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Weed brownies/butter advice


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This is my first time making them, Im very excited and anxious at the same time..



Basically I have a little over a quarter of old ass weed just sitting in my room, I don't really smoke anymore, but I want to use what little THC is left in those guys..I know most recipes call for about half an ounce, but couldnt i cut the recipe in half with a quarters worth? i really dont want the hassle of having to go buy more weed.


anyway, i heard basically what you do is you want to mix weed into cooking oil? as its easier to mix into the brownie batter?


and basically heat it on the lowest flame setting possible for about 2-3 hours/



is this accurate?


theo would be helpful for this, but i know there has to be plenty other people here that have done it.

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dont use oil unless you have to, as the fat content isnt as high as it is in butter, and thats what your thc sinks into. I'd suggest putting a large pot of water to boil and putting metal bowl over it, use this to melt your butter, and then add your greens. Stir it for like an hour, then let it sit and let the butter solidify, then put it back on the boil and repeat for 2-24 hours

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mix the weed into REAL butter. Fuck cooking oil. Use that butter in your brownie mix.


1/4 lb of butter (real butter)

1/4 oz of Marijuana




Melt the butter in a sauce pan to boiling.

Add the marijuana and let boil until the butter has turned green from the marijuana.

Pour butter through a strainer to remove all the pieces of marijuana.

Chill until solid.


You may have to use less brownie mix.

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Guest AOOproductions

mix the weed into REAL butter. Fuck cooking oil. Use that butter in your brownie mix.


1/4 lb of butter (real butter)

1/4 oz of Marijuana




Melt the butter in a sauce pan to boiling.

Add the marijuana and let boil until the butter has turned green from the marijuana.

Pour butter through a strainer to remove all the pieces of marijuana.

Chill until solid.


You may have to use less brownie mix.

I thought that if u keep the little weed pieces in, that is if you have a nice grinder and really grind them up well... that it can help or at the worst doesn't really make a difference?

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mix the weed into REAL butter. Fuck cooking oil. Use that butter in your brownie mix.


1/4 lb of butter (real butter)

1/4 oz of Marijuana




Melt the butter in a sauce pan to boiling.

Add the marijuana and let boil until the butter has turned green from the marijuana.

Pour butter through a strainer to remove all the pieces of marijuana.

Chill until solid.


You may have to use less brownie mix.

I thought that if u keep the little weed pieces in, that is if you have a nice grinder and really grind them up well... that it can help or at the worst doesn't really make a difference?


I wouldn't know. I just break it up as fine as possible, then strain later.

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i think making weed brownies is a bad idea if youve never done it before and your goal is to get high. I find that even the skilled brownie maker looses quite a bit of potency when turning marijuana into edibles this way.


if you want to get the most massive bang for your buck i recommend just frying up the ground up weed in olive oil on medium heat (butter or real butter not required) then spreading it onto bread like toast once the oil starts turning a golden brown tint. it won't taste that bad and youll get super fucking high, you can also save some of the weed for later and not use the entire 1/4 all at once( i think a lot of people make the mistake of trying to make a whole batch of brownies at the expense of making too many not very potent brownies where you have lost a lot of thc). I recommend this method if you don't feel the need to make an entire batch of brownies and you just want to get fucked up real quick &hard on edible marijuana


mix the weed into REAL butter. Fuck cooking oil. Use that butter in your brownie mix.


1/4 lb of butter (real butter)

1/4 oz of Marijuana




Melt the butter in a sauce pan to boiling.

Add the marijuana and let boil until the butter has turned green from the marijuana.

Pour butter through a strainer to remove all the pieces of marijuana.

Chill until solid.


You may have to use less brownie mix.

