be uncomfortable? seems an odd wardrobe choice for world-saving, but, really, who am i to criticize?


i mean, it's made out of the hair that is attached to her head. and i think she can use her hair to make her transform into different things, according to a trailer i saw.

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xbox gets it right all the time. 1st time round.


No, lazy developers who think porting code written for the 360 will run the same on the PS3 just because it packs more horsepower. Should have done the development for PS3, and then ported it to the 360 - makes more sense from a programming standpoint.

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xbox gets it right all the time. 1st time round.



Except the thousands of overheating units.. that's something no console owner should have to deal with.



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her clothing is made out of her own hair ffs.


i had not analyzed her clothing to that degree.



aren't hair shirts supposed to be uncomfortable? seems an odd wardrobe choice for world-saving, but, really, who am i to criticize?


i mean, it's made out of the hair that is attached to her head. and i think she can use her hair to make her transform into different things, according to a trailer i saw.


i think mucus would be a more effective medium for this sort of application. what does her arch-enemy do, cause premature female-pattern baldness? if she transforms into different things, do they all have to have the same hair-do-as-clothing deal? this seems very poorly thought out. with all the fire being thrown around in that video i'd think the game would be packaged with a little aerosol can of burnt hair smell.

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xbox gets it right all the time. 1st time round.


No, lazy developers who think porting code written for the 360 will run the same on the PS3 just because it packs more horsepower. Should have done the development for PS3, and then ported it to the 360 - makes more sense from a programming standpoint.


reasons don't matter, it is the facts that matter.


so developers can't be arsed to do stuff properly for ps3... this doesn't reflect bad on developers it reflects bad on the ps3.

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xbox gets it right all the time. 1st time round.


No, lazy developers who think porting code written for the 360 will run the same on the PS3 just because it packs more horsepower. Should have done the development for PS3, and then ported it to the 360 - makes more sense from a programming standpoint.


reasons don't matter, it is the facts that matter.


so developers can't be arsed to do stuff properly for ps3... this doesn't reflect bad on developers it reflects bad on the ps3.


this is illogical

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uh no, let me clear it up for you. in the end, it is the ps3 and its users that pay the consequences, not the developers. got it?


No, developers pay the consequences too, when up to 50% or more of a games' revenue comes from the PS3 version - that's just plain stupid to release an inferior version.


of course it is easier to develop for the xbox, most of the hard work is already done /engines/applications are already present because years of windows legacy. Xbox is basically a windows pc. Ps3's disadvantage is that a lot has to be coded from the ground up, with release-schedules / deadlines this can mean crappier graphics. Sony fucked up.


No, Sony did not "fuck up" with making a console with a unique architecture - consoles have been doing that from day 1, including the original XBOX - the 360 is different in the respect you mentioned, it being close to programming for Windows (bar coding for specific hardware features), which does make it easier, and more familiar to program on. However, in the long run, the PS3 is more powerful, and it's already been proven there are games that just cannot be made on 360 without some major compromises, if at all. Plenty of games come out that are part and parcel the same as the 360 version, so it's been proven that you can port the same game from PS3 to 360, either by having the code originate on PS3 and then port to the 360, or have a PS3-specific team working on it at the same time. Sony provides developers with many tools to jump-start game development just like Microsoft does, but it does take more skill and effort to make a PS3 game due to the more advanced hardware.

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Oh, and the whole hair thing with Bayonetta is her hair covers her body, and as you do more brutal magic attacks (with the hair being possessed by her magic), more of her body gets exposed. The game is meant to be over the top and feature insane set-pieces to play though; that was one reason I was looking forward to this game. Hopefully SEGA and Platinum Games will clean up the PS3 code to get it in parity with what they've done on the 360 version, or they will lose sales on the PS3, especially in Japan where 360 sales are nominal at best most of the time.

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