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my dog milo got hit by a car and died tonight

Guest petr

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i can't believe this is happening.


he was out on my watch and he strayed down the driveway and got hit by a car.


i heard a honk and went running down the driveway and saw him lying in the middle of the road. he was covered in blood and looked horrible, i cant get the image out of my mind. he was so small. there was no car in sight. hit and run. i threw my jacket over him and picked him up like a baby and then cried/screamed in the middle of the street.


why is this happening?


he was so small he was going to turn two on december 1st. he wasn't even two. he was the best dog. why i am losing everything





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Guest analogue wings

Most people here mean well, but your family and friends can support you much better than WATMM can. Go and be with them. Take care.

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Most people here mean well, but your family and friends can support you much better than WATMM can. Go and be with them. Take care.


this is the best advice. the internet is not an acceptable support structure

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thats pretty horrible. i think its true that bad things tend to happen in groups. also -


Most people here mean well, but your family and friends can support you much better than WATMM can. Go and be with them. Take care.

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maybe you should change your avatar. and meet some people in the flesh, cause it looks like you are dealing with some real shit at the moment, and the internet is not a real place. just consider it. i had a dog when i was 12 and it died, and i couldn't go to school for a week.

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maybe you should change your avatar. and meet some people in the flesh, cause it looks like you are dealing with some real shit at the moment, and the internet is not a real place. just consider it. i had a dog when i was 12 and it died, and i couldn't go to school for a week.


i am with people in the fucking flesh, i am not some loser who only reaches out to an internet forum it is just ONE of my outlets and imn also writig about it here because i actually know some people from this forum IN PERSON and some people who i respect their opinion and want to hear from FUCK

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Guest abusivegeorge

There is nothing anyone can say right now that's going to make you feel any better. Empathy and sympathy we feel, but it's going to have no baring on your feelings. Sorry :(.

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Guest Space Coyote

My sympathies to a fellow WATMMer in this dark time. I know it's almost offensive to be told 'you will get past this' when you're feeling how you're feeling but you have to keep in mind you won't feel like this forever and that at the same time you might not feel much differant for a while, and that's normal for these circumstances.

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