I thought that if u keep the little weed pieces in, that is if you have a nice grinder and really grind them up well... that it can help or at the worst doesn't really make a difference?


removing the pieces of marijuana is for flavor reasons, but i actually enjoy the taste of dried marijuana and i feel like if you remove all of it youre losing some of the THC as well. if you dont mind the taste, then leave it all in.


dont use oil unless you have to, as the fat content isnt as high as it is in butter, and thats what your thc sinks into. I'd suggest putting a large pot of water to boil and putting metal bowl over it, use this to melt your butter, and then add your greens. Stir it for like an hour, then let it sit and let the butter solidify, then put it back on the boil and repeat for 2-24 hours


i haven't really noticed a difference between using butter and thick vegetable oil (like olive) personally, but im sure this is technically true.

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@ Awepittance - That's why I said to use less brownie mix. No more than half. maybe less.


yeah i mean he asked for brownies, your advice is good , i just think a lot of people trying to make marijuana food for the first time automatically think 'brownies' because its the most popular method, but for a first time attempt you can make a lot of mistakes, its better imo to go a more direct route just fry up the pot and eat the pot with the oil/butter with no other ingredients. but i can see how this may be very disgusting to a lot of people. with a little balsamic vinegar on some sourdough bread i find pretty pretty pretty good

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i used to just grind up my hash/weed (half a gram, or whatever i'd use in a joint) and throw it in a small cup.


cover with your cooking oil of choice (sunflower is nice because of its high smoking point so it won't burn as quickly as olive oil).


then microwave it at max power (900 watt) for a minute or so, til you see smoke coming out of the cup. immediately take it out of the microwave and throw the oil in a small glass of water and chug it down.


that's about as basic and as efficient as it gets, but tastes nasty of course so you can consider straining the oil and using it for cooking in any recipe that would match its bitterly grassy taste (when using weed) or its sandy spicy taste (when using hash).

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@ Awepittance - That's why I said to use less brownie mix. No more than half. maybe less.


yeah i mean he asked for brownies, your advice is good , i just think a lot of people trying to make marijuana food for the first time automatically think 'brownies' because its the most popular method, but for a first time attempt you can make a lot of mistakes, its better imo to go a more direct route just fry up the pot and eat the pot with the oil/butter with no other ingredients. but i can see how this may be very disgusting to a lot of people. with a little balsamic vinegar on some sourdough bread i find pretty pretty pretty good


I agree with all this. Even the bread spread.


Now MY question is this. Can you do this with pot of any quality? I hear if you use FIRE FIRE weed, you waste some. Also, say I had some FIRE FIRE weed, how much should I use for 2 decent portions?

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Bleaugh, the thought of weed brownies makes me feel quite sick now - It used to be my 'catalyst' of choice back in't day but the bitter taste mixed with the lovely chocolaty brownies really didn't sit well on my stomach and I'd always be close to gagging. Mischief pasta bake with a nice creamy sauce and lots of cheese on the other hand, mmmmmmmmmm-mongy-scrumbles !


Me attempting to play Noby Noby Boy after such a meal -> :gamer:

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how much should I use for 2 decent portions?

half of what you'd use if you'd smoke it.


ibeen eating moroccan hash (and occasionally some weed) for years and i still find it more potent eaten than smoked. also, if you eat a fat-rich meal half an hour after ingesting you'll have more lipid binding which comes with a nice boost in potency and a quicker onset.

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Guest AOOproductions

Honestly, unless your buying a brownie as a stand alone thing. I would never do this. I mean if your using a half O... I want 14 blunts, not 14 brownies... thats just me though. And if not 14 blunts than 28 joints or bong packs.

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Guest Drahken

i must have a weird metabolism because i've tried eating hash over 5 times with little result. one time i ate an 1/8th of cold water hash and i felt like i smoked 1 toke of average weed.


I'm probably talking out my ass, and I hage disseminating bunk hippie lore I'm not sure about, but I believe that you need a carrier for it to properly absorb in your stomach. I've heard drinking a glass of warmed milk does the trick. Something about the gastric response to dairy allows for proper absorption, I dunno. Again, I can't recall where I heard this, and it sounds like some hippie folk tale like making acid from Foster's beer.

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