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ive discovered a vast xltronic conspiracy


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first i ask that the administrators block anyone with ip from sweden from viewing this topic in the interest of secretcy. as you are about to learn there is avast conspiracy originating on the web site xltronic.com with its webmaster known as "phobiazero" who is in sweden. thank you adminsitrators. if you have any members suspected fo being spys from xltronic.com also please block them from viewing this topic immediately.


ok all you gotta do to see somethings strange at xltronic is go there. the site has been falling apart for years and the user phobiazero himeslf never logs in actually. nor do the mods who are appointed by phobiazero. but i really started getting suspicious when i noticed on the xltronic home page there were "links" with text getdropbox.com going to sites that are not that site and dont exist. it is the typicaly technique ofa scammer or hacker so this leaves 2 possiblitys either phobiazero has been taken control of by hackers or phobiazero is a hacker himself. either of thse ios just as bad it doesnt matter. what matters is that xltronic is now under the control of a hacker scammer which explains how minimal effort is put into making the site good cuz these are people who are lookiong to make money quick and easy. and what is the best way to make money quick and easy it is google adverts which phobiazero loves a lot. but you dont get anyone to click on your site unless you got people posting on there. of course everyone knows there are lots of "dupes" or "duplicate accounts" on xltronic but there identitys remains a secret.... until now. i belive that at least 1/2 of all the active xltronic posters are dupes created by phobiazero himself. how else is it possible that these dupes excist cuz in his own rules it says dupes are banned. so now hes got a website with self created activity that draws in more posters who are unware that there posting with only 1 person. now where does this getdropbox.com come in... well i am not so sure but i know that many phobiazero dupes have promoted this site. i dont know how it works cuz trying it would be like stepping into a nuclear contaminated zone but its definately phase 2 of phobiazeros plan. i think you gotta download something and who knows what it does. maybe it steals your paypal and give the money to phobiazero or it hijacks your computer to click on the google ads like a 1000 times i dunno but its surely bad. you might ask what happend to the mods (they used to be real people posting back int he day and the mods had real power this was phase 0 of phobizeros plan) well once they started getting suspicious i bet phobiazero started banning them (or worse) to silence them


you might ask where does watmm come into this. well that is right now. the fact is there are REAL PEOPLE who love excelent electornic music still posting on xltronic and they need you to make them aware of what is going on. ive been keeping my appearance normal looking so phobiazeros dupes wont suspect me of anything and cuz just 1 dude cant do much but with the power of numbers of watmm maybe the real people can be convinces. however phobiazeros dupes and hijacked computers may try to mess everything up so i ask the webmaster develop a computer program to scan your computer for phobiazero infections that everyone posting on watmm must have installed. before you can reg you must install this program to scan for phobiazero. and if you are a phobazero dupe/hijacked computer you are blocked from this site. thanks

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shit, i'd believe it. 3/4s of the topics on xltronics is somebodie's dumb name variation on an already existing topic. Most threads are like:

"hey whats up!?"

"blah blah afx twins"

"fuck you!"

<insert stupid nonsensical image>

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some breaking news from general banter - there is apparently a vast xltronic conspiracy in effect. and who does it affect? why, the answer is you.

here's elmer fudd, from general banter, with more on the story:


ATTENTION WATTMEWS!!! fiwst i ask that the administwatows bwock anyone wif ip fwom sweden fwom viewing this topic in the intewest of secwetcy. as you awe about to weawn thewe is avast conspiwacy owiginating on the web site xwtwonic.com wif its webmastew known as "phobiazewo" who is in sweden, uh-hah-hah-hah. thank you adminsitwatows. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! if you have any membews suspected fo being spys fwom xwtwonic.com awso pwease bwock them fwom viewing this topic immediatewy.


