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Guest Rightsidedrive


Yes, honestly though I was all up in that roald dahl, first started with the vicar of nibbleswich or something like that. You know hes been involved alot in cinema, he wrote one of the bond scripts, and then charlie..., and jame and the giant..., and gremlins, that was adapted from one of his stories. Roald dahl is scrumdiddlyumptious. :pedobear::facepalm::shuriken: and now, fantastic mr fox, lets hope they dont fuck that one up too bad, bad damn that was really a heartwarming story, like no other. Obviously, the illustrator Quentin Blake gets half the credit, they really worked great together.

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Fantastic Mr. Fox by Wes Anderson and Where the Wild Things Are by Spyke Jonez ugh, such a festering pile of uninteresting hipster garbage. lol.


fuck you you miser, i read the fantastic mr fox about 30 times when i was 8 and loved it every time.

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troon you seem up late often like me... huh




up early and up late, it fluctuates. certain pieces of information that i have found,

been given and adapted into my lifestyle allow me extra energy resources, free of the

side affects of many narcotic substances and main-stream performance

and mood enhancers. there are many substances that are built into

our system i utilize, designed to time and trigger release, also substances available outside the system

that are only able to be truly taken advantage of if unlocked with a certain process or

utilized in just the right form, combination or timing.


i hope to one day find sleep and food to have no real use for me in this life.

to be able to make use of that extra time and saved expenses in efficient ways.

there are many throughout history who have experimented with aspects of

what i am talking about, Leonardo Di Vinci and Einstein to name a few.

they were also both vegetarians, proper diet is important in letting

go of things on this level. at first it is sometimes hard to grasp the

idea of not having an experience or a thing because at first

it seems as though there is nothing bigger that we are receiving

in it's place. once we receive that larger enjoyment or reward then

the former becomes superfluous. now i'm not saying to just stop eating

and sleeping, there is alot of esoteric knowledge that is needed to truly

graduate to these ways of living (and to be truly satisfied in ourselves when we do),

also it takes years of work (7 tears is about the least amount of time to transition)

...but i am saying that these extra rewards are there and accessible to us

if we dedicate ourselves to a genuine search in the right directions.


many other hidden abilities also are available if we search with faith

instead of constant reliance on proof.


i know you probable where not expecting this large answer about such a

small query.....but there it is.


what is the reasoning behind your sleep and waking schedules? :smile:

do you have a certain pattern or just random?



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Where The Wild Things Are




Winnie The Pooh




Fantastic Mr. Fox by Wes Anderson and Where the Wild Things Are by Spyke Jonez ugh, such a festering pile of uninteresting hipster garbage. lol.


fuck you you miser, i read the fantastic mr fox about 30 times when i was 8 and loved it every time.



hear hear1 I forgot to put Roald Dahl on my list. Doh!


He is great!

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I used to like (and still do like):


Uncle books by JP Martin

William books by Richmal Crompton

Rupert the bear

The Great Brain by John Dennis Fitzgerald

Brer Rabbit stories

Winnie the Pooh by AA Milne

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