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McDonald's and Burger King both turning into Starbuck's

Rubin Farr

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i was in new york a couple of months ago and learned that american coffee (well, ny coffee atleast) sucks ballsack no matter where you get it.

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i was in new york a couple of months ago and learned that american coffee (well, ny coffee atleast) sucks ballsack no matter where you get it.


You have to try really hard to find good coffee on the east coast. Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco have great coffee because you can grow it year round.


And with that said, Dunkin Donuts > Starbucks. At least DD isn't trying to convince you they're not a money hungry corporation.

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You have to try really hard to find good coffee on the east coast. Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco have great coffee because you can grow it year round.


And with that said, Dunkin Donut's sausage, egg, and cheese croissant > Starbucks. At least DD isn't trying to convince you they're not a money hungry corporation.

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I've just seen mcdonalds upgrade their coffee machines in the last year or so...and it's actually alright and a lot cheaper than Starbucks.


Oh well, I live in a state with Whataburger, so this is all irrelevant to me for the most part.


Amen, fellow Texas brother. Who needs to worry about McDonalds when you have the best burger in the Southwest.


And McDonald's new coffee offerings are not only cheaper than Starbucks, but they're better tasting, as verified by independent taste tests.


ehh, yea, whatever. people just like good coffee. Starbucks is good coffee. McDonalds' coffee is good coffee. there's really not much more to it.


Well, the one thing I do like about McDonald's approach to coffee is they're not selling a "attitude" or "lifestyle" like Starbucks is... they're just selling coffee, and using appropriate advertising and visuals to help sell it. I doubt anyone who drinks McDonald's coffee hangs out inside after getting it.





I drink coffee daily, brewed at home. When I go to Starbucks, it's to buy a frappacino, which is absurd thing to buy from a "coffeeshop" anyway. I've had McDonalds coffee in college b/c it was the only place open and on the way to work.


Here in Austin, TX there are a ton of local cafes and coffee shops with a loyal customer base of anti-corporate folks, counter-culture types, university students, hippies, hipsters, granolas, foodies, etc. Most shops are going broke because so many alt lifestyle consumers hang out, use wi-fi all day, and never buy more than a cup of coffee.


My point? People like tasty coffee and enough don't give a shit about who sells it. BK and McDonalds got smart and hell, good for them for outdoing Starbucks. As an alternative, most American towns have at least a local cafe. Or a gas station. I saw Fast Food Nation and still eat fast food on occasion. The problem are not the restaurants, it's fucktard lazy Americans; anyone who saw Idiocracy knows what I mean.

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Guest abusivegeorge

McDonalds coffee is caffeine free.





nonsense as usual


Did you just sigh at the internets? lol

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