we're handing over now to the swedish chef from the muppets, who i believe has an inside source on the story:


k ell yuoo gutta du tu see-a sumetheengs strunge-a et xltruneec is gu zeere-a. zee seete-a hes beee felleeng epert fur yeers und zee user phubeeezeru heemeslff nefer lugs in ectooelly. Bork bork bork! nur du zee muds vhu ere-a eppueented by phubeeezeru. boot i reelly sterted getteeng soospeeciuoos vhee i nuteeced oon zee xltruneec hume-a pege-a zeere-a vere-a "leenks" veet text getdrupbux.cum gueeng tu seetes thet ere-a nut thet seete-a und dunt ixeest. Um de hur de hur de hur. it is zee typeecely techneeqooe-a ooffa scemmer oor hecker su thees leefes 2 pusseeblitys ieezeer phubeeezeru hes beee tekee cuntrul ooff by heckers oor phubeeezeru is a hecker heemselff. ieezeer ooff thse-a ius joost es bed it duesnt metter. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! vhet metters is thet xltruneec is noo under zee cuntrul ooff a hecker scemmer vheech ixpleeens hoo meenimel iffffurt is poot intu mekeeng zee seete-a guud cooz zeese-a ere-a peuple-a vhu ere-a luukeeung tu meke-a muney qooeeck und iesy. Bork bork bork! und vhet is zee best vey tu meke-a muney qooeeck und iesy it is guugle-a edferts vheech phubeeezeru lufes a lut. Um de hur de hur de hur. boot yuoo dunt get unyune-a tu cleeck oon yuoor seete-a unless yuoo gut peuple-a pusteeng oon zeere-a. ooff cuoorse-a iferyune-a knoos zeere-a ere-a luts ooff "doopes" oor "doopleecete-a eccuoonts" oon xltruneec boot zeere-a identeetys remeeens a secret. Um de hur de hur de hur.... unteel noo. i beleefe-a thet et leest 1/2 ooff ell zee ecteefe-a xltruneec pusters ere-a doopes creeted by phubeeezeru heemselff. hoo ilse-a is it pusseeble-a thet zeese-a doopes ixceest cooz in hees oovn rooles it seys doopes ere-a bunned. Bork bork bork! su noo hes gut a vebseete-a veet selff creeted ecteefity thet drevs in mure-a pusters vhu ere-a unvere-a thet zeere-a pusteeng veet oonly 1 persun. Bork bork bork! noo vhere-a dues thees getdrupbux.cum cume-a in. Bork bork bork!.. vell i em nut su soore-a boot i knoo thet muny phubeeezeru doopes hefe-a prumuted thees seete-a. i dunt knoo hoo it vurks cooz tryeeng it vuoold be-a leeke-a steppeeng intu a noocleer cuntemeeneted zune-a boot its deffeenetely phese-a 2 ooff phubeeezerus plun. i theenk yuoo gutta doonlued sumetheeng und vhu knoos vhet it dues. Um gesh dee bork, bork! meybe-a it steels yuoor peypel und geefe-a zee muney tu phubeeezeru oor it heejecks yuoor cumpooter tu cleeck oon zee guugle-a eds leeke-a a 1000 teemes i doonnu boot its soorely bed. Bork bork bork! yuoo meeght esk vhet heppend tu zee muds (zeey used tu be-a reel peuple-a pusteeng beck int he-a dey und zee muds hed reel pooer thees ves phese-a 0 ooff phubeezerus plun) vell oonce-a zeey sterted getteeng soospeeciuoos i bet phubeeezeru sterted bunneeng zeem (oor vurse-a) tu seelence-a zeem


thanks for that, swedish chef. i really must learn your actual name one day. for the last word on the matter, we'll go to the source on the story, MetallicaDude:


you mite ask whehe does watmm come into dis. webuhll dat is rite now. the, uh uh uh, fack is dehe are REAL PEOPLE who lobe excelent eleckornic music still postigg on xltronic 'n dey neid you t' make dem aware of what is goigg on. ibe been keepigg my appearass normal lookigg so phobiazehos dupes wont suspeck me of anydigg 'n cuz dgust 1 dude cant do much but wid de powebuhr of numbehehs of watmm maybe de real peoble can be conbisss. Duh.howebuhbeh phobiazehos dupes 'n hidgackid c'pootrs may try t' mess ebehydigg up so i ask the, uh, the webmasteh debelop a c'pootr program t' scan your c'pootr f' phobiazeho infeckions dat ebehyone postigg on watmm must habe installed. bef'e you can reg you must install dis program t' scan f' phobiazeho. and if you are a phobazeho dupe/hidgackid c'pootr you are blockid from dis site. danks


for WATMM news, this is ted koppel with a squirrel on his head.

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